使用go-mysql-server 开发自己的mysql server

go-mysql-server是一个golang 的mysql server 协议实现包,使用此工具我们可以用来做好多方便的东西

  • 基于mysql 协议暴露自己的本地文件为sql 查询
  • 基于mysql 协议灵活的暴露rest 服务的接口查询为sql
  • 基于mysql 协议方便对于一些数据的查询分析
  • 基于mysql 协议暴露k8s 资源为sql 查询(类似fuse 文件系统?)
  • 基于mysql 协议查询git仓库代码


一个golang 版的简单mysql server

  • 项目初始化(go mod )
go mod init github.com/rongfengliang/my-mysqlserver
  • main.go
package main

import (


// Example of how to implement a MySQL server based on a Engine:
// ```
// > mysql --host= --port=5123 -u user -ppass db -e "SELECT * FROM mytable"
// +----------+-------------------+-------------------------------+---------------------+
// | name | email | phone_numbers | created_at |
// +----------+-------------------+-------------------------------+---------------------+
// | John Doe | john@doe.com | ["555-555-555"] | 2018-04-18 09:41:13 |
// | John Doe | johnalt@doe.com | [] | 2018-04-18 09:41:13 |
// | Jane Doe | jane@doe.com | [] | 2018-04-18 09:41:13 |
// | Evil Bob | evilbob@gmail.com | ["555-666-555","666-666-666"] | 2018-04-18 09:41:13 |
// +----------+-------------------+-------------------------------+---------------------+
// ```
func main() {
 engine := sqle.NewDefault()

 config := server.Config{
  Protocol: "tcp",
  Address: "localhost:3306",
  Auth: auth.NewNativeSingle("root", "", auth.AllPermissions),

 s, err := server.NewDefaultServer(config, engine)
 if err != nil {


func createTestDatabase() *mem.Database {
 const (
  dbName = "mydb"
  tableName = "mytable"

 db := mem.NewDatabase(dbName)
 table := mem.NewTable(tableName, sql.Schema{
  {Name: "name", Type: sql.Text, Nullable: false, Source: tableName},
  {Name: "email", Type: sql.Text, Nullable: false, Source: tableName},
  {Name: "phone_numbers", Type: sql.JSON, Nullable: false, Source: tableName},
  {Name: "created_at", Type: sql.Timestamp, Nullable: false, Source: tableName},

 db.AddTable(tableName, table)
 ctx := sql.NewEmptyContext()
 table.Insert(ctx, sql.NewRow("John Doe", "john@doe.com", []string{"555-555-555"}, time.Now()))
 table.Insert(ctx, sql.NewRow("John Doe", "johnalt@doe.com", []string{}, time.Now()))
 table.Insert(ctx, sql.NewRow("Jane Doe", "jane@doe.com", []string{}, time.Now()))
 table.Insert(ctx, sql.NewRow("Evil Bob", "evilbob@gmail.com", []string{"555-666-555", "666-666-666"}, time.Now()))
 return db
  • 添加依赖
go mod tidy
  • 构建
go build my-server
  • 运行
  • 连接查询
mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1


select * from mytable;
| name | email | phone_numbers | created_at |
| John Doe | john@doe.com | ["555-555-555"] | 2019-05-18 10:56:31 |
| John Doe | johnalt@doe.com | [] | 2019-05-18 10:56:31 |
| Jane Doe | jane@doe.com | [] | 2019-05-18 10:56:31 |
| Evil Bob | evilbob@gmail.com | ["555-666-555","666-666-666"] | 2019-05-18 10:56:31 |


go-mysql-server 已经包好了好多内置的sql 函,同时我们也可以自己搞一些扩展开发,一个很强大的工具



posted on 2019-05-18 19:23  荣锋亮  阅读(957)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
