cargo rust 包管理工具

1. 安装
yum 或者官方提供的包,比较简单
curl -sSL | sh 
2. 帮助命令
cargo  --help

    cargo <command> [<args>...]
    cargo [options]

    -h, --help          Display this message
    -V, --version       Print version info and exit
    --list              List installed commands
    --explain CODE      Run `rustc --explain CODE`
    -v, --verbose ...   Use verbose output (-vv very verbose/ output)
    -q, --quiet         No output printed to stdout
    --color WHEN        Coloring: auto, always, never
    --frozen            Require Cargo.lock and cache are up to date
    --locked            Require Cargo.lock is up to date
    -Z FLAG ...         Unstable (nightly-only) flags to Cargo

Some common cargo commands are (see all commands with --list):
    build       Compile the current project
    check       Analyze the current project and report errors, but don't build object files
    clean       Remove the target directory
    doc         Build this project's and its dependencies' documentation
    new         Create a new cargo project
    init        Create a new cargo project in an existing directory
    run         Build and execute src/
    test        Run the tests
    bench       Run the benchmarks
    update      Update dependencies listed in Cargo.lock
    search      Search registry for crates
    publish     Package and upload this project to the registry
    install     Install a Rust binary
    uninstall   Uninstall a Rust binary
3. 简单使用
cargo new appdemo --bin

cd appdemo

cargo run 

cargo build --release
4. 参考资料

posted on 2017-11-27 13:29  荣锋亮  阅读(455)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
