tus java client 使用以及问题说明



  • App.java
package org.example;
import io.tus.java.client.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class App {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, io.tus.java.client.ProtocolException {
        TusClient client = new TusClient();
        client.setUploadCreationURL(new URL("http://localhost:1080/files/"));
        client.enableResuming(new TusURLMemoryStore());
        File file = new File("src/main/resources/my.mp4");
        final TusUpload upload = new TusUpload(file);
        Map<String,String> medata  = new HashMap<>();
        medata.put("filename", "my.mp4");
        medata.put("filetype", "video/mp4");
        System.out.println("Starting upload...");
        TusExecutor executor = new TusExecutor() {
            protected void makeAttempt() throws IOException, io.tus.java.client.ProtocolException {
                // First try to resume an upload. If that's not possible we will create a new
                // upload and get a TusUploader in return. This class is responsible for opening
                // a connection to the remote server and doing the uploading.
                TusUploader uploader = client.resumeOrCreateUpload(upload);
                // Alternatively, if your tus server does not support the Creation extension
                // and you obtained an upload URL from another service, you can instruct
                // tus-java-client to upload to a specific URL. Please note that this is usually
                // _not_ necessary and only if the tus server does not support the Creation
                // extension. The Vimeo API would be an example where this method is needed.
                // TusUploader uploader = client.beginOrResumeUploadFromURL(upload, new URL("https://tus.server.net/files/my_file"));
                // Upload the file in chunks of 1KB sizes.
               //  此处是一个问题,因为我们进行上传的文件比较大,我设置了setChunkSize 为8M,但是tus 会提示offset 409 问题
               // 解决方法,就是同时也设置setRequestPayloadSize 这样可以确保对于大文件上传没有问题
                // Upload the file as long as data is available. Once the
                // file has been fully uploaded the method will return -1
                do {
                    // Calculate the progress using the total size of the uploading file and
                    // the current offset.
                    long totalBytes = upload.getSize();
                    long bytesUploaded = uploader.getOffset();
                    double progress = (double) bytesUploaded / totalBytes * 100;
                    System.out.printf("Upload at %06.2f%%.\n", progress);
                } while (uploader.uploadChunk() > -1);
                // Allow the HTTP connection to be closed and cleaned up
                System.out.println("Upload finished.");
                System.out.format("Upload available at: %s", uploader.getUploadURL().toString());


tus-java-client 维护并不是很频繁,同时对于TusURLStore 设计主要提供了基于内存的,如果我们有特殊场景可以自己扩展下



posted on 2023-09-19 13:02  荣锋亮  阅读(206)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
