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Flask -- 内容管理系统



# 把TOPIC存在一个字典里,key为关键字,value为二维数组
# TOPIC_DICT['Django'][0]为Title,TOPIC_DICT['Django'][1]为URL
# 这样可以只在这里修改内容就行 def Content(): TOPIC_DICT = { "Django": [ ["Part 1: Requests and responses", "/tutorial01/"], ["Part 2: Models and the admin site", "/tutorial02/"], ["Part 3: Views and templates ", "/tutorial03/"], ["Part 4: Forms and generic views", "/tutorial04/"], ["Part 5: Testing","/tutorial05/"], ["Part 6: Static files", "/tutorial06/"], ["Part 7: Customizing the admin site", "/tutorial07/"], ], "Flask": [        ... ] } return TOPIC_DICT


from content_manager import Content

TOPIC_LIST = Content()

... return render_template('some.html', TOPIC_LIST=TOPIC_LIST)


{% for topic in TOPIC_LIST['Django'] %}

  <li><a href="{{ topic[1] }}">{{ topic[0] }}</a></li>

{% endfor %}


posted @ 2016-04-27 22:15  Roronoa__Zoro  阅读(535)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报