Roger Luo

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Zlib Usage

Posted on 2013-04-24 19:29  Roger Luo  阅读(335)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Zlib official website is


zlib wince版:

Zlib dll named as Zlib1.dll

Before version 1.2.4 there is folder named “project”, in which vc6 project file “.dsw” could be used to compile the static library.

Using static library for Zlib 1.2.4

However, after 1.2.4, this folder was removed. Here is the url for downloading source codef for zlib1.2.4


  • Extract the zip, open projects\visualc6\zlib.dsp in Visual Studio (I used 2005) and compile “LIB Release” (and optionally “LIB Debug”)
  • Copy zlib.h and zconf.h from “include” to your Visual Studio “include” directory, and zlib.lib (and zlibd.lib if you made it) to your Visual Studio “lib” directory.
  • On 64 bit Windows, with Visual Studio 2005, this is “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\” so adjust for your version of Visual Studio.
  • You now just need to add “zlib.lib” to your “Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies” line in your C++ project configuration to use it (and optionally zlibd.lib for the debug version).

Using static library for Zlib after 1.2.4

follow readme.txt under contrib\vstudio directory.

DLLs usage for Zlib

zlibwapi.dll uses the WINAPI calling convention for the exported functions, and includes the minizip functionality.

zlib1.dll is exporting the functions using the CDECL convention.

the former dll library will be created by the zlibvc project which is included in the zlib.sln solution under contrib\vstudio

the later dll library will be created by the official

How to compile Zlib on windows

For win32 version

using visual studio command tools to run contrib\masmx86\bld_ml32.bat, and then open the solution contrib\vstudio\vc9 or contrib\vstudio\vc10. That depends on which visual studio version(vc9 for visual studio 2008, vc10 for visual studio 2010).

project “zlibvc” for dynamic library; project “zlibstat” for static library.

For x64 version

using visual studio command tools(x64 cross or x64) to run contrib\masmx64\bld_ml64.bat, and then follow the same path like win32 version to open the solution and choose the compilatoin configurtion to change as x64.


MiniZip and Zlib


Usage for Zlib


	int CZipFileDecoder::UnCompress(const char * src, const char * dst)
		char uSorceBuffer[102400] = {0}; 
		FILE* fin = nullptr;  
		FILE* fout = nullptr; 
		fin = fopen(src,"r+b");
		if (fin == nullptr)
			cerr<<"Failed to open file:"<<src<<endl;
			return 1;

		long ufileLength = ftell(fin);
		fseek(fin, 0L, SEEK_SET);


		uLongf uDestBufferLen=1024000;
		char* uDestBuffer=(char*)::calloc((uInt)uDestBufferLen, 1);

		int ret = uncompress((Bytef*)uDestBuffer,(uLongf*)&uDestBufferLen,(Bytef*)uSorceBuffer,(uLongf)ufileLength);

			cerr<<"Failed to uncompress:"<<ret<<endl;
			return 1;

		fout = fopen(dst, "wb");
		if (fout == nullptr)
			return 1;

		return 0;