渗透利器-kali工具 (第四章-6) 爬虫编写
- 从官方文档学习模块
- 实战爬取数据
- 脚本实现爬取url
help(name) 很详细的模块文档
help(range) 很详细的类的文档
help(time.localtime()) 很详细的函数文档
print(time.__doc__) 较详细的模块文档
print(time.localtime().__doc__) 较详细的函数文档
print(range.__doc__) 较详细的类的文档
dir(requests) 将requests模块的方法显示出来
print(dri(time)) 简略的模块函数显示
print(dir(time.localtime())) 简略的函数参数显示
print(dir(range)) 简略的类构造函数参数显示
把光标放在要查询的对象上,打开视图菜单,quick definition查看对象的定义
quick documentation 快速文档,这个是jet brains自己对Python的解释文档
第三个external documentation 外部文档,这个是Python的官方帮助文档,跳转到网页帮助文档中。
import re 筛选所要的内容
import requests 网路请求模块[获取网页信息]
from urllib import error 异常模块
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup 解析网页内容
import os 文件操作模块
import re import requests from urllib import error from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import os num = 0 numPicture = 0 file = ' ' List = [] def Find(url): global List print('正在检测图片总数量,稍等...') t = 0 i = 1 s = 0 while t < 1000: Url = url +str(t) try: Result = requests.get(Url,timeout = 7) except BaseException: t = t + 60 continue else: result = Result.text pic_url = re.findall('"objURL":"(.*?)",',result,re.S) s += len(pic_url) if len(pic_url) == 0: break else: List.append(pic_url) t = t + 60 return s def recommend(url): Re = [] try: html = requests.get(url) except error.HTTPError as e: return else: html.encoding = 'utf-8' bsobj = BeautifulSoup(html.text,'html.parser') div = bsobj.find('div',id='topRS') if div is not None: listA = div.findAll('a') for i in listA: if i is not None: Re.append(i.get_text()) return Re def dowmloadPicture(html,keyword): global num pic_url = re.findall('"objURL":"(.*?)",',html,re.S) print('找到关键词:' + keyword + '的图片,即将开始下载...') for each in pic_url: print('正在下载第' + str(num + 1) + '张图,图片地址:' + str(each)) try: if each is not None: pic = requests.get(each,timeout=7) else: continue except BaseException: print('错了,当前图片不能下载') continue else: string = file + r'\\' +keyword + '_' +str(num) +'.jpg' fp = open(string,'wb') fp.write(pic.content) fp.close() num += 1 if num >= numPicture: return if __name__ == '__main__': word = input("请输入搜索关键词(可以是人名,地名等):") url='http://image.baidu.com/search/flip?tn=baiduimage&ie=utf-8&word='+word+'&pn=' tot=Find(url) Recommend=recommend(url)# 记录相关推荐 print('经过检测%s类图片共有%d张'%(word,tot)) numPicture=int(input('请输入想要下载的图片数量')) file=input('请建立一个存储图片的文件夹,输入文件夹名称即可') y=os.path.exists(file) if y == 1: print('该文件已存在,请重新输入') file=input('请建立一个存储图片的文件夹,输入文件夹名称即可') else: os.mkdir(file) # while True: # file = input('请建立一个存储图片的文件夹,输入文件夹名称即可') # if os.path.exists(file): # continue # else: # break # file = 'D:/pythonlianxi/web_png' t=0 tmp=url while t< numPicture: try: url=tmp + str(t) result=requests.get(url,timeout=10) print(url) except error.HTTPError as e: print('网络错误,请调整网络后重试') t = t+60 else: dowmloadPicture(result.text,word) t = t + 60 print('你还想看') for re in Recommend: print(re,end=" ")
使用命令: web_pc.py -p 页数 -t 线程 -o 文件名 关键词
关键字:可是使用Google Hacking语法
import requests,re,threading,time from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs from queue import Queue from argparse import ArgumentParser arg = ArgumentParser(description='baidu_url_collection') arg.add_argument('keyword',help='inurl:.asp?id=1') arg.add_argument('-p', '--page', help='page count', dest='pagecount', type=int) arg.add_argument('-t', '--thread', help='the thread_count', dest='thread_count', type=int, default=10) arg.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', help='the file save result', dest='outfile', default='result.txt') result = arg.parse_args() headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; The World)'} class Bd_url(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, que): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self._que = que def run(self): while not self._que.empty(): URL = self._que.get() try: self.bd_url_collect(URL) except Exception as e: print ('Exception: ',e) pass def bd_url_collect(self, url): r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=5) soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml', from_encoding='utf-8') bqs = soup.find_all(name='a', attrs={'data-click':re.compile(r'.'), 'class':None}) for bq in bqs: r = requests.get(bq['href'], headers=headers, timeout=5) if r.status_code == 200: print(r.url) with open(result.outfile, 'a+') as f: f.write(r.url + '\n') # result.outfile.close() def main(): thread = [] thread_count = result.thread_count que = Queue() for i in range(0,(result.pagecount)): que.put('https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=' + result.keyword + '&pn=' + str(i)) for i in range(thread_count): thread.append(Bd_url(que)) for i in thread: i.start() for i in thread: i.join() if __name__ == '__main__': start = time.perf_counter() main() end = time.perf_counter()