function lunch() { local answer if [ "$1" ] ; then answer=$1 else print_lunch_menu echo -n "Which would you like?" read answer fi local selection= if [ -z "$answer" ] then selection=astar_parrot-tina # "^[0-9][0-9]*$":检查answer变量是否是数字 elif (echo -n $answer | grep -q -e "^[0-9][0-9]*$") then # 当answer的值为数字的时候 if [ $answer -le ${#LUNCH_MENU_CHOICES[@]} ] then selection=${LUNCH_MENU_CHOICES[$(($answer-1))]} fi # "^[^\-][^\-]*-[^\-][^\-]*$":检查answer变量格式是否形如"XXXX-XXXXX" elif (echo -n $answer | grep -q -e "^[^\-][^\-]*-[^\-][^\-]*$") then # 当answer的值为字符串的时候 selection=$answer fi if [ -z "$selection" ] then echo echo "Invalid lunch combo: $answer" return 1 fi # 截掉_及其后面的内容,结果赋给platform。astar_parrot-tina--->astar local platform=$(echo -n $selection | sed -e "s/_.*$//") # 检测platform是否在PLATFORM_CHOICES的支持列表中 check_platform $platform if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo echo "** Don't have a platform spec for: '$platform'" echo "** Must be one of ${PLATFORM_CHOICES[@]}" echo "** Do you have the right repo manifest?" platform= fi # 截掉-及其后面的内容,结果赋给product。astar_parrot-tina--->astar_parrot local product=$(echo -n $selection | sed -e "s/-.*$//") check_product $product if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo echo "** Don't have a product spec for: '$product'" echo "** Do you have the right repo manifest?" product= fi # variant: astar_parrot-tina--->tina local variant=$(echo -n $selection | sed -e "s/^[^\-]*-//") check_variant $variant if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo echo "** Invalid variant: '$variant'" echo "** Must be one of ${VARIANT_CHOICES[@]}" variant= fi # product\variant\platform任意一个为空,说明有错误 if [ -z "$product" -o -z "$variant" -o -z "$platform" ] then echo return 1 fi export TARGET_PRODUCT=$product export TARGET_PLATFORM=$platform export TARGET_BOARD=$(get_build_var TARGET_DEVICE) export TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=$variant export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release rm -rf tmp echo set_stuff_for_environment # 显示当前配置信息 printconfig }
function get_build_var() { # 编译项目的顶层目录 T=$(gettop) if [ ! "$T" ]; then echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP." >&2 return fi (\cd $T; CALLED_FROM_SETUP=true BUILD_SYSTEM=build \ command make --no-print-directory -f build/ dumpvar-$1) }
get_build_var report_config