2012-04-08 23:09 Rollen Holt 阅读(771) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报MyString.h
const int MAXSIZE=100; class CMyString { public: CMyString(const CMyString& copy); CMyString(const char *init); CMyString(); ~CMyString(){ delete[] m_pstr; } int Length() const{ return m_ncurlen; } int Find(CMyString part) const; char* GetBuffer() const; public: CMyString& operator()(int pos,int len); bool operator==(const CMyString cmp_str) const; bool operator!=(const CMyString cmp_str) const; bool operator<(const CMyString cmp_str) const; bool operator>(const CMyString cmp_str) const; bool operator!() const{ return m_ncurlen==0; } CMyString& operator=(const CMyString ©); CMyString& operator+=(const CMyString &add); char& operator[](int i); friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& ,CMyString&); friend istream& operator>>(istream& ,CMyString&); private: void Next(); private: int m_ncurlen; char *m_pstr; int *m_pnext; };
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; #include "MyString.h" CMyString::CMyString(){ //create empty string m_pstr=new char[MAXSIZE+1]; if(!m_pstr){ cerr<<"Allocation Error"<<endl; exit(1); } this->m_ncurlen=0; m_pstr[0]='\0'; } CMyString::CMyString(const char *init){ //initialize the string with char* m_pstr=new char[MAXSIZE+1]; if(!m_pstr){ cerr<<"Allocation Error"<<endl; exit(1); } this->m_ncurlen=strlen(init); strcpy(m_pstr,init); } CMyString::CMyString(const CMyString ©){ //initialize the string with string m_pstr=new char[MAXSIZE+1]; if(!m_pstr){ cerr<<"Allocation Error"<<endl; exit(1); } this->m_ncurlen=copy.m_ncurlen; strcpy(m_pstr,copy.m_pstr); } int CMyString::Find(CMyString part) const{ //string match :KMP int posP=0,posT=0; int lengthP=part.m_ncurlen,lengthT=this->m_ncurlen; part.Next(); while(posP<lengthP&&posT<lengthT){ if(part.m_pstr[posP]==this->m_pstr[posT]){ posP++; posT++; } else{ if(posP==0){ posT++; } else{ posP=part.m_pnext[posP-1]; } } } delete[] part.m_pnext; if(posP<lengthP){ return 0; } else{ return 1; } } void CMyString::Next(){ //get the next char for matching : KMP int length=this->m_ncurlen; this->m_pnext=new int[length]; this->m_pnext[0]=0; for(int i=1;i<length;i++){ int j=this->m_pnext[i-1]; while(*(this->m_pstr+i)!=*(this->m_pstr+j)&&j>0){ j=this->m_pnext[j-1]; } if(*(this->m_pstr+i)==*(this->m_pstr+j)){ this->m_pnext[i]=j+1; } else{ this->m_pnext[i]=0; } } // for(int i=0;i<length;i++) // cout<<i<<":\t"<<m_pnext[i]<<endl; } char *CMyString::GetBuffer() const{ //get the char* from string return this->m_pstr; } CMyString& CMyString::operator()(int pos, int len){ //get len char with the begining of pos CMyString *temp=new CMyString; if(pos<0||pos+len-1>MAXSIZE||len<0){ temp->m_ncurlen=0; temp->m_pstr[0]='\0'; } else{ if(pos+len-1>=m_ncurlen){ len=m_ncurlen-pos; } temp->m_ncurlen=len; for(int i=0,j=pos;i<len;i++,j++){ temp->m_pstr[i]=m_pstr[j]; } temp->m_pstr[len]='\0'; } return *temp; } bool CMyString::operator==(const CMyString cmp_str) const{ if(this->m_ncurlen!=cmp_str.m_ncurlen){ return 0; } for(int i=0;i<this->m_ncurlen;i++){ if(this->m_pstr[i]!=cmp_str.m_pstr[i]) return 0; } return 1; } bool CMyString::operator!=(const CMyString cmp_str) const{ if(*this==cmp_str) return 0; return 1; } bool CMyString::operator<(const CMyString cmp_str) const{ if(this->m_ncurlen!=cmp_str.m_ncurlen){ return this->m_ncurlen<cmp_str.m_ncurlen; } for(int i=0;i<this->m_ncurlen;i++){ if(this->m_pstr[i]!=cmp_str.m_pstr[i]){ return this->m_pnext[i]<cmp_str.m_pnext[i]; } } return 0; } bool CMyString::operator>(const CMyString cmp_str) const{ if(*this<cmp_str||*this==cmp_str){ return 0; } return 1; } CMyString& CMyString::operator=(const CMyString ©){ //赋值操作 delete[] this->m_pstr; this->m_pstr=new char[copy.m_ncurlen+1]; strcpy (this->m_pstr,copy.m_pstr); return *this; } CMyString& CMyString::operator+=(const CMyString &add){ //字符串追加 int length=this->m_ncurlen+add.m_ncurlen; int n=this->m_ncurlen; CMyString temp(*this); delete[] this->m_pstr; this->m_pstr=new char[length+1]; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ this->m_pstr[i]=temp[i]; } for(int i=n;i<length;i++){ this->m_pstr[i]=add.m_pstr[i-n]; } this->m_pstr[length]='\0'; return *this; } char& CMyString::operator[](int i){ //取元素 if(i<0||i>=this->m_ncurlen){ cout<<"out of boundary!"<<endl; exit(1); } return this->m_pstr[i]; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,CMyString& str){ os<<str.m_pstr; return os; } istream& operator>>(istream& is,CMyString& str){ is>>str.m_pstr; return is; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "MyString.h" int main(){ CMyString test1("babc"); CMyString test2("abababcdefb"); cout<<test2.Find(test1)<<endl; cout<<test2(2,3)<<endl; if(test1<test2){ cout<<test1<<"<"<<test2<<endl; } else{ if(test1==test2){ cout<<test1<<"=="<<test2<<endl; } else{ if(test1>test2){ cout<<test1<<">"<<test2<<endl; } } } int length=test2.Length(); for(int i=0;i<length;i++){ cout<<test2[i]; } cout<<endl; test1+=test2; cout<<test1<<endl; test1=test2; cout<<test1<<endl; return 0; }