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今天在Atlas的框架中用到 FreeTextBox , 很遺憾 , 發生腳本出錯 . 找了很久的原因 , 終不得解決.
   我把 Atlas 換成 MagicAjax的框架 , 沒有腳本錯誤 , 但是 CallBack回來後 , FreeTextBox不能編輯 . 後來我把 FreeTextBox 放在 Magicajax的UpdatePanel 的外面 , 這樣問題得到解決 , 雖然不是很完美 , 但是功能總算實現 .

   有沒有哪位高手碰到這類型問題? 您是怎麼解決的呢?

   看來 Ajax的框架很多,但是,好像缺乏統一的標準 , 後來 , 我在一個Atlas框架的頁面中用到 ComponentArt 的一個控件 , 結果同樣的問題 , CallBack的結果已經返回 , 但是 , 不能Render到頁面顯示 . 

Make the freetextbox work inside an atlas updatpanel

A while ago I blogged about making the freetextbox work inside an updatepanel. I didn't put the code at that time because it wasn't what it should be.

For the NBlogr engine I do need a working version of that control. And it should work on firefox and internet explorer. Now I have it somewhat working.  I thought it would be best to share this, as I'm sure that there are others that are facing the same problem.

You basically wrap it in an iframe so that it loads it's script in a page that does not have an update panel on it.
through javascript you get the value of the entered in the freetextbox and set it in an hiddenfield. and voila you're done.

FreeTextBoxWrapper.ascx :


iframe runat ="server" id ="ifrmTxt" width ="600" height ="400" frameborder ="0" ></ iframe >


asp : HiddenField ID ="hfFtbValue" runat ="server" />

And the codebehind for the ascx :

   12 [ValidationProperty("Text")]

   13 publicpartialclassApp_Components_FreeTextBoxWrapper : System.Web.UI.UserControl

   14 {

   15     publicstringText

   16     {

   17         get

   18         {

   19             returnhfFtbValue.Value;

   20         }

   21         set

   22         {

   23             hfFtbValue.Value = value;

   24         }

   25     }

   26     publicstringWidth

   27     {

   28         get

   29         {

   30             returnifrmTxt.Attributes["width"];

   31         }

   32         set

   33         {

   34             ifrmTxt.Attributes["width"] = value;

   35         }

   36     }

   37     publicstringHeight

   38     {

   39         get

   40         {

   41             returnifrmTxt.Attributes["height"];

   42         }

   43         set

   44         {

   45             ifrmTxt.Attributes["height"] = value;

   46         }

   47     }

   48     protectedvoidPage_Load(objectsender, EventArgse)

   49     {

   50         //load the freetextbox page that has no theme and no masterpage set. The background color is the one I chose to blend in with my design       

   51         ifrmTxt.Attributes["Src"] = ResolveUrl(string.Format("~/App_Components/FreeTextBox.aspx?hf={0}&w={1}&h={2}", hfFtbValue.ClientID,Width,Height));

   52         ifrmTxt.Attributes["Name"] = ifrmTxt.ClientID;


   54         if (!IsPostBack)

   55         {

   56             Session[hfFtbValue.ClientID] = hfFtbValue.Value;

   57         }

   58     }


   60     protectedoverridevoidOnDataBinding(EventArgse)

   61     {

   62         base.OnDataBinding(e);

   63         Session[hfFtbValue.ClientID] = hfFtbValue.Value;

   64     }

   65 }


And the page that contains the freetextbox control :


@ Page Language ="C#" AutoEventWireup ="true" Theme ="" CodeFile ="FreeTextBox.aspx.cs" Inherits ="App_Components_FreeTextBox" ValidateRequest ="false" %>
<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
html xmlns ="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
head runat
< title > A wrapper for the freetextbox in an atlas:updatepanel </ title
< style type
body {
background : #ffdaa0 ;//Set your color here
margin : 0 ;
</ style
< form id ="form1" runat
< div
< FTB : FreeTextBox ID ="ftb" runat ="server" SupportFolder ="~/" ClientSideTextChanged ="onFtbClientTextChanged"> </ FTB : FreeTextBox
</ div >


< script type ="text/javascript">
//The lengthy constructor is there so that firefox also knows where to get the text.
function onFtbClientTextChanged (){
window . parent . document . getElementById ( '<%= MainPageField %>' ). value = document . getElementById ( '<%= ftb.ClientID %>_designEditor' ). contentWindow . document . body . innerHTML ;


if ( navigator . userAgent . indexOf ( "Firefox" )!=-1)
document . getElementById ( "<%= ftb.ClientID %>_htmlEditorArea" ). addEventListener ( 'change' , onFtbClientTextChanged , true );
//for firefox
</ script >
</ form
html >

With it's codebehind:

   12 publicpartialclassApp_Components_FreeTextBox : System.Web.UI.Page

   13 {

   14     protectedstringMainPageField;


   16     protectedvoidPage_Load(objectsender, EventArgse)

   17     {

   18         MainPageField = Request.QueryString["hf"];


   20         if (!IsPostBack)

   21         {

   22             //When the page first loads we need to set the freetextbox with the value from the hiddenfield for databinding etc.

   23             stringsetTextScript = string.Empty;

   24             if(Request.Browser.Browser != "IE")//for firefox we need to reach the freetextbox design editor to place our html

   25                 setTextScript = string.Format("document.getElementById('{0}_designEditor').contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = window.parent.document.getElementById('{1}').value;\r\n", ftb.ClientID, MainPageField);

   26             else

   27                 setTextScript = string.Format("document.getElementById('{0}').innerHTML = window.parent.document.getElementById('{1}').value;\r\n", ftb.ClientID, MainPageField);


   29             Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "setText", setTextScript, true);

   30             ftb.Text = Session[MainPageField].ToString();

   31         }

   32         //Set the width to 99% so that the freetextbox displays completely

   33         ftb.Width = Unit.Percentage(99);


   35         //Get the height and widht and set the height relative to the width of the iframe (the toolbars move)

   36         intheight = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["h"]);

   37         intwidth = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["w"]);

   38         if (width < 550)

   39             ftb.Height = Unit.Pixel(height - 130);

   40         elseif (width < 600)

   41             ftb.Height = Unit.Pixel(height - 120);

   42         else

   43             ftb.Height = Unit.Pixel(height - 90);


   45     }


   47 }