2012-04-08 22:54 Rollen Holt 阅读(1672) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报ListNode.h
template<typename Type> class CircularList; template<typename Type> class ListNode{ private: friend class CircularList<Type>; ListNode():m_pnext(NULL){} ListNode(const Type item,ListNode<Type> *next=NULL):m_data(item),m_pnext(next){} ~ListNode(){ m_pnext=NULL; } private: Type m_data; ListNode *m_pnext; };
#include "ListNode.h" template<typename Type> class CircularList{ public: CircularList():head(new ListNode<Type>()){ head->m_pnext=head; } ~CircularList(){ MakeEmpty(); delete head; } public: void MakeEmpty(); //clear the list int Length(); //get the length ListNode<Type> *Find(Type value,int n); //find the nth data which is equal to value ListNode<Type> *Find(int n); //find the nth data bool Insert(Type item,int n=0); //insert the data into the nth data of the list Type Remove(int n=0); //delete the nth data bool RemoveAll(Type item); //delete all the datas which are equal to value Type Get(int n); //get the nth data void Print(); //print the list private: ListNode<Type> *head; }; template<typename Type> void CircularList<Type>::MakeEmpty(){ ListNode<Type> *pdel,*pmove=head; while(pmove->m_pnext!=head){ pdel=pmove->m_pnext; pmove->m_pnext=pdel->m_pnext; delete pdel; } } template<typename Type> int CircularList<Type>::Length(){ ListNode<Type> *pmove=head; int count=0; while(pmove->m_pnext!=head){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; count++; } return count; } template<typename Type> ListNode<Type>* CircularList<Type>::Find(int n){ if(n<0){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; return NULL; } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head->m_pnext; for(int i=0;i<n&&pmove!=head;i++){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; } if(pmove==head){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; return NULL; } return pmove; } template<typename Type> ListNode<Type>* CircularList<Type>::Find(Type value,int n){ if(n<1){ cout<<"The n is illegal"<<endl; return NULL; } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head; int count=0; while(count!=n){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; if(pmove->m_data==value){ count++; } if(pmove==head){ cout<<"can't find the element"<<endl; return NULL; } } return pmove; } template<typename Type> bool CircularList<Type>::Insert(Type item, int n){ if(n<0){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; return 0; } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head; ListNode<Type> *pnode=new ListNode<Type>(item); if(pnode==NULL){ cout<<"Application error!"<<endl; exit(1); } for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; if(pmove==head){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; return 0; } } pnode->m_pnext=pmove->m_pnext; pmove->m_pnext=pnode; return 1; } template<typename Type> bool CircularList<Type>::RemoveAll(Type item){ ListNode<Type> *pmove=head; ListNode<Type> *pdel=head->m_pnext; while(pdel!=head){ if(pdel->m_data==item){ pmove->m_pnext=pdel->m_pnext; delete pdel; pdel=pmove->m_pnext; continue; } pmove=pmove->m_pnext; pdel=pdel->m_pnext; } return 1; } template<typename Type> Type CircularList<Type>::Remove(int n){ if(n<0){ cout<<"can't find the element"<<endl; exit(1); } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head,*pdel; for(int i=0;i<n&&pmove->m_pnext!=head;i++){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; } if(pmove->m_pnext==head){ cout<<"can't find the element"<<endl; exit(1); } pdel=pmove->m_pnext; pmove->m_pnext=pdel->m_pnext; Type temp=pdel->m_data; delete pdel; return temp; } template<typename Type> Type CircularList<Type>::Get(int n){ if(n<0){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; exit(1); } ListNode<Type> *pmove=head->m_pnext; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ pmove=pmove->m_pnext; if(pmove==head){ cout<<"The n is out of boundary"<<endl; exit(1); } } return pmove->m_data; } template<typename Type> void CircularList<Type>::Print(){ ListNode<Type> *pmove=head->m_pnext; cout<<"head"; while(pmove!=head){ cout<<"--->"<<pmove->m_data; pmove=pmove->m_pnext; } cout<<"--->over"<<endl<<endl<<endl; }
#include <iostream> #include "CircularList.h" using namespace std; int main() { CircularList<int> list; for(int i=0;i<20;i++){ list.Insert(i*3,i); } cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print(); for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ list.Insert(3,i*3); } cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print(); list.Remove(5); cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print(); list.RemoveAll(3); cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print(); cout<<"The third element is "<<list.Get(3)<<endl; list.MakeEmpty(); cout<<"the Length of the list is "<<list.Length()<<endl; list.Print(); return 0; }