actionherojs 生产部署说明
actionherojs 支持集群以及ha 模式,同时支持web 与worker分离
/ Assume we use the flag \`process.env.ACTIONHERO_ROLE\` to denote the type of server
// You can set this variable in the ENV of your server or launch each process with the flag:
// Worker => \`ACTIONHERO_ROLE='worker' npm start\`
// Server => \`ACTIONHERO_ROLE='server' npm start\`
// config/tasks.ts
exports.production = {
tasks: function () {
// default to config for 'server'
let config = {
scheduler: false,
queues: ["*"],
verbose: true,
// ...
if (process.env.ACTIONHERO_ROLE === "worker") {
config.scheduler = true;
config.minTaskProcessors = 1;
config.maxTaskProcessors = 10;
return config;
// config/web.ts
exports.default = {
web: function () {
config = {
enabled: true,
secure: false,
serverOptions: {},
port: process.env.PORT || 8080,
// ...
if (process.env.ACTIONHERO_ROLE === "worker") {
config.enabled = false;
return config;