由于要做一个同一个页面上多种图表数据的下载,考虑到Azure上面的session很不稳定(可用Redis provider存储session,较稳定),故决定改为Azure支持的Redis,顺便也学习一下这种新的存储方式。
1 public class RedisClient 2 { 3 private static readonly ILogger _logger = LoggerFactory.GetLogger(LoggerSourceName); 4 private const string LoggerSourceName = "RedisClient"; 5 6 private static readonly Lazy<ConnectionMultiplexer> LazyConnection = new Lazy<ConnectionMultiplexer>(() => 7 { 8 _logger.Info(LoggerSourceName, "Begin to create Redis connection"); 9 10 //read connection information from storage/configuration-redis/Redis.config 11 CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(Config.CloudStorageAccount); 12 CloudBlobContainer container = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient().GetContainerReference("configuration-redis"); 13 if (!container.Exists()) 14 throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("fail to get redis connection string"); 15 CloudBlockBlob blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference("Redis.config"); 16 if (!blob.Exists()) 17 throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("fail to get redis connection string"); 18 string redisConnectionString; 19 using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) 20 { 21 blob.DownloadToStream(ms); 22 ms.Position = 0; 23 using (var sr = new StreamReader(ms)) 24 { 25 redisConnectionString = sr.ReadToEnd(); 26 } 27 } 28 29 30 ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(redisConnectionString); 31 redis.ConfigurationChanged += redis_ConfigurationChanged; 32 redis.ConfigurationChangedBroadcast += redis_ConfigurationChangedBroadcast; 33 redis.ConnectionFailed += redis_ConnectionFailed; 34 redis.ConnectionRestored += redis_ConnectionRestored; 35 return redis; 36 }); 37 38 39 private static IDatabase _db; 40 41 public static ConnectionMultiplexer Connection 42 { 43 get { return LazyConnection.Value; } 44 } 45 46 public static IDatabase Db 47 { 48 get { return _db ?? (_db = Connection.GetDatabase()); } 49 } 50 51 52 private static void redis_ConnectionRestored(object sender, ConnectionFailedEventArgs e) 53 { 54 _logger.Info(LoggerSourceName, "Redis ConnectionRestored"); 55 } 56 57 private static void redis_ConnectionFailed(object sender, ConnectionFailedEventArgs e) 58 { 59 _logger.Info(LoggerSourceName, "Redis ConnectionFailed"); 60 } 61 62 private static void redis_ConfigurationChangedBroadcast(object sender, EndPointEventArgs e) 63 { 64 _logger.Info(LoggerSourceName, "Redis ConfigurationChangedBroadcast"); 65 } 66 67 private static void redis_ConfigurationChanged(object sender, EndPointEventArgs e) 68 { 69 _logger.Info(LoggerSourceName, "Redis ConfigurationChanged"); 70 } 71 }
public static void SetRedisTable(string key, DataTable dt) { if (dt != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { string value = JsonHelper.ToJson(dt); RedisClient.Db.StringSetAsync(key, value); } }
public static DataTable GetRedisTable(string key) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { string s = RedisClient.Db.StringGet(key).ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) dt = JsonHelper.JsonToDataTable(s); } return dt; }
1 public static class StackExchangeExtesion 2 { 3 public static T Get<T>(this IDatabase cache, string key) 4 { 5 var cachedValue = cache.StringGet(key); 6 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cachedValue)) 7 return default(T); 8 return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(cachedValue); 9 } 10 11 public static object Get(this IDatabase cache, string key) 12 { 13 var cachedValue = cache.StringGet(key); 14 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cachedValue)) 15 return null; 16 return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<object>(cachedValue); 17 } 18 19 public static void Set(this IDatabase cache, string key, object value, TimeSpan? expiry = null, When when = When.Always, CommandFlags flags = CommandFlags.None) 20 { 21 cache.StringSet(key, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value), expiry, when, flags); 22 } 23 24 public static void ListPush(this IDatabase cache, string key, object value) 25 { 26 cache.ListRightPush(key, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value)); 27 } 28 29 public static RedisValue[] ListRange(this IDatabase cache, string key, long start, long stop) 30 { 31 if (start >= cache.ListLength(key)) 32 return new RedisValue[0]; 33 34 return cache.ListRange(key, start, stop); 35 } 36 }