解答网友问题, 记录如下:
11,38 11,36 11,37 11,39 11,40 12,34 12,35 12,36 12,37 12,38 12,40 13,33 13,34 13,35 13,36 13,40 14,32 14,33 14,34 14,35 14,40 15,31 15,32 15,33 15,34 15,40 16,30 16,31 16,32 16,39 17,29 1,1 2,0 2,1 2,3 2,4 3,1
unit Unit15; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, rtlconsts; type TForm15 = class(TForm) btn1: TButton; mmo1: TMemo; procedure btn1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form15: TForm15; implementation type TCustomGroup = class private type TRes = record X, Y, Sum : integer; end; PRes = ^TRes; private FArr : array of TRes; FFileName : string; FCount : integer; procedure Fill; procedure FillRes(const Value : string; ARes : PRes); procedure Sort; procedure Output(ALst : TStrings); public constructor Create(const AFileName : string); function Exec(ALst : TStrings) : Boolean; end; {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm15.btn1Click(Sender: TObject); begin mmo1.Clear; with TCustomGroup.Create('c:\test.txt') do try if Exec(mmo1.Lines) then begin mmo1.SelStart := 0; mmo1.SelLength := 0; ShowMessage('Ok') end else ShowMessage('Error'); finally Free; end; end; { TCustomGroup } constructor TCustomGroup.Create(const AFileName: string); begin FFileName := AFileName; end; function TCustomGroup.Exec(ALst: TStrings): Boolean; begin Result := false; try Fill; Sort; Output(ALst); Result := True; except on E: Exception do Result := false; end; end; procedure TCustomGroup.Fill; var i: Integer; sLst : TStringList; begin sLst := TStringList.Create; try sLst.LoadFromFile(FFileName); if sLst.Count < 2 then Exit; FCount := sLst.Count; SetLength(FArr, FCount); for i := 0 to sLst.Count - 1 do begin FillRes(sLst.Strings[i], @FArr[i]); end; finally slst.Free; end; end; procedure TCustomGroup.FillRes(const Value: string; ARes: PRes); var idx : integer; begin idx := Pos(',', value); ARes.X := StrToInt(Copy(Value, 1, idx - 1)); ARes.Y := StrToInt(Copy(Value, idx + 1, Length(Value))); ARes.Sum := ARes.X + ARes.Y; end; procedure TCustomGroup.Output(ALst : TStrings); var vRes : TRes; procedure Extract(const idx: integer); begin if (idx < 0) or (idx >= FCount) then raise EArgumentOutOfRangeException.CreateRes(@SArgumentOutOfRange); ALst.Add(Format('%d,%d', [FArr[Idx].X, FArr[Idx].Y])); Dec(FCount); if Idx <> FCount then begin vRes := FArr[Idx]; Move(FArr[Idx + 1], FArr[Idx], (FCount - Idx) * SizeOf(TRes)); FillChar(FArr[FCount], SizeOf(TRes), 0); end; end; var idx, X, Y : integer; begin repeat idx := Low(FArr); vRes := FArr[idx]; while FCount > idx do begin X := Abs(FArr[idx].x - vRes.x); Y := Abs(FArr[idx].y - vRes.y); if (X in [0, 1]) and (Y in [0, 1]) then begin Extract(idx); end else begin inc(idx); end end; ALst.Add(''); until FCount = 0; end; procedure TCustomGroup.Sort; var i, j : integer; vRes : TRes; begin for i := low(FArr) to High(FArr) - 1 do begin for j := i + 1 to High(FArr) do begin if FArr[i].X > FArr[j].X then begin vRes := FArr[i]; FArr[i] := FArr[j]; FArr[j] := vRes; end else if (FArr[i].X = FArr[j].X) and (FArr[i].Y > FArr[j].Y) then begin vRes := FArr[i]; FArr[i] := FArr[j]; FArr[j] := vRes; end; end; end; end; end.
1,1 2,0 2,1 3,1 2,3 2,4 11,36 11,37 11,38 11,39 11,40 12,40 13,40 14,40 15,40 16,39 12,34 12,35 12,36 12,37 12,38 13,33 13,34 13,35 13,36 14,35 15,34 14,32 14,33 14,34 15,33 16,32 15,31 15,32 16,31 16,30 17,29