

  Usage: logwrapper [-a] [-d] [-k] BINARY [ARGS ...]

  Forks and executes BINARY ARGS, redirecting stdout and stderr to the Android logging system. Tag is set to BINARY, priority is always LOG_INFO.

  -a: Causes logwrapper to do abbreviated logging. This logs up to the first 4K and last 4K of the command being run, and logs the output when the command exits
  -d: Causes logwrapper to SIGSEGV when BINARY terminates fault address is set to the status of wait()
  -k: Causes logwrapper to log to the kernel log instead of the Android system log


  例如,在adb shell下

  root@android:/ ps

  ps的结果只在当前控制台下输出,要想把ps的结果输出到adb log中去,可以使用:

  root@android:/ logwrapper ps

  这样adb logcat就能捕获到ps的输出了


posted on 2016-08-19 11:13  二的次方  阅读(3079)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报