$(‘body’).on(‘touchmove’, function (event) {event.preventDefault();}); or document.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e){e.preventDefault()}, false);
var overscroll = function(el) { el.addEventListener('touchstart', function() { var top = el.scrollTop , totalScroll = el.scrollHeight , currentScroll = top + el.offsetHeight; //If we're at the top or the bottom of the containers //scroll, push up or down one pixel. // //this prevents the scroll from "passing through" to //the body. if(top === 0) { el.scrollTop = 1; } else if(currentScroll === totalScroll) { el.scrollTop = top - 1; } }); el.addEventListener('touchmove', function(evt) { //if the content is actually scrollable, i.e. the content is long enough //that scrolling can occur if(el.offsetHeight < el.scrollHeight) evt._isScroller = true; }); } overscroll(document.querySelector('.scroll')); document.body.addEventListener('touchmove', function(evt) { //In this case, the default behavior is scrolling the body, which //would result in an overflow. Since we don't want that, we preventDefault. if(!evt._isScroller) { evt.preventDefault(); } });
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