Golang Image
本文对golang中image包的用法和底层实现进行了总结和探究。包含内容如下: 1. 第一部分,介绍image的基本使用。 2. 第二部分,结合golang中image的源码和图片文件相关基础知识,对golang image的底层机制进行了探究和分析。
Golang Image包的基本使用
Golang官方文档(https://golang.org/pkg/image/)对Image包的介绍为:Package image implements a basic 2-D image library.
The fundamental interface is called Image. An Image contains colors, which are described in the image/color package.
包的介绍文档开头说到:Values of the Image interface are created either by calling functions such as NewRGBA and NewPaletted, or by calling Decode on an io.Reader containing image data in a format such as GIF, JPEG or PNG. Decoding any particular image format requires the prior registration of a decoder function. Registration is typically automatic as a side effect of initializing that format's package so that, to decode a PNG image, it suffices to have
import _ "image/png"
func Example_decodeConfig() {
reader := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, strings.NewReader(data))
config, format, err := image.DecodeConfig(reader)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Width:", config.Width, "Height:", config.Height, "Format:", format)
func Example() {
// Decode the JPEG data. If reading from file, create a reader with
// reader, err := os.Open("testdata/video-001.q50.420.jpeg")
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// defer reader.Close()
reader := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, strings.NewReader(data))
m, _, err := image.Decode(reader)
if err != nil {
bounds := m.Bounds()
// Calculate a 16-bin histogram for m's red, green, blue and alpha components.
// An image's bounds do not necessarily start at (0, 0), so the two loops start
// at bounds.Min.Y and bounds.Min.X. Looping over Y first and X second is more
// likely to result in better memory access patterns than X first and Y second.
var histogram [16][4]int
for y := bounds.Min.Y; y < bounds.Max.Y; y++ {
for x := bounds.Min.X; x < bounds.Max.X; x++ {
r, g, b, a := m.At(x, y).RGBA()
// A color's RGBA method returns values in the range [0, 65535].
// Shifting by 12 reduces this to the range [0, 15].
// Print the results.
fmt.Printf("%-14s %6s %6s %6s %6s\n", "bin", "red", "green", "blue", "alpha")
for i, x := range histogram {
fmt.Printf("0x%04x-0x%04x: %6d %6d %6d %6d\n", i<<12, (i+1)<<12-1, x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3])
// Output:
// bin red green blue alpha
// 0x0000-0x0fff: 364 790 7242 0
// 0x1000-0x1fff: 645 2967 1039 0
// 0x2000-0x2fff: 1072 2299 979 0
// 0x3000-0x3fff: 820 2266 980 0
// 0x4000-0x4fff: 537 1305 541 0
// 0x5000-0x5fff: 319 962 261 0
// 0x6000-0x6fff: 322 375 177 0
// 0x7000-0x7fff: 601 279 214 0
// 0x8000-0x8fff: 3478 227 273 0
// 0x9000-0x9fff: 2260 234 329 0
// 0xa000-0xafff: 921 282 373 0
// 0xb000-0xbfff: 321 335 397 0
// 0xc000-0xcfff: 229 388 298 0
// 0xd000-0xdfff: 260 414 277 0
// 0xe000-0xefff: 516 428 298 0
// 0xf000-0xffff: 2785 1899 1772 15450
const data = `
Y2NjY2NjY2Nj ....`
Example_decodeConfig展示了调用image.DecodeConfig得到了图片的宽、高以及格式。传入的参数reader通过base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, strings.NewReader(data))得到。其实就是把末尾的常量data通过strings.NewReader包装成io.reader并通过base64解码为二进制的io.reader。base64是一种算法,可将字节流转换为可打印字符流,想详细了解base64可以参考http://www.sunshine2k.de/articles/coding/base64/understanding_base64.html。
// Image is a finite rectangular grid of color.Color values taken from a color
// model.
type Image interface {
// ColorModel returns the Image's color model.
ColorModel() color.Model
// Bounds returns the domain for which At can return non-zero color.
// The bounds do not necessarily contain the point (0, 0).
Bounds() Rectangle
// At returns the color of the pixel at (x, y).
// At(Bounds().Min.X, Bounds().Min.Y) returns the upper-left pixel of the grid.
// At(Bounds().Max.X-1, Bounds().Max.Y-1) returns the lower-right one.
At(x, y int) color.Color
该接口定义了三个方法,ColorModel, Bounds和At。
// Model can convert any Color to one from its own color model. The conversion
// may be lossy.
type Model interface {
Convert(c Color) Color
// A Rectangle contains the points with Min.X <= X < Max.X, Min.Y <= Y < Max.Y.
// It is well-formed if Min.X <= Max.X and likewise for Y. Points are always
// well-formed. A rectangle's methods always return well-formed outputs for
// well-formed inputs.
// A Rectangle is also an Image whose bounds are the rectangle itself. At
// returns color.Opaque for points in the rectangle and color.Transparent
// otherwise.
type Rectangle struct {
Min, Max Point
// A Point is an X, Y coordinate pair. The axes increase right and down.
type Point struct {
X, Y int
// Color can convert itself to alpha-premultiplied 16-bits per channel RGBA.
// The conversion may be lossy.
type Color interface {
// RGBA returns the alpha-premultiplied red, green, blue and alpha values
// for the color. Each value ranges within [0, 0xffff], but is represented
// by a uint32 so that multiplying by a blend factor up to 0xffff will not
// overflow.
// An alpha-premultiplied color component c has been scaled by alpha (a),
// so has valid values 0 <= c <= a.
RGBA() (r, g, b, a uint32)
|
Golang用uint32来表示每个通道,实际上值的范围是[0, 0xffff],只用到了16位,剩下的16位适用于保证乘上透明度后alpha后不会溢出。
透明通道在渲染的时候通过 Alpha Blending 产生作用,如果一个透明度为 as 的颜色 Cs 渲染到颜色 Cd 上,混合后的颜色通过以下公式计算:
Co = asCs + (1 − as)Cd
在旧的固定功能中,这称为“ SourceAlpha,InvSourceAlpha”;也称为“后乘Alpha”。
例如两个相邻像素(通道均为8位):(255, 0, 0,153)红色和白色(255, 255, 255 ,0)要进行混合,把红色的渲染到白色,
Co = (255, 0, 0) * 0.6 + (255, 255, 255) *(1 − 0.6) = (255, 102, 102)
但是,这种形式的alpha混合存在一个严重缺陷:在许多情况下,它会导致颜色错误!(这部分的详细解释参见https://developer.nvidia.com/content/alpha-blending-pre-or-not-pre 和https://www.cnblogs.com/dins/p/premultiplied-alpha.html)
如果颜色以 Premultiplied Alpha 形式存储,Premultiplied Alpha 是把 RGB 通道乘以透明度也就是(r * a, g * a, b * a, a),也就是 Cs 已经乘以透明度了,上面的60%透明度的红色就表示成了(255*0.6, 0, 0,0, 153)。所以混合公式变成了:
Co = Cs′ + (1 − as)Cd
CMYK(印刷四色模式)是彩色印刷时采用的一种套色模式,利用色料的三原色混色原理,加上黑色油墨,共计四种颜色混合叠加,形成所谓“全彩印刷”。四种标准颜色是:C:Cyan = 青色,又称为‘天蓝色’或是‘湛蓝’M:Magenta = 品红色,又称为‘洋红色’;Y:Yellow = 黄色;K:blacK=黑色,CMYK模式是减色模式。
YUV,是一种颜色编码方法。常使用在各个视频处理组件中。 YUV在对照片或视频编码时,考虑到人类的感知能力,允许降低色度的带宽。
YUV是编译true-color颜色空间(color space)的种类,Y'UV, YUV, YCbCr,YPbPr等专有名词都可以称为YUV,彼此有重叠。“Y”表示明亮度(Luminance或Luma),也就是灰阶值,“U”和“V”表示的则是色度(Chrominance或Chroma),作用是描述影像色彩及饱和度,用于指定像素的颜色。
type YCbCr struct {
Y, Cb, Cr []uint8
YStride int
CStride int
SubsampleRatio YCbCrSubsampleRatio
Rect Rectangle
// YCbCr is an in-memory image of Y'CbCr colors. There is one Y sample per
// pixel, but each Cb and Cr sample can span one or more pixels.
// YStride is the Y slice index delta between vertically adjacent pixels.
// CStride is the Cb and Cr slice index delta between vertically adjacent pixels
// that map to separate chroma samples.
// It is not an absolute requirement, but YStride and len(Y) are typically
// multiples of 8, and:
// For 4:4:4, CStride == YStride/1 && len(Cb) == len(Cr) == len(Y)/1.
// For 4:2:2, CStride == YStride/2 && len(Cb) == len(Cr) == len(Y)/2.
// For 4:2:0, CStride == YStride/2 && len(Cb) == len(Cr) == len(Y)/4.
// For 4:4:0, CStride == YStride/1 && len(Cb) == len(Cr) == len(Y)/2.
// For 4:1:1, CStride == YStride/4 && len(Cb) == len(Cr) == len(Y)/4.
// For 4:1:0, CStride == YStride/4 && len(Cb) == len(Cr) == len(Y)/8.
代码下的注释讲了6种类降采样方式,分别是4:4:4,4:2:2,4:2:0,4:4:0,4:1:1,4:1:0。可结合下图进行理解。https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/85620611 http://dougkerr.net/Pumpkin/articles/Subsampling.pdf
4:4:0 水平方向是1/1,垂直方向是1/2,表示一个色度像素对应了两个图形像素。
4:2:2 水平方向是1/2,垂直方向是1/1,表示一个色度像素对应了两个图形像素。
4:2:0 水平方向是1/2,垂直方向是1/2,表示一个色度像素对应了四个图形像素。
右侧一列是二次采样模式记号表示, 是 J:a:b 模式,实心黑色圆圈表示包含色度像素(Cb+Cr),空心圆圈表示不包含色度像素。对于 J:a:b 模式,主要是围绕参考块的概念定义的,这个参考块是一个 J x 2 的矩形,J 通常是 4。这样,此参考块就是宽度有 4 个像素、高度有 2 个像素的矩形。a 表示参考块的第一行包含的色度像素样本数,b 表示在参考块的第二行包含的色度像素样本数。
4:4:0 参考块第一行包含四个色度样本,第二行没有包含色度样本。
4:2:2 参考块第一行包含两个色度样本,第二行也包含两个色度样本,他们是交替出现。
4:2:0 参考块第一行包含两个色度样本,第二行没有包含色度样本。
现在我们发现 yuv444,yuv422,yuv420 yuv 等像素格式的本质是:每个图形像素都会包含亮度值,但是某几个图形像素会共用一个色度值,这个比例关系就是通过 4 x 2 的矩形参考块来定的。这样很容易理解类似 yuv440,yuv420 这样的格式了。
import (
import _ "image/jpeg"
import _ "image/gif"
import _ "image/png"
func main() {
// 获取当前文件夹路径
dir,_ := os.Getwd()
// 读取当前文件夹的所有文件及文件夹
files,_ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
var imgs []os.FileInfo
for _,f := range files{
// 过滤,只找到JPG图片
ok := strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), ".jpg")
if ok {
imgs = append(imgs,f)
count := strconv.Itoa(len(imgs))
for _,img := range imgs{
imgName := img.Name()
imgRes,_ := os.Open(imgName)
imgFile,_,err := image.DecodeConfig(imgRes)
if err != nil{
width := strconv.Itoa(imgFile.Width)
height := strconv.Itoa(imgFile.Height)
fmt.Println("图片["+imgName+"] 宽:"+width+"像素:高:"+height+"像素")
var a string
// Config holds an image's color model and dimensions.
type Config struct {
ColorModel color.Model
Width, Height int
在引用包的时候除了引用了包含DecodeConfig函数的image包以外,还引入了image/jpeg, image/gif以及image/png。如果不引用这三个包将无法解析对应格式的图片,大家可以实验验证一下。
import _ "image/jpeg"这样的引用方式,很明显是在进行初始化操作。
在image/jpeg, image/png和image/gif等包中的reader.go文件中定义了init函数进行初始化操作。
func init() {
image.RegisterFormat("jpeg", "\xff\xd8", Decode, DecodeConfig)
// RegisterFormat registers an image format for use by Decode.
// Name is the name of the format, like "jpeg" or "png".
// Magic is the magic prefix that identifies the format's encoding. The magic
// string can contain "?" wildcards that each match any one byte.
// Decode is the function that decodes the encoded image.
// DecodeConfig is the function that decodes just its configuration.
func RegisterFormat(name, magic string, decode func(io.Reader) (Image, error), decodeConfig func(io.Reader) (Config, error)) {
formats, _ := atomicFormats.Load().([]format)
atomicFormats.Store(append(formats, format{name, magic, decode, decodeConfig}))
// A format holds an image format's name, magic header and how to decode it.
type format struct {
name, magic string
decode func(io.Reader) (Image, error)
decodeConfig func(io.Reader) (Config, error)
// Decode decodes an image that has been encoded in a registered format.
// The string returned is the format name used during format registration.
// Format registration is typically done by an init function in the codec-
// specific package.
func Decode(r io.Reader) (Image, string, error) {
rr := asReader(r)
f := sniff(rr)
if f.decode == nil {
return nil, "", ErrFormat
m, err := f.decode(rr)
return m, f.name, err
// DecodeConfig decodes the color model and dimensions of an image that has
// been encoded in a registered format. The string returned is the format name
// used during format registration. Format registration is typically done by
// an init function in the codec-specific package.
func DecodeConfig(r io.Reader) (Config, string, error) {
rr := asReader(r)
f := sniff(rr)
if f.decodeConfig == nil {
return Config{}, "", ErrFormat
c, err := f.decodeConfig(rr)
return c, f.name, err
// A reader is an io.Reader that can also peek ahead.
type reader interface {
Peek(int) ([]byte, error)
// asReader converts an io.Reader to a reader.
func asReader(r io.Reader) reader {
if rr, ok := r.(reader); ok {
return rr
return bufio.NewReader(r)
// Sniff determines the format of r's data.
func sniff(r reader) format {
formats, _ := atomicFormats.Load().([]format)
for _, f := range formats {
b, err := r.Peek(len(f.magic))
if err == nil && match(f.magic, b) {
return f
return format{}
// Decode reads a JPEG image from r and returns it as an image.Image.
func Decode(r io.Reader) (image.Image, error) {
var d decoder
return d.decode(r, false)
// DecodeConfig returns the color model and dimensions of a JPEG image without
// decoding the entire image.
func DecodeConfig(r io.Reader) (image.Config, error) {
var d decoder
if _, err := d.decode(r, true); err != nil {
return image.Config{}, err
switch d.nComp {
case 1:
return image.Config{
ColorModel: color.GrayModel,
Width: d.width,
Height: d.height,
}, nil
case 3:
cm := color.YCbCrModel
if d.isRGB() {
cm = color.RGBAModel
return image.Config{
ColorModel: cm,
Width: d.width,
Height: d.height,
}, nil
case 4:
return image.Config{
ColorModel: color.CMYKModel,
Width: d.width,
Height: d.height,
}, nil
return image.Config{}, FormatError("missing SOF marker")
type decoder struct {
r io.Reader
bits bits
// bytes is a byte buffer, similar to a bufio.Reader, except that it
// has to be able to unread more than 1 byte, due to byte stuffing.
// Byte stuffing is specified in section F.1.2.3.
bytes struct {
// buf[i:j] are the buffered bytes read from the underlying
// io.Reader that haven't yet been passed further on.
buf [4096]byte
i, j int
// nUnreadable is the number of bytes to back up i after
// overshooting. It can be 0, 1 or 2.
nUnreadable int
width, height int
img1 *image.Gray
img3 *image.YCbCr
blackPix []byte
blackStride int
ri int // Restart Interval.
nComp int
// As per section 4.5, there are four modes of operation (selected by the
// SOF? markers): sequential DCT, progressive DCT, lossless and
// hierarchical, although this implementation does not support the latter
// two non-DCT modes. Sequential DCT is further split into baseline and
// extended, as per section 4.11.
baseline bool
progressive bool
jfif bool
adobeTransformValid bool
adobeTransform uint8
eobRun uint16 // End-of-Band run, specified in section G.1.2.2.
comp [maxComponents]component
progCoeffs [maxComponents][]block // Saved state between progressive-mode scans.
huff [maxTc + 1][maxTh + 1]huffman
quant [maxTq + 1]block // Quantization tables, in zig-zag order.
tmp [2 * blockSize]byte
// decode reads a JPEG image from r and returns it as an image.Image.
func (d *decoder) decode(r io.Reader, configOnly bool) (image.Image, error) {
d.r = r
// Check for the Start Of Image marker.
if err := d.readFull(d.tmp[:2]); err != nil {
return nil, err
if d.tmp[0] != 0xff || d.tmp[1] != soiMarker {
return nil, FormatError("missing SOI marker")
// Process the remaining segments until the End Of Image marker.
for {
err := d.readFull(d.tmp[:2])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for d.tmp[0] != 0xff {
// Strictly speaking, this is a format error. However, libjpeg is
// liberal in what it accepts. As of version 9, next_marker in
// jdmarker.c treats this as a warning (JWRN_EXTRANEOUS_DATA) and
// continues to decode the stream. Even before next_marker sees
// extraneous data, jpeg_fill_bit_buffer in jdhuff.c reads as many
// bytes as it can, possibly past the end of a scan's data. It
// effectively puts back any markers that it overscanned (e.g. an
// "\xff\xd9" EOI marker), but it does not put back non-marker data,
// and thus it can silently ignore a small number of extraneous
// non-marker bytes before next_marker has a chance to see them (and
// print a warning).
// We are therefore also liberal in what we accept. Extraneous data
// is silently ignored.
// This is similar to, but not exactly the same as, the restart
// mechanism within a scan (the RST[0-7] markers).
// Note that extraneous 0xff bytes in e.g. SOS data are escaped as
// "\xff\x00", and so are detected a little further down below.
d.tmp[0] = d.tmp[1]
d.tmp[1], err = d.readByte()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
marker := d.tmp[1]
if marker == 0 {
// Treat "\xff\x00" as extraneous data.
for marker == 0xff {
// Section B.1.1.2 says, "Any marker may optionally be preceded by any
// number of fill bytes, which are bytes assigned code X'FF'".
marker, err = d.readByte()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if marker == eoiMarker { // End Of Image.
if rst0Marker <= marker && marker <= rst7Marker {
// Figures B.2 and B.16 of the specification suggest that restart markers should
// only occur between Entropy Coded Segments and not after the final ECS.
// However, some encoders may generate incorrect JPEGs with a final restart
// marker. That restart marker will be seen here instead of inside the processSOS
// method, and is ignored as a harmless error. Restart markers have no extra data,
// so we check for this before we read the 16-bit length of the segment.
// Read the 16-bit length of the segment. The value includes the 2 bytes for the
// length itself, so we subtract 2 to get the number of remaining bytes.
if err = d.readFull(d.tmp[:2]); err != nil {
return nil, err
n := int(d.tmp[0])<<8 + int(d.tmp[1]) - 2
if n < 0 {
return nil, FormatError("short segment length")
switch marker {
case sof0Marker, sof1Marker, sof2Marker:
d.baseline = marker == sof0Marker
d.progressive = marker == sof2Marker
err = d.processSOF(n)
if configOnly && d.jfif {
return nil, err
case dhtMarker:
if configOnly {
err = d.ignore(n)
} else {
err = d.processDHT(n)
case dqtMarker:
if configOnly {
err = d.ignore(n)
} else {
err = d.processDQT(n)
case sosMarker:
if configOnly {
return nil, nil
err = d.processSOS(n)
case driMarker:
if configOnly {
err = d.ignore(n)
} else {
err = d.processDRI(n)
case app0Marker:
err = d.processApp0Marker(n)
case app14Marker:
err = d.processApp14Marker(n)
if app0Marker <= marker && marker <= app15Marker || marker == comMarker {
err = d.ignore(n)
} else if marker < 0xc0 { // See Table B.1 "Marker code assignments".
err = FormatError("unknown marker")
} else {
err = UnsupportedError("unknown marker")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if d.progressive {
if err := d.reconstructProgressiveImage(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if d.img1 != nil {
return d.img1, nil
if d.img3 != nil {
if d.blackPix != nil {
return d.applyBlack()
} else if d.isRGB() {
return d.convertToRGB()
return d.img3, nil
return nil, FormatError("missing SOS marker")
decode方法在初始化了decoder的reader后,首先读取前两个字节,检查其文件开头两个字节是否是Magic: "\xff\xd8"。JPEG图片的第二个字节"\xd8"又成为soiMarker,soi是start of image的缩写,意思是图片的开始。
然后开始向后遍历,每次读入两个字节,直到其值为"\xff\xd9",这是图片的结束标记,代码中命名为eoiMarker。每次读到值为"\xff"的字节时候,会开始检查此处是不是一个标记(Marker)。"\xff\xd0"~"\xff\xd7"是rst0Marker ~ rst7Marker。在解码过程中不对其进行解析。
对于其他Marker,如sof0Marker,sof1Marker,sof2Marker,dhtMarker,dqtMarker,sosMarker,driMarker,app0Marker,app14Marker等标记,则需要进行解析。当decode方法传入的参数configOnly值为true时,以dhtMarker,dqtMarker,sosMarker,driMarker等marker开始的字节则不读取。JPEG格式的图片是分段存储 Marker + Compress Data, 段的结构如下:
所以代码每次遇到一个marker(两个字节)后,后面紧跟着读取此段的长度(两个字节),段的长度为n := int(d.tmp[0])<<8 + int(d.tmp[1]) - 2。
// Specified in section B.2.2.
func (d *decoder) processSOF(n int) error {
if d.nComp != 0 {
return FormatError("multiple SOF markers")
switch n {
case 6 + 3*1: // Grayscale image.
d.nComp = 1
case 6 + 3*3: // YCbCr or RGB image.
d.nComp = 3
case 6 + 3*4: // YCbCrK or CMYK image.
d.nComp = 4
return UnsupportedError("number of components")
if err := d.readFull(d.tmp[:n]); err != nil {
return err
// We only support 8-bit precision.
if d.tmp[0] != 8 {
return UnsupportedError("precision")
d.height = int(d.tmp[1])<<8 + int(d.tmp[2])
d.width = int(d.tmp[3])<<8 + int(d.tmp[4])
if int(d.tmp[5]) != d.nComp {
return FormatError("SOF has wrong length")
for i := 0; i < d.nComp; i++ {
d.comp[i].c = d.tmp[6+3*i]
// Section B.2.2 states that "the value of C_i shall be different from
// the values of C_1 through C_(i-1)".
for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
if d.comp[i].c == d.comp[j].c {
return FormatError("repeated component identifier")
d.comp[i].tq = d.tmp[8+3*i]
if d.comp[i].tq > maxTq {
return FormatError("bad Tq value")
hv := d.tmp[7+3*i]
h, v := int(hv>>4), int(hv&0x0f)
if h < 1 || 4 < h || v < 1 || 4 < v {
return FormatError("luma/chroma subsampling ratio")
if h == 3 || v == 3 {
return errUnsupportedSubsamplingRatio
switch d.nComp {
case 1:
// If a JPEG image has only one component, section A.2 says "this data
// is non-interleaved by definition" and section A.2.2 says "[in this
// case...] the order of data units within a scan shall be left-to-right
// and top-to-bottom... regardless of the values of H_1 and V_1". Section
// 4.8.2 also says "[for non-interleaved data], the MCU is defined to be
// one data unit". Similarly, section A.1.1 explains that it is the ratio
// of H_i to max_j(H_j) that matters, and similarly for V. For grayscale
// images, H_1 is the maximum H_j for all components j, so that ratio is
// always 1. The component's (h, v) is effectively always (1, 1): even if
// the nominal (h, v) is (2, 1), a 20x5 image is encoded in three 8x8
// MCUs, not two 16x8 MCUs.
h, v = 1, 1
case 3:
// For YCbCr images, we only support 4:4:4, 4:4:0, 4:2:2, 4:2:0,
// 4:1:1 or 4:1:0 chroma subsampling ratios. This implies that the
// (h, v) values for the Y component are either (1, 1), (1, 2),
// (2, 1), (2, 2), (4, 1) or (4, 2), and the Y component's values
// must be a multiple of the Cb and Cr component's values. We also
// assume that the two chroma components have the same subsampling
// ratio.
switch i {
case 0: // Y.
// We have already verified, above, that h and v are both
// either 1, 2 or 4, so invalid (h, v) combinations are those
// with v == 4.
if v == 4 {
return errUnsupportedSubsamplingRatio
case 1: // Cb.
if d.comp[0].h%h != 0 || d.comp[0].v%v != 0 {
return errUnsupportedSubsamplingRatio
case 2: // Cr.
if d.comp[1].h != h || d.comp[1].v != v {
return errUnsupportedSubsamplingRatio
case 4:
// For 4-component images (either CMYK or YCbCrK), we only support two
// hv vectors: [0x11 0x11 0x11 0x11] and [0x22 0x11 0x11 0x22].
// Theoretically, 4-component JPEG images could mix and match hv values
// but in practice, those two combinations are the only ones in use,
// and it simplifies the applyBlack code below if we can assume that:
// - for CMYK, the C and K channels have full samples, and if the M
// and Y channels subsample, they subsample both horizontally and
// vertically.
// - for YCbCrK, the Y and K channels have full samples.
switch i {
case 0:
if hv != 0x11 && hv != 0x22 {
return errUnsupportedSubsamplingRatio
case 1, 2:
if hv != 0x11 {
return errUnsupportedSubsamplingRatio
case 3:
if d.comp[0].h != h || d.comp[0].v != v {
return errUnsupportedSubsamplingRatio
d.comp[i].h = h
d.comp[i].v = v
return nil
d.height = int(d.tmp[1])<<8 + int(d.tmp[2])
d.width = int(d.tmp[3])<<8 + int(d.tmp[4])。