1 线程调度 rt_schedule
rtthread中的线程切换是通过rt_schedule( )线程调度来实现的;
rt_schedule( )线程调度 通过 rt_thread_ready_priority_group 搭配 rt_thread_priority_table 进行调度;
1.1 rt_thread_ready_priority_group 线程就绪优先级组
//scheduler.c #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX > 32 /* Maximum priority level, 256 */ rt_uint32_t rt_thread_ready_priority_group; rt_uint8_t rt_thread_ready_table[32]; #else /* Maximum priority level, 32 */ rt_uint32_t rt_thread_ready_priority_group; //线程就绪优先级组 #endif
1.1.1 优先级组查询
//scheduler.c 优先级组调用方式; highest_ready_priority = __rt_ffs(rt_thread_ready_priority_group) - 1; to_thread = rt_list_entry(rt_thread_priority_table[highest_ready_priority].next, struct rt_thread, tlist); //kservice.c //下文判断函数中对优先级都进行了+1处理,所以上文调用函数中又-1处理; int __rt_ffs(int value) { if (value == 0) return 0; //优先级组为空,调用函数中-1处理得到-1 error; if (value & 0xff) return __lowest_bit_bitmap[value & 0xff] + 1; //bit[7:0],优先级为0也会+1处理; if (value & 0xff00) return __lowest_bit_bitmap[(value & 0xff00) >> 8] + 9; //bit[15:8] if (value & 0xff0000) return __lowest_bit_bitmap[(value & 0xff0000) >> 16] + 17; //bit[23:16] return __lowest_bit_bitmap[(value & 0xff000000) >> 24] + 25; //bit[31:24] } //咋一看还以为是什么复杂的东西,其实这个数组纯粹力气活,把可能性(0:255)依次穷举列出,然后再把该数值的最高优先级存入在数值所在位; //虽然这个数组是个力气活,但是人家的大名叫“位图算法”; //下面的优先级是所在字节的实际优先级 const rt_uint8_t __lowest_bit_bitmap[] = { /* 00 */ 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 10 */ 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 20 */ 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 30 */ 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 40 */ 6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 50 */ 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 60 */ 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 70 */ 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 80 */ 7, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* 90 */ 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* A0 */ 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* B0 */ 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* C0 */ 6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* D0 */ 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* E0 */ 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, /* F0 */ 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0 };
1.2 rt_thread_priority_table 线程就绪优先级表
线程就绪优先级表是一组对象为 rt_list_t 的数组;每个对象是一个链表节点,用来挂载相同优先级的 &tlist 节点;
//scheduler.c rt_list_t rt_thread_priority_table[RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX]; //优先级表; struct rt_thread *rt_current_thread; //当前线程指针; rt_uint8_t rt_current_priority; rt_list_t rt_thread_defunct;
2 rt_system_scheduler_init( )
rt_thread_priority_table[ ] 和 rt_thread_ready_priority_group 初始化;rt_thread_defunct 也在这初始化;
//component.c rtthread_startup()中调用rt_system_scheduler_init(); //scheduler.c void rt_system_scheduler_init(void) { register rt_base_t offset; rt_scheduler_lock_nest = 0; RT_DEBUG_LOG(RT_DEBUG_SCHEDULER, ("start scheduler: max priority 0x%02x\n",RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX)); for (offset = 0; offset < RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX; offset ++) { rt_list_init(&rt_thread_priority_table[offset]); //rt_thread_priority_table[] } rt_current_priority = RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX - 1; //rt_current_priority rt_current_thread = RT_NULL; //rt_current_thread /* initialize ready priority group */ rt_thread_ready_priority_group = 0; //rt_thread_ready_priority_group #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX > 32 /* initialize ready table */ rt_memset(rt_thread_ready_table, 0, sizeof(rt_thread_ready_table)); #endif /* initialize thread defunct */ rt_list_init(&rt_thread_defunct); //rt_thread_defunct }
3 rt_schedule_insert_thread( )
//scheduler.c void rt_schedule_insert_thread(struct rt_thread *thread) { register rt_base_t temp; RT_ASSERT(thread != RT_NULL); /* disable interrupt */ temp = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); /* change stat */ thread->stat = RT_THREAD_READY | (thread->stat & ~RT_THREAD_STAT_MASK); /* insert thread to ready list */ rt_list_insert_before(&(rt_thread_priority_table[thread->current_priority]), &(thread->tlist)); /* set priority mask */ #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX <= 32 RT_DEBUG_LOG(RT_DEBUG_SCHEDULER, ("insert thread[%.*s], the priority: %d\n", RT_NAME_MAX, thread->name, thread->current_priority)); #else RT_DEBUG_LOG(RT_DEBUG_SCHEDULER, ("insert thread[%.*s], the priority: %d 0x%x %d\n", RT_NAME_MAX, thread->name, thread->number, thread->number_mask, thread->high_mask)); #endif #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX > 32 rt_thread_ready_table[thread->number] |= thread->high_mask; #endif rt_thread_ready_priority_group |= thread->number_mask; /* enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(temp); }
4 rt_schedule_remove_thread( )
//scheduler.c //将node移出list之后,如果list为空那么清零list所对应优先级组bit; void rt_schedule_remove_thread(struct rt_thread *thread) { register rt_base_t temp; RT_ASSERT(thread != RT_NULL); /* disable interrupt */ temp = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX <= 32 RT_DEBUG_LOG(RT_DEBUG_SCHEDULER, ("remove thread[%.*s], the priority: %d\n", RT_NAME_MAX, thread->name, thread->current_priority)); #else RT_DEBUG_LOG(RT_DEBUG_SCHEDULER, ("remove thread[%.*s], the priority: %d 0x%x %d\n", RT_NAME_MAX, thread->name, thread->number, thread->number_mask, thread->high_mask)); #endif /* remove thread from ready list */ rt_list_remove(&(thread->tlist)); if (rt_list_isempty(&(rt_thread_priority_table[thread->current_priority]))) { #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX > 32 rt_thread_ready_table[thread->number] &= ~thread->high_mask; if (rt_thread_ready_table[thread->number] == 0) { rt_thread_ready_priority_group &= ~thread->number_mask; } #else rt_thread_ready_priority_group &= ~thread->number_mask; #endif } /* enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(temp); }
5 rt_system_scheduler_start( ) 首次调度
//component.c rtthread_startup()结尾调用rt_system_scheduler_start(); //scheduler.c void rt_system_scheduler_start(void) { register struct rt_thread *to_thread; register rt_ubase_t highest_ready_priority; #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX > 32 register rt_ubase_t number; number = __rt_ffs(rt_thread_ready_priority_group) - 1; highest_ready_priority = (number << 3) + __rt_ffs(rt_thread_ready_table[number]) - 1; #else highest_ready_priority = __rt_ffs(rt_thread_ready_priority_group) - 1; #endif /* get switch to thread */ to_thread = rt_list_entry(rt_thread_priority_table[highest_ready_priority].next, struct rt_thread, tlist); rt_current_thread = to_thread; /* switch to new thread */ rt_hw_context_switch_to((rt_uint32_t)&to_thread->sp); /* never come back */ }
6 rt_schedule( ) 后续调度
void rt_schedule(void) { rt_base_t level; struct rt_thread *to_thread; struct rt_thread *from_thread; /* disable interrupt */ level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); /* check the scheduler is enabled or not */ if (rt_scheduler_lock_nest == 0) { register rt_ubase_t highest_ready_priority; #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX <= 32 highest_ready_priority = __rt_ffs(rt_thread_ready_priority_group) - 1; #else register rt_ubase_t number; number = __rt_ffs(rt_thread_ready_priority_group) - 1; highest_ready_priority = (number << 3) + __rt_ffs(rt_thread_ready_table[number]) - 1; #endif /* get switch to thread */ to_thread = rt_list_entry(rt_thread_priority_table[highest_ready_priority].next, struct rt_thread, tlist); /* if the destination thread is not the same as current thread */ if (to_thread != rt_current_thread) { rt_current_priority = (rt_uint8_t)highest_ready_priority; from_thread = rt_current_thread; rt_current_thread = to_thread; RT_OBJECT_HOOK_CALL(rt_scheduler_hook, (from_thread, to_thread)); /* switch to new thread */ RT_DEBUG_LOG(RT_DEBUG_SCHEDULER, ("[%d]switch to priority#%d " "thread:%.*s(sp:0x%p), " "from thread:%.*s(sp: 0x%p)\n", rt_interrupt_nest, highest_ready_priority, RT_NAME_MAX, to_thread->name, to_thread->sp, RT_NAME_MAX, from_thread->name, from_thread->sp)); #ifdef RT_USING_OVERFLOW_CHECK _rt_scheduler_stack_check(to_thread); #endif if (rt_interrupt_nest == 0) { extern void rt_thread_handle_sig(rt_bool_t clean_state); rt_hw_context_switch((rt_uint32_t)&from_thread->sp, (rt_uint32_t)&to_thread->sp); /* enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); #ifdef RT_USING_SIGNALS /* check signal status */ rt_thread_handle_sig(RT_TRUE); #endif } else { RT_DEBUG_LOG(RT_DEBUG_SCHEDULER, ("switch in interrupt\n")); rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt((rt_uint32_t)&from_thread->sp, (rt_uint32_t)&to_thread->sp); /* enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); } } else { /* enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); } } else { /* enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); } }
7 rt_list_t注意事项
//这个问题困扰了我相当长的时间,我决定给这个问题足够的关注度; //如果node都是插入到list_head之前,那么第一个插入的node在最前面,即table[list_head].next; //如果node都是插入到list_head之后,那么第一个插入的node在最后面,即table[list_head].prev; //这个优先级表是insert_before,所以取出的时候是.next; rt_list_insert_before(&(rt_thread_priority_table[thread->current_priority]), &(thread->tlist)); to_thread = rt_list_entry(rt_thread_priority_table[rt_current_priority].next, struct rt_thread, tlist); //这个容器列表是insert_after,所以取出的时候是.prve;目前没有取出的例子; rt_list_insert_after(&(information->object_list), &(object->list)); //这个定时器链表虽然是insert_after,但是是升序排列插入,所以用.next取出第一个来比较; rt_list_insert_after(row_head[RT_TIMER_SKIP_LIST_LEVEL - 1], &(timer->row[RT_TIMER_SKIP_LIST_LEVEL - 1])); t = rt_list_entry(rt_timer_list[RT_TIMER_SKIP_LIST_LEVEL - 1].next, struct rt_timer, row[RT_TIMER_SKIP_LIST_LEVEL - 1]);
8 小结
rt_schedule 的逻辑还是比较简单的,都属于可以一遍就看懂的代码,不要被表象的未知所迷惑;
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