The MinGW project maintains and distributes a number of different core components and supplementary packages, including various ports of the GNU toolchain, such as GCC and binutils, translated into equivalent packages.[3][7] These utilities can be used from the Windows command line or integrated into an IDE. Packages may be installed using the command line via mingw-get. Mingw contains many components which are used as toolchian in windows, C++, Fortran, Objective-C, and Ada compilers and MSYS.
For windows 64bit platform: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/
CLI(command line interface) installer.
Graphical User Interface Installer
a component of MinGW known as MSYS (minimal system) provides Windows ports of a lightweight Unix-like shell environment including rxvt and a selection of POSIX tools sufficient to enable autoconf scripts to run, but it does not provide a C compiler or a case-sensitive file system.
TDM Mingw
there are two ways to install mingw: mingw-get(command line interface) installer, mingw-get-inst(GUI) installer and .
highly reccommend that you use the automated installers provided by MinGW, that means using mingw-get-inst
do not install MinGW in any location with spaces in the path name reference.
Belgian C++
using mingw-get-inst installer,
Environment Settings
When you install command line tools, such as MinGW, or GnuWin32 tools, you have to tell the command line interpreter where to find them. This is usually accomplished by adding the appropriate directory names to the PATH variable in your user environment. The installers will not do this for you.
NOTE If you choose to alter your PATH variable, you must ensure you alter your user PATH variable, not your system PATH variable -- there are two of them!
NOTE: If you installed MSYS, you may also want to add ";<installation-directory>\MSYS\1.0\local\bin", and ";<installation-directory>\MSYS\1.0\bin" to the end of your user PATH variable.
std::thread has been tested not supported by mingw32 on gcc4.7.1 or other gcc version. should use boost::thread
use boost::thread
b2 --toolset=gcc –build-dir=mingw/win32 –build-type=complete --stagedir=mingw/win32 –with-thread
change the compiler tool chain
#include <boost/thread.hpp> using namespace std; int main() { boost::thread t; t.join(); // do nothing }
use -std=c++11 and linker named libboost_thread-mgw47-mt-d-1_53.dll.a and libboost_system-mgw47-mt-d-1_53.dll.a
and add directory into the “Search Directories”
compiler: $(#boost_dir)
Linker: $(#boost_dir)\mingw\win32\lib
Add the global variable: boost_dir
Note: if you encounter error shown
无法定位程序输入点 __gxx_personality_v0 于动态链接库
make sure you use the same tool chain which you used to compile boost.
rebuild the code
how to install mingw64 for 64bit system, as mingw only for 32bit platform
MinGW-64可以编译32位程序,参数 -m32 -m64 分别编译32位、64位程序 可以编译成混合版本
we can use the already buildup release to help us.
download the package from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win64/Personal%20Builds/rubenvb/
and then unzip the package to an folder without space character;
cc1plus libgmp-10.dll libmpc-2.dll可以通过使用
mingw-get install libmpc
mingw-get install libgmp来解决
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