
These days I was trying to set up a website for myself.It's designed to provide softwares and videos downloading for my roommates.Obviously it is a simple staff but when I carry it out,troubles just come out one after another.I am dragged to read multiple books while coding and debuging.During the two days,I seem a little crazy.However,I manage to build it up through thousands of times of debug and F5.But there is another thing I don't keep in mind,that is the STUBBON IE.When the little content is still on the way from the bottom of my heart to my head,all the beautiful looks turn to be a mess after the migration from FF to IE. In fact,the compatibility of IE and Firefox for CSS has made me suffer a lot.Finally I have to alter all the CSS file to adapt both FF and IE.And the result is,some special good effects which work well donot take effects in IE at all.So I have turn to Javascript.And that's a really hard work...

And now,it just works!When I show it to my roommates with exites,all the perpiration worth.

Well,here are some tips I obtain from this experience:

1.IE doesnot surpport the "hover" class of elements expect "<a>",if you want to display equal effect in IE,you have to use Javascript;

2.The "absolute" positioning is relative to the left-top of the body,and the "relative" positioning is relative to the left-top of the parent div;

3.Some attributes can be inherited from its parent div,such as position,so you needn't specify it again in the child div.

4.To be continued...

posted @ 2008-12-09 22:29  冰封的水  阅读(1409)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报