.net 开源 JavaScript 解析引擎


1. Javascript .NET    



Quick Start

This section provides documentation to get quickly started to embed and run Javascript .NET in your application.

Download Javascript .NET

Download the Javascript .NET latest binary release here. The contained Noesis.Javascript.dll assembly and the Microsoft Runtime Library files in the same directory are all that is required to run Javascript .NET.

Create a new project

Open Visual Studio and create a new Console application.

Reference the Noesis.Javascript assembly from your project

Add a reference to Noesis.Javascript.dll in your project by right clicking on the project and choosing "Add Reference", then select the "Browse" tab, locate the appropriate Noesis.Javascript.dll assembly and click "OK".

Using Noesis.Javascript

Add the following to the "using" statements at the top of you program file:

using Noesis.Javascript;

Initialize a Javascript context

JavascriptContext context = new JavascriptContext()

(Don't forget to Dispose() this object when you are finished with it.)

Set variables in the Javascript context's global scope: SetParameter(string iName, Object iObject);

 context.SetParameter("console", new SystemConsole());
 context.SetParameter("message", "Hello World !\n");

Get a parameter from the Javascript context: GetParameter(string iName);


Compile and run the Javascript: Run(string iScript);

context.Run("var i; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) console.Print(message + ' (' + i + ')'); number += i;");

"Hello World" quick integration sample

A simple integration is shown below. In the sample, a context is created to which a CLI object is supplied to expose the console to the Javascript. A string and an integer are also supplied on which elementary operations are performed. Finally, the resulting value of the supplied integer value is extracted and printed to the console.


    class Program
        public class SystemConsole
            public SystemConsole() { }

            public void Print(string iString)

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Initialize the context
            using (JavascriptContext context = new JavascriptContext()) {

                // Setting the externals parameters of the context
                context.SetParameter("console", new SystemConsole());
                context.SetParameter("message", "Hello World !");
                context.SetParameter("number", 1);

                // Running the script
                context.Run("var i; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) console.Print(message + ' (' + i + ')'); number += i;");

                // Getting a parameter
                Console.WriteLine("number: " + context.GetParameter("number"));


The following will be outputed by the program above:

Hello World ! (0)
Hello World ! (1)
Hello World ! (2)
Hello World ! (3)
Hello World ! (4)

2. ClearScript
using System;
using Microsoft.ClearScript;
using Microsoft.ClearScript.V8;

// create a script engine
using (var engine = new V8ScriptEngine())
    // expose a host type
    engine.AddHostType("Console", typeof(Console));
    engine.Execute("Console.WriteLine('{0} is an interesting number.', Math.PI)");

    // expose a host object
    engine.AddHostObject("random", new Random());

    // expose entire assemblies
    engine.AddHostObject("lib", new HostTypeCollection("mscorlib", "System.Core"));

    // create a host object from script
        birthday = new lib.System.DateTime(2007, 5, 22);

    // use a generic class from script
        Dictionary = lib.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary;
        dict = new Dictionary(lib.System.String, lib.System.Int32);
        dict.Add('foo', 123);

    // call a host method with an output parameter
    engine.AddHostObject("host", new HostFunctions());
        intVar = host.newVar(lib.System.Int32);
        found = dict.TryGetValue('foo', intVar.out);
        Console.WriteLine('{0} {1}', found, intVar);

    // create and populate a host array
        numbers = host.newArr(lib.System.Int32, 20);
        for (var i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++) { numbers[i] = i; }
        Console.WriteLine(lib.System.String.Join(', ', numbers));

    // create a script delegate
        Filter = lib.System.Func(lib.System.Int32, lib.System.Boolean);
        oddFilter = new Filter(function(value) {
            return (value & 1) ? true : false;

    // use LINQ from script
        oddNumbers = numbers.Where(oddFilter);
        Console.WriteLine(lib.System.String.Join(', ', oddNumbers));

    // use a dynamic host object
        expando = new lib.System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
        expando.foo = 123;
        expando.bar = 'qux';
        delete expando.foo;

    // call a script function
    engine.Execute("function print(x) { Console.WriteLine(x); }");

    // examine a script object
    engine.Execute("person = { name: 'Fred', age: 5 }");

posted on 2015-06-03 15:39  荣锋亮  阅读(3305)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报
