//#define LOG_NODEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "myrecord" #include <signal.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <utils/Errors.h> #include <ui/DisplayState.h> #include <ui/DisplayConfig.h> #include <ui/PhysicalDisplayId.h> #include <media/stagefright/MediaCodec.h> #include <media/stagefright/foundation/AMessage.h> #include <media/stagefright/foundation/ALooper.h> #include <media/stagefright/foundation/ADebug.h> #include <media/stagefright/MediaCodecConstants.h> #include <gui/SurfaceComposerClient.h> #include <media/openmax/OMX_IVCommon.h> #include <media/NdkMediaMuxer.h> #include <media/NdkMediaCodec.h> #include <media/MediaCodecBuffer.h> #include <media/stagefright/foundation/ABuffer.h> #include <gui/Surface.h> #include <binder/ProcessState.h> #include <mediadrm/ICrypto.h> #include <media/NdkMediaFormatPriv.h> using namespace android; namespace ui = android::ui; static struct sigaction gOrigSigactionINT; static struct sigaction gOrigSigactionHUP; static PhysicalDisplayId gPhysicalDisplayId; static uint32_t gVideoWidth = 0; static uint32_t gVideoHeight = 0; static uint32_t gBitRate = 20000000; static uint32_t gBframes = 0; static const char* kMimeTypeAvc = "video/avc"; static const char* kMimeTypeApplicationOctetstream = "application/octet-stream"; static volatile bool gStopRequested = false; static void signalCatcher(int signum) { gStopRequested = true; switch(signum){ case SIGINT: case SIGHUP: sigaction(SIGINT, &gOrigSigactionINT, NULL); sigaction(SIGHUP, &gOrigSigactionHUP, NULL); break; default: abort(); break; } } static status_t configureSignals() { struct sigaction act; memset(&act, 0, sizeof(act)); act.sa_handler = signalCatcher; sigaction(SIGINT, &act, &gOrigSigactionINT); sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, &gOrigSigactionHUP); signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN); return NO_ERROR; } static status_t prepareEncoder(float displayFps, sp<MediaCodec> *pCodec, sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> *pBufferProducer) { // 组织encoder参数,包括width、height、mime、color、bitrate,framerate、I帧间隔、B帧间隔 sp<AMessage> format = new AMessage; format->setInt32(KEY_WIDTH, gVideoWidth); format->setInt32(KEY_HEIGHT, gVideoHeight); format->setString(KEY_MIME, kMimeTypeAvc); format->setInt32(KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, OMX_COLOR_FormatAndroidOpaque); format->setInt32(KEY_BIT_RATE, gBitRate); format->setInt32(KEY_FRAME_RATE, displayFps); format->setInt32(KEY_I_FRAME_INTERVAL, 10); format->setInt32(KEY_MAX_B_FRAMES, 10); if(gBframes > 0) { format->setInt32(KEY_PROFILE, AVCProfileMain); format->setInt32(KEY_LEVEL, AVCLevel41); } sp<android::ALooper> looper = new android::ALooper; looper->setName("screenrecord_looper"); looper->start(); // 最后一个参数true意为创建一个encode组件 sp<MediaCodec> codec = MediaCodec::CreateByType(looper, kMimeTypeAvc, true); if(codec == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to create %s codec instance\n", kMimeTypeAvc); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } // configure时最后一个参数flag使用CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE,表示使用配置Encoder status_t err = codec->configure(format, NULL, NULL, MediaCodec::CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE); CHECK_EQ(err, OK); sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> bufferProducer; // 调用omx中的createInputSurface方法,创建出一个OmxGraphicBufferSource err = codec->createInputSurface(&bufferProducer); CHECK_EQ(err, OK); err = codec->start(); CHECK_EQ(err, OK); *pCodec = codec; *pBufferProducer = bufferProducer; return OK; } static status_t setDisplayProjection(SurfaceComposerClient::Transaction& t, const sp<IBinder>& dpy, const ui::DisplayState& displayState) { const ui::Size& viewport = displayState.viewport; // 创建基础图层 Rect layerStackRect(viewport); float displayAspect = viewport.getHeight() / static_cast<float>(viewport.getWidth()); uint32_t videoWidth, videoHeight; uint32_t outWidth, outHeight; videoWidth = gVideoWidth; videoHeight = gVideoHeight; if (videoHeight > (uint32_t)(videoWidth * displayAspect)) { outWidth = videoWidth; outHeight = (uint32_t)(videoWidth * displayAspect); } else{ outHeight = videoHeight; outWidth = (uint32_t)(videoHeight / displayAspect); } uint32_t offX, offY; offX = (videoWidth - outWidth) / 2; offY = (videoHeight - outHeight) / 2; // 创建显示图层大小 //Rect displayRect(offX, offY, offX + outWidth, offY + outHeight); Rect displayRect(50, 50, 500, 500); // 将投射区域以及旋转属性设定给display t.setDisplayProjection(dpy, ui::ROTATION_0, layerStackRect, displayRect); return NO_ERROR; } static status_t prepareVirtualDisplay(const ui::DisplayState& displayState, const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& bufferProducer, sp<IBinder> *pDisplayHandle) { // 创建一块display sp<IBinder> dpy = SurfaceComposerClient::createDisplay(String8("ScreenRecorder"), false); SurfaceComposerClient::Transaction t; // 给display设置surface t.setDisplaySurface(dpy, bufferProducer); setDisplayProjection(t, dpy, displayState); // 设置底部图层,感觉和上一步中的displayStackRect是相同的 t.setDisplayLayerStack(dpy, displayState.layerStack); // 应用配置内容 t.apply(); *pDisplayHandle = dpy; return NO_ERROR; } static status_t runEncoder(const sp<MediaCodec>& encoder, AMediaMuxer *muxer, FILE* rawFp, const sp<IBinder> &display, const sp<IBinder>& virtualDpy, ui::Rotation orientation) { static int kTimeout = 250000; // 获取所有的OutputBuffer Vector<sp<MediaCodecBuffer>> buffers; status_t err = encoder->getOutputBuffers(&buffers); CHECK_EQ(err, OK); ssize_t trackIdx = -1; ssize_t metaTrackIdx = -1; //Vector<int64_t> timestamps; while(!gStopRequested){ size_t bufIndex, offset, size; int64_t ptsUsec; uint32_t flags; // 等待OutputBuffer err = encoder->dequeueOutputBuffer(&bufIndex, &offset, &size, &ptsUsec, &flags, kTimeout); switch(err) { case NO_ERROR: { // 如果返回的flag为CODECCONFIG,那么将数据长度置为0 if((flags & MediaCodec::BUFFER_FLAG_CODECCONFIG) != 0) { ALOGD("get codec config buffer %d bytes", size); if(muxer != NULL) size = 0; } if(size != 0){ ALOGD("get codec output buffer %d bytes", size); { // 这是用来检测是否有屏幕旋转 /* ui::DisplayState displayState; err = SurfaceComposerClient::getDisplayState(display, &displayState); SurfaceComposerClient::Transaction t; setDisplayProjection(t, virtualDpy, displayState); t.apply(); orientation = displayState.orientation; */ } if(ptsUsec == 0) ptsUsec = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC) / 1000; // 将encode之后的数据写给MediaMuxer sp<ABuffer> buffer = new ABuffer(buffers[bufIndex]->data(), buffers[bufIndex]->size()); AMediaCodecBufferInfo bufferInfo = {0, static_cast<int32_t>(buffer->size()), ptsUsec, flags}; err = AMediaMuxer_writeSampleData(muxer, trackIdx, buffer->data(), &bufferInfo); if(err != NO_ERROR) { ALOGD("Failed writing data to muxer (err=%d)", err); return err; } //timestamps.add(ptsUsec); } err = encoder->releaseOutputBuffer(bufIndex); // 如果收到EOS,结束录制 if ((flags & MediaCodec::BUFFER_FLAG_EOS) != 0) { gStopRequested = true; } break; } case -EAGAIN: ALOGD("Got -EAGAIN, looping"); break; case INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED: { // encoder返回format changed之后,先获取output format,并用该format给MediaMuxer创建新的track ALOGD("Encoder format changed"); sp<AMessage> newFormat; encoder->getOutputFormat(&newFormat); AMediaFormat *ndkFormat = AMediaFormat_fromMsg(&newFormat); trackIdx = AMediaMuxer_addTrack(muxer, ndkFormat); ALOGD("trackIdx = %d", trackIdx); AMediaFormat *metaFormat = AMediaFormat_new(); AMediaFormat_setString(metaFormat, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_MIME, kMimeTypeApplicationOctetstream); metaTrackIdx = AMediaMuxer_addTrack(muxer, metaFormat); AMediaFormat_delete(metaFormat); ALOGD("starting muxer"); // 有了track之后才能开启MediaMuxer err = AMediaMuxer_start(muxer); break; } case android::INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED: ALOGD("dequeueOutputBuffer returned INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED"); err = encoder->getOutputBuffers(&buffers); break; case INVALID_OPERATION: ALOGD("dequeueOutputBuffer returned INVALID_OPERATION"); return err; default: ALOGD("GOT other result"); return err; } } ALOGD("Encoder stopping (req=%d)", gStopRequested); return OK; } status_t recordScreen(const char *fileName) { // 信号捕捉,利用sigaction捕捉到SIGINT和SIGHUP时将循环条件置为false configureSignals(); sp<ProcessState> self = ProcessState::self(); self->startThreadPool(); sp<IBinder> display = SurfaceComposerClient::getPhysicalDisplayToken(gPhysicalDisplayId); if(display == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no display\n"); return NAME_NOT_FOUND; } ui::DisplayState displayState; status_t err = SurfaceComposerClient::getDisplayState(display, &displayState); if(err != NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to get display state\n"); return err; } DisplayConfig displayConfig; err = SurfaceComposerClient::getActiveDisplayConfig(display, &displayConfig); if(err != NO_ERROR){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to get displau config\n"); return err; } // 获取当前显示区域的视窗参数 const ui::Size& viewport = displayState.viewport; // 要注意,viewport获得的宽高不能是奇数 gVideoWidth = viewport.getWidth(); gVideoHeight = viewport.getHeight(); ALOGD("gVideoWidth = %d, gVideoHeight = %d", gVideoWidth, gVideoHeight); sp<MediaCodec> encoder; sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> encoderInputSurface; // 准备encoder prepareEncoder(displayConfig.refreshRate, &encoder, &encoderInputSurface); sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> bufferProducer = encoderInputSurface; // Configure virtual display. sp<IBinder> dpy; err = prepareVirtualDisplay(displayState, bufferProducer, &dpy); CHECK_EQ(err, OK); // AMediaMuxer是ndk封装的MediaMuxer AMediaMuxer *muxer = NULL; // 删除文件 err = unlink(fileName); if(err != 0 && errno != ENOENT) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: couldn't remove existing file\n"); abort(); } int fd = open(fileName, O_CREAT | O_LARGEFILE | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if(fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: couldn't open file\n"); abort(); } // 创建一个MediaMuxer // new MediaMuxer(fd, (android::MediaMuxer::OutputFormat)format); muxer = AMediaMuxer_new(fd, AMEDIAMUXER_OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4); // MPEG4Writer中会有dup拷贝一份fd,所以这里的fd可以关闭掉 close(fd); // 开始录屏 err = runEncoder(encoder, muxer, NULL, display, dpy, displayState.orientation); encoderInputSurface = NULL; SurfaceComposerClient::destroyDisplay(dpy); encoder->stop(); err = AMediaMuxer_stop(muxer); encoder->release(); return OK; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::optional<PhysicalDisplayId> displayId = SurfaceComposerClient::getInternalDisplayId(); if(!displayId) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get token for internal display\n"); return 1; } gPhysicalDisplayId = *displayId; const char* fileName = argv[1]; status_t err = recordScreen(fileName); return OK; }
cc_binary{ name: "myscreenrecord", srcs: [ "myscreenrecord.cpp", ], shared_libs:[ "libstagefright", "libmedia", "libmediandk", "libmedia_omx", "libutils", "libbinder", "libstagefright_foundation", "libui", "libgui", "libcutils", "liblog", ], header_libs: [ "libmediadrm_headers", "libmediametrics_headers", ], include_dirs: [ "frameworks/av/media/libstagefright", "frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/include", "frameworks/native/include/media/openmax", ], }
enum OutputFormat { OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4 = 0, // MPEG4 OUTPUT_FORMAT_WEBM = 1, // WEBM,类似于MKV OUTPUT_FORMAT_THREE_GPP = 2, // 3GPP 音频 OUTPUT_FORMAT_HEIF = 3, // HEVC 视频 OUTPUT_FORMAT_OGG = 4, // OGG 音频 OUTPUT_FORMAT_LIST_END // must be last - used to validate format type };
static bool isMp4Format(MediaMuxer::OutputFormat format) { return format == MediaMuxer::OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4 || format == MediaMuxer::OUTPUT_FORMAT_THREE_GPP || format == MediaMuxer::OUTPUT_FORMAT_HEIF; }
MediaMuxer::MediaMuxer(int fd, OutputFormat format) : mFormat(format), mState(UNINITIALIZED) { if (isMp4Format(format)) { mWriter = new MPEG4Writer(fd); } else if (format == OUTPUT_FORMAT_WEBM) { mWriter = new WebmWriter(fd); } else if (format == OUTPUT_FORMAT_OGG) { mWriter = new OggWriter(fd); } if (mWriter != NULL) { mFileMeta = new MetaData; if (format == OUTPUT_FORMAT_HEIF) { // Note that the key uses recorder file types. mFileMeta->setInt32(kKeyFileType, output_format::OUTPUT_FORMAT_HEIF); } else if (format == OUTPUT_FORMAT_OGG) { mFileMeta->setInt32(kKeyFileType, output_format::OUTPUT_FORMAT_OGG); } mState = INITIALIZED; } }
给封装的文件添加Track,先用output Media Format创建MediaAdapter,然后调用addSource方法添加到MediaWriter中
ssize_t MediaMuxer::addTrack(const sp<AMessage> &format) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMuxerLock); if (format.get() == NULL) { ALOGE("addTrack() get a null format"); return -EINVAL; } if (mState != INITIALIZED) { ALOGE("addTrack() must be called after constructor and before start()."); return INVALID_OPERATION; } sp<MetaData> trackMeta = new MetaData; convertMessageToMetaData(format, trackMeta); sp<MediaAdapter> newTrack = new MediaAdapter(trackMeta); status_t result = mWriter->addSource(newTrack); if (result != OK) { return -1; } float captureFps = -1.0; if (format->findAsFloat("time-lapse-fps", &captureFps)) { ALOGV("addTrack() time-lapse-fps: %f", captureFps); result = mWriter->setCaptureRate(captureFps); if (result != OK) { ALOGW("addTrack() setCaptureRate failed :%d", result); } } return mTrackList.add(newTrack); }
status_t MediaMuxer::start() { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMuxerLock); if (mState == INITIALIZED) { mState = STARTED; mFileMeta->setInt32(kKeyRealTimeRecording, false); return mWriter->start(mFileMeta.get()); } else { ALOGE("start() is called in invalid state %d", mState); return INVALID_OPERATION; } }
status_t MediaMuxer::writeSampleData(const sp<ABuffer> &buffer, size_t trackIndex, int64_t timeUs, uint32_t flags) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMuxerLock); if (buffer.get() == NULL) { ALOGE("WriteSampleData() get an NULL buffer."); return -EINVAL; } if (mState != STARTED) { ALOGE("WriteSampleData() is called in invalid state %d", mState); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if (trackIndex >= mTrackList.size()) { ALOGE("WriteSampleData() get an invalid index %zu", trackIndex); return -EINVAL; } MediaBuffer* mediaBuffer = new MediaBuffer(buffer); mediaBuffer->add_ref(); // Released in MediaAdapter::signalBufferReturned(). mediaBuffer->set_range(buffer->offset(), buffer->size()); MetaDataBase &sampleMetaData = mediaBuffer->meta_data(); sampleMetaData.setInt64(kKeyTime, timeUs); // Just set the kKeyDecodingTime as the presentation time for now. sampleMetaData.setInt64(kKeyDecodingTime, timeUs); if (flags & MediaCodec::BUFFER_FLAG_SYNCFRAME) { sampleMetaData.setInt32(kKeyIsSyncFrame, true); } if (flags & MediaCodec::BUFFER_FLAG_MUXER_DATA) { sampleMetaData.setInt32(kKeyIsMuxerData, 1); } if (flags & MediaCodec::BUFFER_FLAG_EOS) { sampleMetaData.setInt32(kKeyIsEndOfStream, 1); ALOGV("BUFFER_FLAG_EOS"); } sp<MediaAdapter> currentTrack = mTrackList[trackIndex]; // This pushBuffer will wait until the mediaBuffer is consumed. return currentTrack->pushBuffer(mediaBuffer); }
status_t MediaMuxer::stop() { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMuxerLock); if (mState == STARTED) { mState = STOPPED; for (size_t i = 0; i < mTrackList.size(); i++) { if (mTrackList[i]->stop() != OK) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } } status_t err = mWriter->stop(); if (err != OK) { ALOGE("stop() err: %d", err); } return err; } else { ALOGE("stop() is called in invalid state %d", mState); return INVALID_OPERATION; } }
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