ORA-16525: the Data Guard broker is not yet available

DGMGRL> disable configuration;
ORA-16525: the Data Guard broker is not yet available

Configuration details cannot be determined by DGMGRL

cat drcposdb1.log

2013-08-29 17:26:08.181 01001000  1992740965 Operation CTL_ENABLE continuing with warning, status = ORA-16572
2013-08-29 17:26:33.949                      Fore Notifying DMON of db close
2013-08-29 17:26:49.948                      DMON: Data Guard Broker shutting down
2013-08-29 17:26:49.948                      DMON: Terminating RSM processes
2013-08-29 17:26:49.949                      DMON: Terminating NetSlave processes
2013-08-29 17:26:49.949                      DMON: Freeing all task elements.
2013-08-29 17:26:49.949                      DMON: Terminating Instance Slave process
2013-08-29 17:26:49.950                      INSV: Shutting down
2013-08-29 17:26:50.951                      DMON: INSV successfully terminated
2013-08-29 17:26:50.951                      DMON: Zeroing metadata root pointer
2013-08-29 17:26:50.951                      DMON: Clearing Primary State
2013-08-29 17:26:50.952                      DMON: Freeing Broker SGA heap
2013-08-29 17:26:50.952                      DMON: Freeing PGA heap
2013-08-29 17:26:50.952                      DMON: Removing DMON's state object
2013-08-29 17:26:50.953                      DMON: Resetting DMON context structure
2013-08-29 17:26:50.953                      DMON: >> DMON Process Shutdown <<
[oracle@node1 trace]$ ps -ef |grep dmon
root      5627     1  0 Aug24 ?        00:00:38 /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/cssdmonitor
oracle    6916  6777  0 18:04 pts/6    00:00:00 grep dmon
[oracle@node1 trace]$ exit

show parameter dg_broker_start

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
dg_broker_start                      boolean     FALSE




posted on 2013-08-29 18:58  you Richer  阅读(1057)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报