
class HelloWorld{
	public static void main(String [] arguments) {
		System.out.println("Hello World!");
		System.out.println("Test Successly!");




class MyFirstApp {
	public static void main (String[] args) {
		System.out.println("I Rule");
		System.out.println("The World");




class Loopy {
	public static void main (String[] args) {
		int x=1;
		System.out.println("Before the Loop");
		while(x < 4) {
			System.out.println("In the Loop");
			System.out.println("Value of x is " + x);
			x = x + 1;
		System.out.println("This is after the Loop");




class IfTest {
	public static void main (String [] args) {
		int x = 3;
		if(x==3) {
			System.out.println("x must be 3");
	    System.out.println("This runs no matter what");


class IfTest2 {
	public static void main (String[] args) {
		int x = 2;
		if (x == 3) {
			System.out.println ("x must be 3");
		} else {
			System.out.println("x is NOT 3");
		System.out.println("This runs no matter what");




class PhraseCMatic {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String[] wordListOne = {"24/7", "multiTier", "30,000", "B-to-B", "win-win", "front-end", "web-based", "pervasive", "smart", "six-sigma", "critical-path", "dynamic"};
		String[] wordListTwo = {"empoweres", "sticky", "value-added", "oriented", "centric", "distributed", "clustered", "branded", "outside-the-box", "positioned", "networked", "focused", "leveraged", "aligned", "targeted", "shared", "cooperatived", "accelerated"};
		String[] wordListThree = {"process", "tipping", "point", "solution", "architecture", "core competency", "strategy", "mindshare", "portal", "space", "vision", "paradigm", "mission"};
		int oneLength = wordListOne.length;
		int twoLength = wordListTwo.length;
		int threeLength = wordListThree.length;

		int rand1 = (int) (Math.random() * oneLength);
		int rand2 = (int) (Math.random() * twoLength);
		int rand3 = (int) (Math.random() * threeLength);

		String phrase = wordListOne[rand1] + " " + wordListTwo[rand2] + " " + wordListThree[rand3];
		System.out.println("What we need is a " + phrase);




class BeerSong {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int beerNum = 99;
		String word = "bottles";
		while(beerNum > 0) {
			if(beerNum == 1) {
				word = "bottle";
			System.out.println(beerNum + " " + word + " of beer on the wall");
			System.out.println(beerNum + " " + word + " of beer.");
			System.out.println("Take one down");
			System.out.println("Pass it around");
			beerNum = beerNum - 1;
		//	if(beerNum > 0)
		//		System.out.println(beerNum + " " + word + " of beer on the wall");
		//	else {
		//		System.out.println("No more bottles of beer on the wall");
		//	}
			if(beerNum <= 0)
				System.out.println("No more bottles of beer on the wall" );




class Shuffel {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int x = 3;
		while (x > 0) {
			if(x == 1) {
				x = x - 1;
			if(x == 2) {
				System.out.print("b c");
			if(x > 2) {
			x = x - 1;




class Test {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int x = 0;
		int y = 0;
		while (x < 5) {
			y = x - y;
			y = y + x;
			System.out.print(x + " " + y + " ");
			x = x + 1;




class PoolPuzzleOne {
	public static void main (String[] args) {
		int x = 0;
		while (x < 4) {
			if(x < 1) {
				System.out.print(" ");
			if(x > 1) {
				x = x + 2;
			if(x == 1) {
			if(x < 1) {
			System.out.println(" ");
			x = x + 1;




class Dog {
	int size;
	String breed;
	String name;

	void bark() {
		System.out.println("Ruff! Ruff!");

class DogTestDrive {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Dog d = new Dog();
		d.size = 40;




class Movie {
	String title;
	String genre;
	int rating;
	void playIt() {
		System.out.println("Playing the movie");

class MovieTestDrive {
	public static void main (String[] aargs) {
		Movie one = new Movie();
		one.title = "Gone with the Stock";
		one.rating = -2;
		Movie two = new Movie();
		two.genre = "Comedy";
		two.rating = 5;
		Movie three = new Movie();
		three.title = "Byte Club";
		three.genre = "Tragic but ultimately uplifting";
		three.rating = 127;




// 猜字游戏
class GuessGame {
	Player p1;
	Player p2;
	Player p3;

	public void startGame() {
		p1 = new Player();
		p2 = new Player();
		p3 = new Player();

		int guessp1 = 0;
		int guessp2 = 0;
		int guessp3 = 0;

		boolean p1isRight = false;
		boolean p2isRight = false;
		boolean p3isRight = false;

		int targetNumber = (int) (Math.random() * 10);
		System.out.println("I'm thinging of a number between o and 9...");
		while(true) {
			System.out.println("Number to guess is " + targetNumber);


			guessp1 = p1.number;
			System.out.println("Flayer one guessed " + guessp1);

			guessp2 = p2.number;
			System.out.println("Flayer two guessed " + guessp2);

			guessp3 = p3.number;
			System.out.println("Flayer three guessed " + guessp3);

			if(guessp1 == targetNumber) {
				p1isRight = true;

			if(guessp2 == targetNumber) {
				p2isRight = true;

			if(guessp3 == targetNumber) {
				p3isRight = true;

			if(p1isRight || p2isRight || p3isRight) {
				System.out.println("We have a winner!");
				System.out.println("Player one got it right? " + p1isRight);
				System.out.println("Player two got it right? " + p2isRight);
				System.out.println("Player three got it right? " + p3isRight);
				System.out.println("Game is over.");
			else {
				System.out.println("Player will have to try again.");

class Player {
	int number = 0;
	public void guess() {
		number = (int) (Math.random() * 10);
		System.out.println("I'm guessing " + number);

class GameLauncher {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		GuessGame game = new GuessGame();




class DrumKit {
	boolean topHat = true;
	boolean snare = true;
	void playTopHat() {
		System.out.println("ding ding da-ding");

	void playSnare() {
		System.out.println("bang bang ba-bang");

class DrumKitTestDrive {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		DrumKit d = new DrumKit();
		d.snare = false;

		if(d.snare == true) {




class TapeDeck {
	boolean canRecord = false;
	void playTape() {
		System.out.println("tape playing");

	void recordTape() {
		System.out.println("tape recording");

class TapeDeckTestDrive {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		TapeDeck t = new TapeDeck();
		t.canRecord = true;
		if(t.canRecord == true) {

class DVDPlayer {
	boolean canRecord = false;
	void recordDVD() {
		System.out.println("DVD recording");

	void playDVD() {
		System.out.println("DVD playing");

class DVDPlayerTestDrive {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		DVDPlayer d = new DVDPlayer();
		d.canRecord = true;
		if(d.canRecord == true) {




class Echo {
	int count = 0;
	void hello() {

class EchoTestDrive {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Echo e1 = new Echo();
		Echo e2 = new Echo();
		int x = 0;
		while(x < 4) {
			e1.count = e1.count + 1;
			if(x == 3) {
				e2.count = e2.count + 1;
			if(x > 0) {
				e2.count = e2.count + e1.count;
			x = x + 1;




class Dog {
	String name;
	public static void main (String[] args) {
		Dog dog1 = new Dog();
		dog1.bark(); = "Bart";

		Dog[] myDogs = new Dog[3];

		myDogs[0] = new Dog();
		myDogs[1] = new Dog();
		myDogs[2] = dog1;

		myDogs[0].name = "Fred";
		myDogs[1].name = "Marge";

		System.out.print("last dog's name is ");

		int x = 0;
		while(x < myDogs.length) {
			x = x + 1;
	public void bark() {
		System.out.println(name + " says Ruff!");

	public void eat() {
	public void chaseCat() {




class TestArrays {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int [] index = new int[4];
		index[0] = 1;
		index[1] = 3;
		index[2] = 0;
		index[3] = 2;

		String[] islands = new String[4];

		islands[0] = "Bermuda";
		islands[1] = "Fiji";
		islands[2] = "Azores";
		islands[3] = "Cozumel";

		int y = 0;
		int ref;

		while(y < 4) {
			ref = index[y];
			System.out.print("island = ");
			y = y + 1;




class Books {
	String title;
	String author;

class BooksTestDrive {
	public static void main (String[] args) {
		Books [] myBooks = new Books[3];
		int x = 0;

		myBooks[0] = new Books();
		myBooks[1] = new Books();
		myBooks[2] = new Books();

		myBooks[0].title = "The Grapes of java ";
		myBooks[1].title = "The Java Gatsby ";
		myBooks[2].title = "The Java Cookbook ";
		myBooks[0].author = "bob";
		myBooks[1].author = "sue";
		myBooks[2].author = "lan";

		while(x < 3) {
			System.out.print(" by ");
			x = x + 1;




class Hobbits {
	String name;
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Hobbits[] h = new Hobbits[3];
		int z = -1;
		while(z < 2) {
			z = z + 1;
			h[z] = new Hobbits();
			h[z].name = "bilbo";
			if(z == 1) {
				h[z].name = "frodo";
			if(z == 2) {
				h[z].name = "sam";
			System.out.print(h[z].name + " is a ");
			System.out.println("good hobbit name");




class Triangle {
	double area;
	int height;
	int length;
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int x = 0;
		Triangle [] ta = new Triangle[4];
		while(x < 4) {
			ta[x] = new Triangle();
			ta[x].height = (x + 1) * 2;
			ta[x].length = x + 4;
			System.out.print("triangle " + x + ", area ");
			System.out.println(" = " + ta[x].area);
			x = x + 1;
		int y = x;
		x = 27;
		Triangle t5 = ta[2];
		ta[2].area = 343;
		System.out.print("y = " + y);
		System.out.println(", t5 area = " + t5.area);
	void setArea() {
		area = (height * length) / 2;




class Dog {
	int size;
	String name;

	void bark() {
		if(size > 60) {
			System.out.println("Wooof! Wooof!");
		} else if(size > 14) {
			System.out.println("Ruff! Ruff!");
		} else {
			System.out.println("Yip! Yip!");

class DogTestDrive {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Dog one = new Dog();
		one.size = 70;
		Dog two = new Dog();
		two.size = 8;
		Dog three = new Dog();
		three.size = 35;



class GoodDog {
	private int size;
	public int getSize() {
		return size;

	public void setSize(int s) {
		size = s;

	void bark() {
		if(size > 60) {
			System.out.println("Wooof! Wooof!");
		} else if(size > 14) {
			System.out.println("Ruff! Ruff!");
		} else {
			System.out.println("Yip! Yip!");

class GoodDogTestDrive {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		GoodDog one = new GoodDog();
		GoodDog two = new GoodDog();
		System.out.println("Dog one : " + one.getSize());
		System.out.println("Dog two : " + two.getSize());




class PoorDog {
	private int size;
	private String name;

	public int getSize() {
		return size;

	public String getName() {
		return name;

class PoorDogTestDrive {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		PoorDog one = new PoorDog();
		System.out.println("Dog size is " + one.getSize());
		System.out.println("Dog name is " + one.getName());




class Clock {
	String time;
	void setTime (String t) {
		time = t;

	String getTime() {
		return time;

class ClockTestDrive {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Clock c = new Clock();
		String tod = c.getTime();
		System.out.println("time : " + tod);




class Puzzle4 {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Puzzle4b [] obs = new Puzzle4b[6];
		int y = 1;
		int x = 0;
		int result = 0;
		while (x < 6) {
			obs[x] = new Puzzle4b();
			obs[x].ivar = y;
			y = y * 10;
			x = x + 1;
		x = 6;
		while(x > 0) {
			x = x - 1;
			result = result + obs[x].doStuff(x);
		System.out.println("result " + result);

class Puzzle4b {
	int ivar;
	public int doStuff(int  factor) {
		if(ivar > 100) {
			return ivar * factor;
		} else {
			return ivar * (5 - factor);



posted on 2013-10-08 22:18  you Richer  阅读(410)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报