2012-04-08 22:57 Rollen Holt 阅读(836) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报SeqStack.h
template<typename Type> class SeqStack{ public: SeqStack(int sz):m_ntop(-1),m_nMaxSize(sz){ m_pelements=new Type[sz]; if(m_pelements==NULL){ cout<<"Application Error!"<<endl; exit(1); } } ~SeqStack(){ delete[] m_pelements; } public: void Push(const Type item); //push data Type Pop(); //pop data Type GetTop() const; //get data void Print(); //print the stack void MakeEmpty(){ //make the stack empty m_ntop=-1; } bool IsEmpty() const{ return m_ntop==-1; } bool IsFull() const{ return m_ntop==m_nMaxSize-1; } private: int m_ntop; Type *m_pelements; int m_nMaxSize; }; template<typename Type> void SeqStack<Type>::Push(const Type item){ if(IsFull()){ cout<<"The stack is full!"<<endl; return; } m_pelements[++m_ntop]=item; } template<typename Type> Type SeqStack<Type>::Pop(){ if(IsEmpty()){ cout<<"There is no element!"<<endl; exit(1); } return m_pelements[m_ntop--]; } template<typename Type> Type SeqStack<Type>::GetTop() const{ if(IsEmpty()){ cout<<"There is no element!"<<endl; exit(1); } return m_pelements[m_ntop]; } template<typename Type> void SeqStack<Type>::Print(){ cout<<"bottom"; for(int i=0;i<=m_ntop;i++){ cout<<"--->"<<m_pelements[i]; } cout<<"--->top"<<endl<<endl<<endl; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; #include "SeqStack.h" int main(){ SeqStack<int> stack(10); int init[10]={1,2,6,9,0,3,8,7,5,4}; for(int i=0;i<10;i++){ stack.Push(init[i]); } stack.Print(); stack.Push(88); cout<<stack.Pop()<<endl; stack.Print(); stack.MakeEmpty(); stack.Print(); stack.Pop(); return 0; }