Reading Book:"SOA in practice"

I brought a SOA book called "SOA in practice" this week. I read the first chapter last night, and I got some new points about SOA:

1. SOA facilitates loosing coupling of you distributed IT system, it enables cooperation between various modules on different platforms using different technologies. But when the system gets bigger and bigger, you need to manage the services in a structural way, like we manage code by procedure, functions, modules, namespaces etc. Otherwise, it will blow up with choas eventually.

2. SOA is kind of thing will help you consolidate your existing systems, processes etc, not something that creating things from scratch, so you can't buy it, you only can build it. For implementing SOA while your business is ongoing, you need focus on consolidation of systems, processes, training your current staff, adjusting the department settings in your organization. As SOA is also something about changing the way you do your business. So bear in mind that SOA implementation needs long time and money support from CEOs and CIOs.

Generally speaking, this book exceeds my expectation.

posted @ 2008-12-27 15:04  rlcao  阅读(216)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报