2011-11-26 22:30 Rollen Holt 阅读(4335) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报使用 os.path 模块处理文件名
import os filename = "my/little/pony" print "using",, "..." print "split", "=>", os.path.split(filename) print "splitext", "=>", os.path.splitext(filename) print "dirname", "=>", os.path.dirname(filename) print "basename", "=>", os.path.basename(filename) print "join", "=>", os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), os.path.basename(filename)) using nt ... split => ('my/little', 'pony') splitext => ('my/little/pony', '') dirname => my/little basename => pony join => my/little\pony
>>> os.pardir '..' >>> os.curdir '.'
使用 os.path 模块检查文件名的特征
import os FILES = ( os.curdir, "/", "file", "/file", "samples", "samples/sample.jpg", "directory/file", "../directory/file", "/directory/file" ) for file in FILES: print file, "=>", if os.path.exists(file): print "EXISTS", if os.path.isabs(file): print "ISABS", if os.path.isdir(file): print "ISDIR", if os.path.isfile(file): print "ISFILE", if os.path.islink(file): print "ISLINK", if os.path.ismount(file): print "ISMOUNT", print . => EXISTS ISDIR / => EXISTS ISABS ISDIR ISMOUNT file => /file => ISABS samples => EXISTS ISDIR samples/sample.jpg => EXISTS ISFILE directory/file => ../directory/file => /directory/file => ISABS
函数以与大部分Unix shell相同的方式处理用户名快捷符号(~, 不过在 Windows 下工作不正常),
使用 os.path 模块将用户名插入到文件名
import os print os.path.expanduser("~/.pythonrc") # /home/effbot/.pythonrc
使用 os.path 替换文件名中的环境变量
import os os.environ["USER"] = "user" print os.path.expandvars("/home/$USER/config") print os.path.expandvars("$USER/folders") /home/user/config user/folders
>>> a=[file for file in os.listdir("d:\\new")] >>> for i in a: print i
函数会帮你找出一个目录树下的所有文件. 它的参数依次是目录名, 回调函数, 以及传递给回调函数的数据对象.
使用 os.path 搜索文件系统
import os def callback(arg, directory, files): for file in files: print os.path.join(directory, file), repr(arg) os.path.walk(".", callback, "secret message") ./ 'secret message' ./ 'secret message' ./ 'secret message' ... ./samples 'secret message' ./samples/sample.jpg 'secret message' ./samples/sample.txt 'secret message' ./samples/ 'secret message' ./samples/articles 'secret message' ./samples/articles/article-1.txt 'secret message' ./samples/articles/article-2.txt 'secret message' ...
函数会返回一个文件名列表, 你可以直接使用for-in
使用 os.listdir 搜索文件系统
import os def index(directory): # like os.listdir, but traverses directory trees stack = [directory] files = [] while stack: directory = stack.pop() for file in os.listdir(directory): fullname = os.path.join(directory, file) files.append(fullname) if os.path.isdir(fullname) and not os.path.islink(fullname): stack.append(fullname) return files for file in index("."): print file .\ .\ .\ ...
import os class DirectoryWalker: # a forward iterator that traverses a directory tree def _ _init_ _(self, directory): self.stack = [directory] self.files = [] self.index = 0 def _ _getitem_ _(self, index): while 1: try: file = self.files[self.index] self.index = self.index + 1 except IndexError: # pop next directory from stack = self.stack.pop() self.files = os.listdir( self.index = 0 else: # got a filename fullname = os.path.join(, file) if os.path.isdir(fullname) and not os.path.islink(fullname): self.stack.append(fullname) return fullname for file in DirectoryWalker("."): print file .\ .\ .\ ...
注意 DirectoryWalker 类并不检查传递给 _ _getitem_ _
方法的索引值. 这意味着如果你越界访问序列成员(索引数字过大)的话, 这个类将不能正常工作.
下面这个例子它返回文件名和它的 os.stat
属性(一个元组). 这个版本在每个文件上都能节省一次或两次stat
调用( os.path.isdir
和 os.path.islink
内部都使用了 stat
), 并且在一些平台上运行很快.
使用 DirectoryStatWalker 搜索文件系统
import os, stat class DirectoryStatWalker: # a forward iterator that traverses a directory tree, and # returns the filename and additional file information def _ _init_ _(self, directory): self.stack = [directory] self.files = [] self.index = 0 def _ _getitem_ _(self, index): while 1: try: file = self.files[self.index] self.index = self.index + 1 except IndexError: # pop next directory from stack = self.stack.pop() self.files = os.listdir( self.index = 0 else: # got a filename fullname = os.path.join(, file) st = os.stat(fullname) mode = st[stat.ST_MODE] if stat.S_ISDIR(mode) and not stat.S_ISLNK(mode): self.stack.append(fullname) return fullname, st for file, st in DirectoryStatWalker("."): print file, st[stat.ST_SIZE] .\ 336 .\ 244 .\ 526
Using the stat Module
import stat import os, time st = os.stat("samples/sample.txt") print "mode", "=>", oct(stat.S_IMODE(st[stat.ST_MODE])) print "type", "=>", if stat.S_ISDIR(st[stat.ST_MODE]): print "DIRECTORY", if stat.S_ISREG(st[stat.ST_MODE]): print "REGULAR", if stat.S_ISLNK(st[stat.ST_MODE]): print "LINK", print print "size", "=>", st[stat.ST_SIZE] print "last accessed", "=>", time.ctime(st[stat.ST_ATIME]) print "last modified", "=>", time.ctime(st[stat.ST_MTIME]) print "inode changed", "=>", time.ctime(st[stat.ST_CTIME]) mode => 0664 type => REGULAR size => 305 last accessed => Sun Oct 10 22:12:30 1999 last modified => Sun Oct 10 18:39:37 1999 inode changed => Sun Oct 10 15:26:38 1999
使用 string 模块
import string text = "Monty Python's Flying Circus" print "upper", "=>", string.upper(text) print "lower", "=>", string.lower(text) print "split", "=>", string.split(text) print "join", "=>", string.join(string.split(text), "+") print "replace", "=>", string.replace(text, "Python", "Java") print "find", "=>", string.find(text, "Python"), string.find(text, "Java") print "count", "=>", string.count(text, "n") upper => MONTY PYTHON'S FLYING CIRCUS lower => monty python's flying circus split => ['Monty', "Python's", 'Flying', 'Circus'] join => Monty+Python's+Flying+Circus replace => Monty Java's Flying Circus find => 6 -1 count => 3
使用字符串方法替代 string 模块函数
text = "Monty Python's Flying Circus" print "upper", "=>", text.upper() print "lower", "=>", text.lower() print "split", "=>", text.split() print "join", "=>", "+".join(text.split()) print "replace", "=>", text.replace("Python", "Perl") print "find", "=>", text.find("Python"), text.find("Perl") print "count", "=>", text.count("n") upper => MONTY PYTHON'S FLYING CIRCUS lower => monty python's flying circus split => ['Monty', "Python's", 'Flying', 'Circus'] join => Monty+Python's+Flying+Circus replace => Monty Perl's Flying Circus find => 6 -1 count => 3
使用 string 模块将字符串转为数字
import string print int("4711"), print string.atoi("4711"), print string.atoi("11147", 8), # octal 八进制 print string.atoi("1267", 16), # hexadecimal 十六进制 print string.atoi("3mv", 36) # whatever... print string.atoi("4711", 0), print string.atoi("04711", 0), print string.atoi("0x4711", 0) print float("4711"), print string.atof("1"), print string.atof("1.23e5") 4711 4711 4711 4711 4711 4711 2505 18193 4711.0 1.0 123000.0
模块为 Python 提供了一个 "功能性" 的标准操作符接口. 当使用 map
以及 filter
一类的函数的时候, operator
函式. 而且这些函数在一些喜欢写晦涩代码的程序员中很流行.
使用 operator 模块
print "add", "=>", reduce(operator.add, sequence) print "sub", "=>", reduce(operator.sub, sequence) print "mul", "=>", reduce(operator.mul, sequence) print "concat", "=>", operator.concat("spam", "egg") print "repeat", "=>", operator.repeat("spam", 5) print "getitem", "=>", operator.getitem(sequence, 2) print "indexOf", "=>", operator.indexOf(sequence, 2) print "sequenceIncludes", "=>", operator.sequenceIncludes(sequence, 3) add => 7 sub => -5 mul => 8 concat => spamegg repeat => spamspamspamspamspam getitem => 4 indexOf => 1 sequenceIncludes => 0
使用 operator 模块检查类型
import operator import UserList def dump(data): print type(data), "=>", if operator.isCallable(data): print "CALLABLE", if operator.isMappingType(data): print "MAPPING", if operator.isNumberType(data): print "NUMBER", if operator.isSequenceType(data): print "SEQUENCE", print dump(0) dump("string") dump("string"[0]) dump([1, 2, 3]) dump((1, 2, 3)) dump({"a": 1}) dump(len) # function 函数 dump(UserList) # module 模块 dump(UserList.UserList) # class 类 dump(UserList.UserList()) # instance 实例 <type 'int'> => NUMBER <type 'string'> => SEQUENCE <type 'string'> => SEQUENCE <type 'list'> => SEQUENCE <type 'tuple'> => SEQUENCE <type 'dictionary'> => MAPPING <type 'builtin_function_or_method'> => CALLABLE <type 'module'> => <type 'class'> => CALLABLE <type 'instance'> => MAPPING NUMBER SEQUENCE
模块包含两个函数, 用来拷贝对象
使用 copy 模块复制对象
import copy a = [[1],[2],[3]] b = copy.copy(a) print "before", "=>" print a print b # modify original a[0][0] = 0 a[1] = None print "after", "=>" print a print b before => [[1], [2], [3]] [[1], [2], [3]] after => [[0], None, [3]] [[0], [2], [3]]
使用 copy 模块复制集合(Collections)
import copy a = [[1],[2],[3]] b = copy.deepcopy(a) print "before", "=>" print a print b # modify original a[0][0] = 0 a[1] = None print "after", "=>" print a print b before => [[1], [2], [3]] [[1], [2], [3]] after => [[0], None, [3]] [[1], [2], [3]]
import sys print "script name is", sys.argv[0] if len(sys.argv) > 1: print "there are", len(sys.argv)-1, "arguments:" for arg in sys.argv[1:]: print arg else: print "there are no arguments!" script name is there are no arguments!
import sys print "path has", len(sys.path), "members" # add the sample directory to the path sys.path.insert(0, "samples") import sample # nuke the path sys.path = [] import random # oops! path has 7 members this is the sample module! Traceback (innermost last): File "", line 11, in ? import random # oops! ImportError: No module named random
import sys def dump(module): print module, "=>", if module in sys.builtin_module_names: print "<BUILTIN>" else: module = _ _import_ _(module) print module._ _file_ _ dump("os") dump("sys") dump("string") dump("strop") dump("zlib") os => C:\python\lib\os.pyc sys => <BUILTIN> string => C:\python\lib\string.pyc strop => <BUILTIN> zlib => C:\python\zlib.pyd
字典包含所有加载的模块. import
import sys print sys.modules.keys() ['os.path', 'os', 'exceptions', '_ _main_ _', 'ntpath', 'strop', 'nt', 'sys', '_ _builtin_ _', 'site', 'signal', 'UserDict', 'string', 'stat']
函数 返回给定对象的引用记数 - 也就是这个对象使用次数. Python 会跟踪这个值, 当它减少为0的时候, 就销毁这个对象.
import sys variable = 1234 print sys.getrefcount(0) print sys.getrefcount(variable) print sys.getrefcount(None) 50 3 192
注意这个值总是比实际的数量大, 因为该函数本身在确定这个值的时候依赖这个对象
import sys # # emulate "import os.path" (sort of)... if sys.platform == "win32": import ntpath pathmodule = ntpath elif sys.platform == "mac": import macpath pathmodule = macpath else: # assume it's a posix platform import posixpath pathmodule = posixpath print pathmodule
函数允许你配置一个分析函数(profiling function). 这个函数会在每次调用某个函数或方法时被调用(明确或隐含的), 或是遇到异常的时候被调用.
import sys def test(n): j = 0 for i in range(n): j = j + i return n def profiler(frame, event, arg): print event, frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_lineno, "->", arg # profiler is activated on the next call, return, or exception # 分析函数将在下次函数调用, 返回, 或异常时激活 sys.setprofile(profiler) # profile this function call # 分析这次函数调用 test(1) # disable profiler # 禁用分析函数 sys.setprofile(None) # don't profile this call # 不会分析这次函数调用 test(2) call test 3 -> None return test 7 -> 1
import sys def test(n): j = 0 for i in range(n): j = j + i return n def tracer(frame, event, arg): print event, frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_lineno, "->", arg return tracer # tracer is activated on the next call, return, or exception # 跟踪器将在下次函数调用, 返回, 或异常时激活 sys.settrace(tracer) # trace this function call # 跟踪这次函数调用 test(1) # disable tracing # 禁用跟踪器 sys.settrace(None) # don't trace this call # 不会跟踪这次函数调用 test(2) call test 3 -> None line test 3 -> None line test 4 -> None line test 5 -> None line test 5 -> None line test 6 -> None line test 5 -> None line test 7 -> None return test 7 -> 1