1. Gevent实例
import gevent import requests from gevent import monkey # socket发送请求以后就会进入等待状态,gevent更改了这个机制 # socket.setblocking(False) -->发送请求后就不会等待服务器响应 monkey.patch_all() # 找到内置的socket并更改为gevent自己的东西 def fetch_async(method, url, req_kwargs): print(method, url, req_kwargs) response = requests.request(method=method, url=url, **req_kwargs) print(response.url, response.content) # ##### 发送请求 ##### gevent.joinall([ # 这里spawn是3个任务[实际是3个协程],每个任务都会执行fetch_async函数 gevent.spawn(fetch_async, method='get', url='', req_kwargs={}), gevent.spawn(fetch_async, method='get', url='', req_kwargs={}), gevent.spawn(fetch_async, method='get', url='', req_kwargs={}), ])
2. grequests实例
grequests实际上就是封装了gevent里面的方法,然后配合requests实现异步的IO grequests = gevent + request 内部实现
import grequests # 实际上就是requests + gevent request_list = [ # 发送get请求 grequests.get('', timeout=10.001), grequests.get(''), grequests.get('') ] # ##### 执行并获取响应列表 ##### response_list = # 实际上内部循环执行gevent内部的joinall()方法 print(response_list) # ##### 执行并获取响应列表(处理异常) ##### # def exception_handler(request, exception): # print(request,exception) # print("Request failed") # response_list =, exception_handler=exception_handler) # print(response_list)
3. 项目中的应用
def user_batch_import(self, token, file, data): v = self._user_role(token, {}) if "errcode" in v.keys(): return v if 'user[college_id]' not in v: return {"errcode": 2, "errmsg": str(v)} import xlrd show_url = Graphics.upload_image(file, data["context_type"], data["content_type"]) data_path = Graphics.format_nginx_data_url(show_url) book = xlrd.open_workbook(data_path) names = book.sheet_names() res = None for name in names: sheet = book.sheet_by_name(name) nrows = sheet.nrows # 行 if nrows == 0: print(nrows) continue else: q = queue.Queue(maxsize=nrows) threading.Thread(args=(q,)) first_line = sheet.row_values(0) if first_line != ['编号', '姓名', '邮箱', '密码', '电话', '地址', '角色'] and len(first_line) != 7: return {"errcode": 400, "errmsg": u"不支持此格式顺序的输入;正确格式:['编号', '姓名', '邮箱', '密码', '电话', '地址', '角色']"} for temp in range(1, nrows): rows = sheet.row_values(temp, start_colx=0, end_colx=None) if rows[6] == "老师": rows[6] = "TeacherEnrollment" elif rows[6] == "学生": rows[6] = "StudentEnrollment" elif rows[6] == "助教": rows[6] = "TaEnrollment" elif rows[6] == "设计者": rows[6] = "DesignerEnrollment" elif rows[6] == "观察者": rows[6] = "ObserverEnrollment" else: return {"errcode": 400, "errmsg": u"所写角色不存在,可选:【老师, 学生, 助教, 观察者, 设计者】"} query = {"user[name]": rows[1], "pseudonym[unique_id]": rows[2], "pseudonym[password]": rows[3], "user[tel]": rows[4], "user[company]": rows[5], "user[time_zone]": "Beijing", "user[locale]": "zh-Hans", "user[terms_of_use]": True, "user[role_name]": rows[6], "user[college_id]": v["user[college_id]"]} q.put(query) res = self._user_batch_import(q) return {"errcode": 0, "errmsg": str(res)} def _user_batch_import(self, q): from app.api.apis import very_email, very_password, very_phone header = {"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % AccessToken} request_res = [] while q.qsize() > 0: query = q.get() if very_email(query["pseudonym[unique_id]"]) and very_phone(query["user[tel]"], "tel") and very_password( query["pseudonym[password]"], "password"): pass else: del query response = + '/api/v1/accounts/{account_id}/users'.format(account_id=1), headers=header, data=query) request_res.append(response) res = return res
import asyncio import requests asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.new_event_loop()) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() #loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() x = [] def ccc(): c = requests.get('') x.append(c) async def t(): temp = await loop.run_in_executor(None, ccc) print(temp) try: loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*[t() for i in range(3)])) finally: loop.close() print(x)
def user_batch_import(self, file, data): college_id = g.user_info["college_id"] res_account_id = self.get_table_data_first(College, dict(id=college_id)) account_id = res_account_id["account_id"] import xlrd show_url = Graphics.upload_image(file, data["context_type"], data["content_type"]) data_path = Graphics.format_nginx_data_url(show_url) book = xlrd.open_workbook(data_path) names = book.sheet_names() res = None for name in names: sheet = book.sheet_by_name(name) nrows = sheet.nrows # 行 if nrows == 0: print(nrows) continue else: q = queue.Queue(maxsize=nrows) threading.Thread(args=(q,)) first_line = sheet.row_values(0) if first_line != ["*姓名", "*本人手机", "性别", "出生年月", "民族", "籍贯:省/市", "学校所在地区", "学校全称", "监护人姓名", "与学生的关系", "监护人联系电话"] and len(first_line) != 11: return {"errcode": 400, "errmsg": u"不支持此格式顺序的输入;正确格式:['*姓名', '*本人手机', '性别', " u"'出生年月', '民族', '籍贯:省/市', '学校所在地区', '学校全称', " u"'监护人姓名', '与学生的关系', '监护人联系电话']"} for temp in range(1, nrows): rows = sheet.row_values(temp, start_colx=0, end_colx=None) # if rows[13] == "老师": # rows[13] = "TeacherEnrollment" # elif rows[13] == "学生": # rows[13] = "StudentEnrollment" # elif rows[13] == "助教": # rows[13] = "TaEnrollment" # elif rows[13] == "设计者": # rows[13] = "DesignerEnrollment" # elif rows[13] == "观察者": # rows[13] = "ObserverEnrollment" # else: # return {"errcode": 400, "errmsg": u"所写角色不存在,可选:【老师, 学生, 助教, 观察者, 设计者】"} if rows[2] == "男": rows[2] = 1 else: rows[2] = 0 guardian_dict = [{ "guardian_name": rows[8], "relationship_with_student": rows[9], "guardian_tel": str(rows[10]).split(".")[0]}] query = {"user[name]": rows[0], "pseudonym[unique_id]": str(rows[1]).split(".")[0], "user[tel]": str(rows[1]).split(".")[0], "user[gender]": rows[2], "user[birthdate]": rows[3], "user[nation]": rows[4], "user[province]": rows[5], "user[school_position]": rows[6], "user[school_name]": rows[7], "pseudonym[password]": str(rows[1]).split(".")[0], "parent": json.dumps(guardian_dict), "user[time_zone]": "Beijing", "user[locale]": "zh-Hans", "user[terms_of_use]": True, "user[college_id]": college_id, } q.put(query) res = self._user_batch_import(q, account_id) # return {"errcode": 0, "errmsg": res} return res
def _user_batch_import(self, q, account_id): from flask import request from app.api.apis import import_user_phone, import_user_birthdate failure_list = list() # 所有错误结果的数据 failure_dict = dict() # unique_id错误的字典 success = list() # 所有正确结果的数据 wrong_format = list() # 所有格式错误的数据 res_dic = dict() # return返回的数据 # headers_token = request.headers["Authorization"] if 'Authorization' in request.headers and len( # request.headers["Authorization"].split(" ")) == 2 else '' headers_token = AccessToken header = {"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % headers_token} request_query = [] while q.qsize() > 0: query = q.get() # res_phone = impot_user_phone(query["pseudonym[unique_id]"]) res_phone = import_user_phone(query["pseudonym[unique_id]"]) res_birthdate = import_user_birthdate(query["user[birthdate]"]) # res_password = impot_user_password(query["pseudonym[password]"]) # res_id_card = import_user_id_card(query["user[id_card]"]) # if res_id_card in ["", None]: # res_user_id_card_num = 0 # else: # res_user_id_card_num = User.query.filter(User.id_card == query["user[id_card]"], User.workflow_state != "deleted").count() # if isinstance(res_phone, dict) or isinstance(res_password, dict) or isinstance(res_id_card, dict) or res_user_id_card_num != 0: # if isinstance(res_phone, dict) or isinstance(res_id_card, dict) or res_user_id_card_num != 0: if isinstance(res_phone, dict) or isinstance(res_birthdate, dict): wrong_format.append(query["pseudonym[unique_id]"]) query["errcode"] = 1 if "errcode" not in query.keys(): request_query.append(query) # 将loop对象设置为全局对象 loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) canvas_url = API_CANVAS_HOST + '/api/v1/accounts/{account_id}/users'.format(account_id=account_id) results = loop.run_until_complete(self.url_res(canvas_url, header, request_query)) # 关闭loop对象 loop.close() print("results----------------") print(results) for result in results: print(result) print(result.json()) if result.status_code == 403: return {"errcode": 400, "errmsg": u"无此权限"} res_json = result.json() if "errors" in res_json.keys(): try: failure_dict["phone"] = res_json["errors"]["unique_id"] failure_dict["message"] = res_json["errors"]["pseudonym"]["unique_id"][0]["message"] failure_list.append(failure_dict.copy()) except Exception as e: failure_list.append({"canvas_errors": res_json, "errmsg_e": str(e)}) else: success.append(res_json["login_id"]) res_dic["wrong_format"] = wrong_format res_dic["success_event"] = success res_dic["failure_event"] = failure_list return {"errcode": 0, "errmsg": "ok", "data": res_dic} # if len(res_dic["wrong_format"]) == 0 and len(res_dic["failure_event"]) == 0: # return {"errcode": 0, "errmsg": "ok"} # else: # return {"errcode": 400, "errmsg": "failure", "data": res_dic} async def do_some_work(self, url, header, query): return, headers=header, data=query) async def url_res(self, url, header, request_query): tasks = [] for query in request_query: coroutine = self.do_some_work(url, header, query) temp = asyncio.ensure_future(coroutine) tasks.append(temp) return await asyncio.gather(*tasks)