GBDT原理实例演示 2
Scores = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
GetGradientInOneQuery = [this](int query, const Fvec& scores)
//和实际代码稍有出入 简化版本
_gradient[query] = ((2.0 * label) * sigmoidParam) / (1.0 + std::exp(((2.0 * label) * sigmoidParam) * scores[query]));
考虑 0号样本 label是1 , learningRate也就是sigmoidParam设置为0.1, scores[query] = 0 当前Scores全是0
2 * 1 * 0.1 / (1 + exp(2 * 1 * 0.1 * 0)) = 0.1
考虑 7号样本 label是-1
2 * -1 * 0.1 / (1 + exp(2 * -1 * 0.1 * 0)) = -0.1
Gradient = { 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, -0.1, -0.1, -0.1, -0.1}
Targets = { 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, -0.1, -0.1, -0.1, -0.1}
RegressionTree tree = TreeLearner->FitTargets(activeFeatures, AdjustTargetsAndSetWeights());
virtual RegressionTree FitTargets(BitArray& activeFeatures, Fvec& targets) override
gdb ./test_fastrank_train
(gdb) r -in dating.txt -cl gbdt -ntree 2 -nl 3 -lr 0.1 -mil 1 -c train -vl 1 -mjson=1
p Partitioning
$3 = {_documents = std::vector of length 8, capacity 8 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, _initialDocuments = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0, _leafBegin = std::vector of length 3, capacity 3 = {0, 0,
0}, _leafCount = std::vector of length 3, capacity 3 = {8, 0, 0}, _tempDocuments = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0}
20, 60, 3, 66, 30, 20, 15, 10
BinMedians = std::vector of length 7, capacity 7 = {3, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 66}
p *Feature
$11 = {_vptr.Feature = 0xce8650 <vtable for gezi::Feature+16>, Name = "hight",
BinUpperBounds = std::vector of length 7, capacity 7 = {6.5, 12.5, 17.5, 25, 45, 63, 1.7976931348623157e+308},
BinMedians = std::vector of length 7, capacity 7 = {3, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 66},
Bins = {_vptr.TVector = 0xce8670 <vtable for gezi::TVector<int>+16>, indices = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0,
values = std::vector of length 8, capacity 8 = {3, 5, 0, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1}, sparsityRatio = 0.29999999999999999, keepDense = false, keepSparse = false, normalized = false, numNonZeros = 7,
length = 8, _zeroValue = 0}, Trust = 1}
Bins对应分桶的结果,比如_0样本hight 20,那么分桶结果是编号3的桶(0开始index)
考虑hight特征,我们要扫描所有可能的分裂点 这里也就是说 考虑6个不同的分裂点
for (int t = 0; t < (histogram.NumFeatureValues - 1); t += 1)
就是左子树 1个(_2样本), 右子树7个,考虑下面公式 收益是 0.1^2/1 + (-0.1)^2/7 - CONSTANT = 0.01142857142857143 - CONSTANT
类似的考虑分裂点12.5,17.5……….. 选取一个最佳分裂点
然后同样的考虑 money, face 特征 选取最优(特征,分裂点)组合,
这里最优组合是(hight, 45)
_0,_2,_4,_5,_6, _7 -> 0.1 + 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 -0.1
_1,_3 -> 0.1 + 0.1
(-0.2)^2 /6 + (0.2)^2 / 2 - CONSTANT = 0.026666666666666665 - CONSTANT
(gdb) p bestShiftedGain
$22 = 0.026666666666666675
对应>的子树输出应该是 0.2 / 2 = 0.1 下图对应展示output是1,因为后续还有AdjustOutput,因为至少需要 F_m(x) = F_m-1(x) + learning_rate*(当前树的预测值(也就是预测负梯度..)) 黄色部分是最终该棵树的输出值
之后再选取两个分裂后的组 选一个最佳(特征,分裂)组合 -> (face, 57.5)
(gdb) p tree
$26 = {<gezi::OnlineRegressionTree> = {NumLeaves = 3, _gainPValue = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {0.15304198078836101, 0.27523360741160119},
_lteChild = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {1, -1}, _gtChild = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {-2, -3}, _leafValue = std::vector of length 3, capacity 3 = {-0.10000000000000002,
0.10000000000000002, 0.033333333333333347}, _threshold = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {4, 2}, _splitFeature = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {0, 2},
_splitGain = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {0.026666666666666675, 0.026666666666666679}, _maxOutput = 0.10000000000000002, _previousLeafValue = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {0,
-0.033333333333333333}, _weight = 1, _featureNames = 0x6e6a5a <gezi::FastRank::GetActiveFeatures(std::vector<bool, std::allocator<bool> >&)+34>},
_parent = std::vector of length 3, capacity 3 = {1, -1, -2}}
virtual RegressionTree& TrainingIteration(BitArray& activeFeatures) override
RegressionTree tree = TreeLearner->FitTargets(activeFeatures, AdjustTargetsAndSetWeights());
if (AdjustTreeOutputsOverride == nullptr)
{ //如果父类ObjectiveFunction里面没有虚函数 不能使用dynamic_pointer_cast... @TODO
(dynamic_pointer_cast<IStepSearch>(ObjectiveFunction))->AdjustTreeOutputs(tree, TreeLearner->Partitioning, *TrainingScores);
return Ensemble.Tree();
virtual void AdjustTreeOutputs(RegressionTree& tree, DocumentPartitioning& partitioning, ScoreTracker& trainingScores) override
//AutoTimer timer("dynamic_pointer_cast<IStepSearch>(ObjectiveFunction))->AdjustTreeOutputs");
for (int l = 0; l < tree.NumLeaves; l++)
Float output = 0.0;
if (_bestStepRankingRegressionTrees)
output = _learningRate * tree.GetOutput(l);
{ //现在走这里
output = (_learningRate * (tree.GetOutput(l) + 1.4E-45)) / (partitioning.Mean(_weights, Dataset.SampleWeights, l, false) + 1.4E-45);
if (output > _maxTreeOutput)
output = _maxTreeOutput;
else if (output < -_maxTreeOutput)
output = -_maxTreeOutput;
tree.SetOutput(l, output);
(gdb) p _weights
$33 = std::vector of length 8, capacity 8 = {0.010000000000000002, 0.010000000000000002, 0.010000000000000002, 0.010000000000000002, 0.010000000000000002, 0.010000000000000002,
0.010000000000000002, 0.010000000000000002}
_learningRate * tree.Getoutput(1) / partioning.Mean(_weights..) = 0.1 * 0.1 / 0.01 = 1
(gdb) p tree
$35 = (gezi::RegressionTree &) @0x7fffffffd480: {<gezi::OnlineRegressionTree> = {
NumLeaves = 3, _gainPValue = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {0.15304198078836101, 0.27523360741160119},
_lteChild = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {1, -1}, _gtChild = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {-2, -3}, _leafValue = std::vector of length 3, capacity 3 = {-1, 1,
0.33333333333333343}, _threshold = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {4, 2}, _splitFeature = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {0, 2},
_splitGain = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {0.026666666666666675, 0.026666666666666679}, _maxOutput = 0.10000000000000002, _previousLeafValue = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {0, -0.033333333333333333}, _weight = 1, _featureNames = 0x6e6a5a <gezi::FastRank::GetActiveFeatures(std::vector<bool, std::allocator<bool> >&)+34>}, _parent = std::vector of length 3, capacity 3 = {1, -1, -2}}
之后UpdateAllScores(tree); 是用来更新scores的值,这里就是8个样本对应的scores值,也就是计算F(x),注意多棵树则是对应记录多棵树的输出的值累加。
virtual void AddScores(RegressionTree& tree, DocumentPartitioning& partitioning, Float multiplier = 1)
for (int l = 0; l < tree.NumLeaves; l++)
int begin;
int count;
ivec& documents = partitioning.ReferenceLeafDocuments(l, begin, count);
Float output = tree.LeafValue(l) * multiplier;
int end = begin + count;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = begin; i < end; i++)
Scores[documents[i]] += output;
(gdb) p Scores
$7 = std::vector of length 8, capacity 8 = {0.33333333333333343, 1, 0.33333333333333343, 1, -1, -1, 0.33333333333333343, -1}
for (int query = 0; query < Dataset.NumDocs; query++)
GetGradientInOneQuery(query, scores);
_gradient[0] =
2 * 1 * 0.1 / (1 + exp(2 * 1 * 0.1 * 0.33333333333333343))
: 0.2/(1.0 + math.exp(2*0.1/3))
Out[2]: 0.09666790068611772
这时候 我们需要拟合的梯度变为
(gdb) p _gradient
$9 = std::vector of length 8, capacity 8 = {0.096667900686117719, 0.090033200537504438,
0.096667900686117719, 0.090033200537504438, -0.090033200537504438, -0.090033200537504438,
-0.10333209931388229, -0.090033200537504438}
p tree
$10 = {<gezi::OnlineRegressionTree> = {NumLeaves = 3,
_gainPValue = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {0.13944890100441296,
0.02357537149418417}, _lteChild = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {-1, -2},
_gtChild = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {1, -3},
_leafValue = std::vector of length 3, capacity 3 = {-0.9721949587186075,
-0.30312179217966367, 0.94840573799486361},
_threshold = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {1, 1},
_splitFeature = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {1, 2},
_splitGain = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {0.024924858166579064,
0.023238200798742146}, _maxOutput = 0.094456333969913306,
_previousLeafValue = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {0, 0.032222633562039242},
_weight = 1,
_featureNames = 0x6e6a5a <gezi::FastRank::GetActiveFeatures(std::vector<bool, std::allocator<bool> >&)+34>}, _parent = std::vector of length 3, capacity 3 = {0, 1, -2}}
(gdb) p Scores
$11 = std::vector of length 8, capacity 8 = {1.2817390713281971, 0.69687820782033638,
1.2817390713281971, 1.9484057379948636, -1.3031217921796636, -1.9721949587186076,
-0.63886162538527413, -1.3031217921796636}