
Day 1:


1. Cut unnecessary  words and phrases; learn to part with your words!

2. Use the active voice(subject +verb +object)

3. Write with verbs: use strong verbs, avoid turning verbs into nouns, and don't bury the main verb!

Example 1:

  Not to do : "Adoptive cell transfer(ACT) immunotherapy is based on the ex vivo selection of tumor-reactive lymphocytes, and their activation and numerical expression before reinfusion to the autologous tumor-bearing host"

Is this sentence easy to understand?

Is this sentence enjoyable and interesting to read?

Example 2:

  Not to do :"These findings imply that the rates of ascorbate radical production and its recycling via dehydroascorbate reductatse to replenish the ascorbate pool are equivalent at the lower irradiance, but not equivalent at higher irradiance with the rate of ascorbate radical production exceeding its recycling back to ascorbate"

Note: In both of those examples, they took some nice spunky verbs and turned them into clunky nouns which makes the writing hart to read. Because verbs drives sentences whereas nouns slow them down.

  Need to to: These findings imply that, at slow irradiation, ascorbate radicals are produced and recycled at the same rate, but at high irraidiation, they are produced faster than they can be recycled back to ascorbate. 

So, Do not make our sentence too long, we must make sure it is logical and easy to read. Make sure reader understands and cares about our writing.

 Example 3:

  Not to do: "Dysregulation of physiologic miroRNA(miR) activity has been shown to play an important role in tumor initiation and progression, including gliomagensis.  Therefore, molecular species that can regulate miR activity on their target RNAs without affecting the expression of relevant mature miRs may play equally relevant role in cancer."

Too many nouns and vague words.

Avoiding the use of acronyms, other than that are completely standard that most people will know .

Putting too much distance between the subject of the sentence and the main verb is a problem.

Rewrite: "Changes in microRNA expression play a role in cancer, isncluding glioma. Therefore , events that disrupt microRNAs from binding to their target RNAs may also promote cancer."

posted @ 2020-02-22 15:00  Rita2008  阅读(331)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报