calltree+graphviz 绘出项目函数调用图



download from

for linux, Check READ.linux to compile and install, very simple!!!

then copy calltree/OBJ/i686-linux-cc/calltree to /usr/bin



i used "sudo yum insall graphviz* " to install.
But when install, it show some lib miss. The resolved way is update the repo. BTW, my system is CentOs. you can check

Use them

e.g. I want to know the "start_kernel" call tree, Then I can do:

calltree -b -dot lf=start_kernel KERNEL_DIR/init/*.c > ~/

dot -T png ~/ -o ~/start_kernel.png

# the usage of dot is "dot -T picture-format input-doc-file -o outputfile"

Also you can use:

calltree -b lf=start_kernel KERNEL_DIR/init/*.c > ~/

to generate a txt call tree.


It's very usefull!!! Because our brain stack is not so big : (, so use the tool!!!


posted on 2013-10-31 22:20  you Richer  阅读(510)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报