Cordova CLI源码分析(四)——创建工程
cordova create hello hellotest
else if (cmd == 'create' || cmd == 'serve') {
cordova[cmd].apply(this, tokens);
var path = require('path'), fs = require('fs'), shell = require('shelljs'), platforms = require('../platforms'), help = require('./help'), events = require('./events'), config = require('./config'), lazy_load = require('./lazy_load'), util = require('./util'); var DEFAULT_NAME = "HelloCordova", DEFAULT_ID = "io.cordova.hellocordova"; /** * Usage: * create(dir) - creates in the specified directory * create(dir, name) - as above, but with specified name * create(dir, id, name) - you get the gist **/ module.exports = function create (dir, id, name, callback) { var options = []; if (arguments.length === 0) { return help();//src/help.js 读取doc/help.txt内容,在终端显示帮助信息 } // Massage parameters var args =, 0); //arguments不是数组,但是可以通过arguments.length取到长度 //,0)就类似于arguments.slice(0), //但因为arguments不是真正的Array,所以它没有slice这个方法.能用slice方法的,只要有length属性就行。 //Array.prototype已经被call改成arguments了,因为满足slice执行的条件(有length属性),所以没有报错。 //简单说作用就是:把arguments这个伪数组转换为真正的数组 if (typeof args[args.length-1] == 'function') { callback = args.pop(); } else if (typeof callback !== 'function') { callback = undefined; } //判断是否有回调函数 if (args.length === 0) { dir = process.cwd();//获得当前路径 id = DEFAULT_ID; name = DEFAULT_NAME; } else if (args.length == 1) { id = DEFAULT_ID; name = DEFAULT_NAME; } else if (args.length == 2) { name = DEFAULT_NAME; } else { dir = args.shift();//shift() 方法用于把数组的第一个元素从其中删除,并返回第一个元素的值 id = args.shift(); name = args.shift(); options = args; } // Make absolute. dir = path.resolve(dir); events.emit('log', 'Creating a new cordova project with name "' + name + '" and id "' + id + '" at location "' + dir + '"'); var dotCordova = path.join(dir, '.cordova'); var www_dir = path.join(dir, 'www'); // Create basic project structure. shell.mkdir('-p', dotCordova); shell.mkdir('-p', path.join(dir, 'platforms')); shell.mkdir('-p', path.join(dir, 'merges')); shell.mkdir('-p', path.join(dir, 'plugins')); shell.mkdir('-p', www_dir); var hooks = path.join(dotCordova, 'hooks'); shell.mkdir('-p', hooks); //创建一系列工作目录 //当前dir/.cordova , dir/www , dir/platforms, dir/merges ,dir/plugins ,dir/.cordova/hooks // Add directories for hooks shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_build')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_compile')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_docs')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_emulate')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_platform_add')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_platform_rm')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_platform_ls')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_plugin_add')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_plugin_ls')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_plugin_rm')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_prepare')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'after_run')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_build')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_compile')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_docs')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_emulate')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_platform_add')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_platform_rm')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_platform_ls')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_plugin_add')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_plugin_ls')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_plugin_rm')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_prepare')); shell.mkdir(path.join(hooks, 'before_run')); // Write out .cordova/config.json file with a simple json manifest //使用指定id和name参数写入config.json require('../cordova').config(dir, { id:id, name:name }); var config_json =; //读取.cordova/config.json //finalize函数作用:判断下载的tar包是否完整,删除原有www目录下内容,拷贝新内容到www目录,添加配置文件 var finalize = function(www_lib) { while (!fs.existsSync(path.join(www_lib, 'index.html'))) { www_lib = path.join(www_lib, 'www'); if (!fs.existsSync(www_lib)) { var err = new Error('downloaded www assets in ' + www_lib + ' does not contain index.html, or www subdir with index.html'); if (callback) return callback(err); else throw err; } } //删除当前www目录下所以文件 shell.cp('-rf', path.join(www_lib, '*'), www_dir); var configPath = util.projectConfig(dir); //获得config.xml路径 www/config.xml // Add template config.xml for apps that are missing it if (!fs.existsSync(configPath)) { var template_config_xml = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'templates', 'config.xml'); shell.cp(template_config_xml, www_dir); } //如果config.xml不存在,从cli模板目录拷贝此文件到当前应用目录 // Write out id and name to config.xml id和name写入config.xml var config = new util.config_parser(configPath); config.packageName(id);; if (callback) callback(); }; // Check if www assets to use was overridden. if (config_json.lib && config_json.lib.www) { //判断config.josn的lib和www字段是否为空 events.emit('log', 'Using custom www assets ('').'); //下载config.json中uri地址的hello-world文件包 lazy_load.custom(config_json.lib.www.uri,, 'www', config_json.lib.www.version, function(err) { if (err) { if (callback) callback(err); else throw err; } else { events.emit('log', 'Copying custom www assets into "' + www_dir + '"'); //下载成功后拷贝到指定目录 finalize(path.join(util.libDirectory, 'www',, config_json.lib.www.version)); } }); } else { // Nope, so use stock cordova-hello-world-app one. events.emit('log', 'Using stock cordova hello-world application.'); //根据platform.js中参数下载默认文件 lazy_load.cordova('www', function(err) { if (err) { if (callback) callback(err); else throw err; } else { events.emit('log', 'Copying stock Cordova www assets into "' + www_dir + '"'); finalize(path.join(util.libDirectory, 'www', 'cordova', platforms.www.version)); } }); } };
1)参数解析,创建工作目录:参数存在情况下,按照dir, id, name,这几个参数指定内容创建目录,并将id和name参数写入config.json文件。
| | -- hooks/
| | -- config.json
|-- merges/
|-- www/
| `-- config.xml
|-- platforms/
`-- plugins/
在.cordova/hooks目录下创建了很多以事件名称命名的目录,如after_build ,after_compile等,在这些目录下,用户可以添加自定义文件,当这些系统事件发生时,这些目录下的文件相当于回调函数,会被执行
3)lazy_load 函数是提供下载功能的接口文件(见src/lazy_load.js),主要包含两个函数
module.exports = { cordova:function lazy_load(platform, callback) { if (!(platform in platforms)) { var err = new Error('Cordova library "' + platform + '" not recognized.'); if (callback) return callback(err); else throw err; } var url = platforms[platform].url + ';a=snapshot;h=' + platforms[platform].version + ';sf=tgz'; module.exports.custom(url, 'cordova', platform, platforms[platform].version, function(err) { if (err) { if (callback) return callback(err); else throw err; } else { if (callback) callback(); } }); }, custom:function(url, id, platform, version, callback) { var download_dir = (platform == 'wp7' || platform == 'wp8' ? path.join(util.libDirectory, 'wp', id, version) : path.join(util.libDirectory, platform, id, version)); if (fs.existsSync(download_dir)) { events.emit('log', id + ' library for "' + platform + '" already exists. No need to download. Continuing.'); if (callback) return callback(); }'before_library_download', { platform:platform, url:url, id:id, version:version }, function() { var uri = URL.parse(url); if (uri.protocol && uri.protocol[1] != ':') { // second part of conditional is for awesome windows support. fuuu windows npm.load(function() { // Check if NPM proxy settings are set. If so, include them in the request() call. var proxy; if (uri.protocol == 'https:') { proxy = npm.config.get('https-proxy'); } else if (uri.protocol == 'http:') { proxy = npm.config.get('proxy'); } shell.mkdir('-p', download_dir); var size = 0; var request_options = {uri:url}; if (proxy) { request_options.proxy = proxy; } events.emit('log', 'Requesting ' + JSON.stringify(request_options) + '...'); request.get(request_options, function(err, req, body) { size = body.length; }) .pipe(zlib.createUnzip()) .pipe(tar.Extract({path:download_dir})) .on('error', function(err) { shell.rm('-rf', download_dir); if (callback) callback(err); else throw err; }) .on('end', function() { events.emit('log', 'Downloaded, unzipped and extracted ' + size + ' byte response.'); var entries = fs.readdirSync(download_dir); var entry = path.join(download_dir, entries[0]);'-f', path.join(entry, (platform=='blackberry10'?'blackberry10':''), '*'), download_dir); shell.rm('-rf', entry);'after_library_download', { platform:platform, url:url, id:id, version:version, path:download_dir, size:size, symlink:false }, function() { if (callback) callback(); }); }); }); } else { // local path // symlink instead of copying fs.symlinkSync((uri.protocol && uri.protocol[1] == ':' ? uri.href : uri.path), download_dir, 'dir');'after_library_download', { platform:platform, url:url, id:id, version:version, path:download_dir, symlink:true }, function() { if (callback) callback(); }); } }); }, based_on_config:function(project_root, platform, callback) { var custom_path = config.has_custom_path(project_root, platform); if (custom_path) { var dot_file =; module.exports.custom(dot_file.lib[platform].uri, dot_file.lib[platform].id, platform, dot_file.lib[platform].version, callback); } else { module.exports.cordova(platform, callback); } } };
module.exports = { 'ios' : { parser : require('./src/metadata/ios_parser'), url : '', version: '3.0.0' }, 'android' : { parser : require('./src/metadata/android_parser'), url : '', version: '3.0.0' }, 'wp7' : { parser : require('./src/metadata/wp7_parser'), url : '', version: '3.0.0' }, 'wp8' : { parser : require('./src/metadata/wp8_parser'), url : '', version: '3.0.0' }, blackberry10 : { parser : require('./src/metadata/blackberry10_parser'), url : '', version: '3.0.0' }, 'www':{ url : '', version: '3.0.0' } };
parser : 解析平台配置参数的解析文件位置;
url : 源码存在的git路径
shelljs,create函数中多次用到shelljs,它是一个可移植的类似unix shell的命令行工具,支持Windows/Linux/OS X,详见