About CS

There has been a confusion in my mind for a long time.That is,where should we CSers go in the IT world?Or what shoud we CSers be like?Are they the ones who are good at coding with multiple languages such as HTML,PHP and .NET?Are they the ones who make fantasy UI with a convinient tool such as Silverlight?Or they should be the ones who design an architecture for a quite strong software such Windows and VS,they should be the ones who are desperate for efficient algorithms to solve the toughest problems.Actually,as what I origionally thinking,I should be the latter two kinds of people.But what I am recently fascinated to seems to be the oposite of my dream.So sometimes when I am complementing my web pages,a dispirited thought just come out and tell me:you are just doing useless work!And this kind of voice often make me shock with a cold sweat.

Today,I met a graduate student majored in CS.When I am talking my confusion to him,his advice is:currently,I'd better put my heart on my base classes and base theory studying."Because if you don't have enough foundation,you will find your road on CS more dificult in the future",he said.I can't agree with him more partly because he is a very very strong man,and partly because this is my original thought.I am going a little far away from this...

posted @ 2008-12-15 22:42  冰封的水  阅读(197)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报