<?xml version="1.0" encoding="GB2312"?> <Root Alias="部标状态" TerminalType="808"> <Status desc="车辆状态位信息定义" TestBitValue="1" InOverBoundAlarm="4,4" OutOverBoundAlarm="8,7" > <Byte seq="1" desc="报警第1状态字" > <Bit seq="0" alarm="1" value1="紧急报警" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="1" alarm="0" value1="超速报警" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="2" alarm="0" value1="疲劳驾驶报警" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="3" alarm="0" value1="预警" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="4" alarm="1" value1="GNSS模块故障报警" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="5" alarm="1" value1="GNSS模块断开报警" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="6" alarm="1" value1="GNSS模块短路报警" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="7" alarm="1" value1="主电源欠压报警" s13nValue1=""/> </Byte> <Byte seq="2" desc="报警第2状态字" > <Bit seq="0" alarm="1" value1="主电源掉电报警" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="1" alarm="0" value1="LCD模块故障报警" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="2" alarm="0" value1="TTS模块故障报警" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="3" alarm="0" value1="摄像头故障报警" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="4" alarm="0" value1="" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="5" alarm="0" value1="" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="6" alarm="0" value1="" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="7" alarm="0" value1="" s13nValue1=""/> </Byte> <Byte seq="8" desc="第4状态字" > <Bit seq="0" alarm="0" value1="" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="1" alarm="0" value1="" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="2" alarm="0" value1="" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="3" alarm="0" value1="" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="4" alarm="0" value1="蜂鸣器开" value0="蜂鸣器关" s13nValue1="" s13nValue0=""/> <Bit seq="5" alarm="0" value1="设防状态" value0="不设防状态" s13nValue1="" s13nValue0=""/> <Bit seq="6" alarm="0" value1="" s13nValue1=""/> <Bit seq="7" alarm="0" value1="" s13nValue1=""/> </Byte> </Status> <!-- end of status define--> </Root>
//加载xml TalarmTypeList = record AlarmName : string; end; pAlarmTypeList =^ TalarmTypeList; //1、加载xml if not FileExists(currentDirectory + filename) then xmlDoc := TXMLDocument.Create(currentDirectory + FileName); //2、使用 procedure TfrmConfigAlarm.loadStatus; var RootNode : IXMLNode; StatusNode : IXMLNode; ByteNode : IXMLNode; BitNode : IXMLNode; Attributes : Variant; //因为返回的是 OleVariant类型 I : Integer; J : Integer; ByteIndex : Integer; BitIndex : Integer; RequireList : TStringList; minByteIndex : Integer; maxByteIndex : Integer; minBitIndex : Integer; maxBitIndex : Integer; node : PVirtualNode; data : pAlarmTypeList; alarm,value0,value1 : Variant; begin vstAlarmList.Clear; xmlDoc.Active := True;//激活 RootNode := xmlDoc.ChildNodes.Nodes['Root'];//取出第一个节点 if RootNode = nil then begin ShowMessage('读取配置文件失败'); Exit; end; StatusNode := RootNode.ChildNodes.FindNode('Status'); //取出第二个节点 if StatusNode = nil then begin ShowMessage('读取配置文件失败'); Exit; end; for I := 0 to StatusNode.ChildNodes.Count - 1 do //Status 地下的子节点 begin if I > highByteIndex then Break; ByteNode := StatusNode.ChildNodes.Get(I); Attributes := ByteNode.Attributes['seq']; //取属性 for J := 0 to ByteNode.ChildNodes.Count - 1 do //再下一层子节点 begin if J > 8 then Break; BitNode := ByteNode.ChildNodes.Get(J); Attributes := BitNode.Attributes['seq']; if Attributes <> Null then BitIndex := Attributes else BitIndex := J; if BitIndex < minBitIndex then minBitIndex := BitIndex; if BitIndex > maxBitIndex then maxBitIndex := BitIndex; alarm := BitNode.Attributes['alarm']; //取属性 value1 := BitNode.Attributes['value1']; value0 := BitNode.Attributes['value0']; if (value0<>null) and (value0<>'') then begin node := vstAlarmList.AddChild(nil);//添加一行 data := vstAlarmList.GetNodeData(node);//获取虚拟树的行内存 data.AlarmName := value0; node.CheckType := ctCheckBox; //选择框 vstAlarmList.TreeOptions.MiscOptions := vstAlarmList.TreeOptions.MiscOptions+[toCheckSupport]; if alarm > 0 then //是否勾选 node.CheckState := csCheckedNormal else node.CheckState := csUncheckedNormal; end; //。。。。。省略 end; end; end; //3、勾选后的,取到列表里面 procedure TfrmConfigAlarm.LoadSelectalarm; var node : PVirtualNode; data : pAlarmTypeList; i : Integer; begin listSelectAlarm.Clear; node := vstAlarmList.GetFirstChecked();//得到第一个 勾选的值, 虚拟树,勾选只可以在第一列 while Assigned(node) do begin data := vstAlarmList.GetNodeData(node); listSelectAlarm.Add(data.AlarmName); //放Tstringlist里面 node := vstAlarmList.GetNextChecked(node); end; end;