graylog es 故障问题相关问题解决

以下是整理关于因为es故障造成graylog 异常的一些解决方法


  • 现象
    Deflector exists as an index and is not an alias
  • 解决
- Stop all Graylog nodes
- (OPTIONAL) If you want to keep the already ingested messages, reindex them into the Elasticsearch index with the greatest number, e. g. graylog_23 if you want to fix the deflector graylog_deflector, via the Elasticsearch Reindex API.
- Delete the graylog_deflector index via the Elasticsearch Delete Index API.
- Add action.auto_create_index: false to the configuration files of all Elasticsearch nodes in your cluster and restart these Elasticsearch nodes, see Elasticsearch Index API - Automatic Index Creation and Creating an Index for details.
- Start the Graylog master node.
- Manually rotate the active write index of the index set on the System / Indices / Index Set page in the Maintenance dropdown menu.
- (OPTIONAL) Start all remaining Graylog slave nodes.


- 可以不用停止graylog server
- 修改es 配置,添加action.auto_create_index: false注意需要重启es集群,理论上单台重启不会有影响的(和部署模型也有关系)
- 删除*_deflector 索引(可以通过api以及ui)
- 手工 rotate active write 


posted on 2020-06-23 21:13  荣锋亮  阅读(1845)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报
