Vault 0.10包含了web ui
Vault 是一个很不错的访问控制,secret api key 管理工具
新的0.10 有好多新的功能的添加,最棒的是有一个web ui 了
- K/V Secrets Engine v2 with Secret Versioning: Vault's Key-Value Secrets Engine now supports additional features, including secret versioning and check-and-set operations.
- Open Source Vault Web UI: The previously Enterprise-only UI has been made open source and is now released in all versions of Vault along with many enhancements.
- Root DB Credential Rotation: Root/admin credentials for databases controlled by Vault's Combined DB secrets engine can now be securely rotated with only Vault knowing the new credentials.
- Azure Auth Method: Azure Machines can now log into Vault via their Azure Active Directory credentials.
- GCP Secrets Engine: Vault can now create dynamic IAM credentials for accessing Google Cloud Platform environments.
mac os
- 下载
- 启动
./vault server --dev
- 启动效果