UVA 424 (13.08.02)
Integer Inquiry |
One of the first users of BIT's new supercomputer was Chip Diller. Heextended his explorationof powers of 3 to go from 0 to 333 and he explored taking various sumsof those numbers.
``This supercomputer is great,'' remarked Chip. ``I only wish Timothy werehere to see theseresults.'' (Chip moved to a new apartment, once one became available onthe third floor of theLemon Sky apartments on Third Street.)
The input will consist of at most 100 lines of text, each of whichcontains a single VeryLongInteger.Each VeryLongInteger will be 100 or fewer characters in length, and willonly contain digits (no VeryLongInteger will be negative).
The final input line will contain a single zero on a line by itself.
Your program should output the sum of the VeryLongIntegers given in the input.
Sample Input
123456789012345678901234567890 123456789012345678901234567890 123456789012345678901234567890 0
Sample Output
题意: 大数相加~ 做法: 看AC的代码, 顺带注释, 容易懂的~ 另注:写了两份, 第一份AC之后发现代码不完美, 999999999999999 + 1计算不来 虽然AC了, 但是是由于黑盒子数据太弱了, 于是又重写了一份, 终于可计算999999999999999 + 1了 原因出在: 一个是每次加完都判断进位, 导致没有考虑到进位的连锁反应, 如999999999999999 + 1, 会一直进位 所以, 后来改成了全部累加完后, 统一进行进位, 就无懈可击了~ AC代码(无懈可击版, 样例999999999999999 + 1可行):
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int ans[1001]; int main() { char num[101]; char ch; int len; //初始化答案数组~ for(int i = 0; i < 1001; i++) ans[i] = 0; while(gets(num) != NULL) { //结束并输出的标志 if(num[0] == '0') break; len = strlen(num); //num数组倒序 for(int i = 0; i < len/2; i++) { ch = num[i]; num[i] = num[len - 1 - i]; num[len - 1 - i] = ch; } //先累加~ for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) ans[i] += (num[i] - '0'); } //跳出后, 把累加的数值进行处理, 该进位的进~ for(int i = 0; i <= 999; i++) { ans[i+1] += ans[i] / 10; ans[i] = ans[i] % 10; } //从末尾开始找, 找到第一个非零数位置 int pos; for(int i = 1000; i >= 0; i--) { if(ans[i] != 0) { pos = i; break; } } //从该位置倒序输出~ for(int i = pos; i >= 0; i--) printf("%d", ans[i]); printf("\n"); return 0; }
AC代码(有漏洞版, 很久以前写的, 比较搓, 样例999999999999999 + 1不可通过)
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main(){ int i, t, l, n; int Sum, sum[1001]; char add[101]; for (i = 0; i < 1001; i++) sum[i] = 0; while (gets(add)){ if (strcmp(add,"0") == 0) break; l = strlen(add); //add字符数组的倒序: for (i = 0; i < l/2; i++){ t = add[i]; add[i] = add[l-i-1]; add[l-i-1] = t; } //累加到sum数组: for (i = 0; i < l; i++){ Sum = add[i]-'0' + sum[i]; sum[i+1] = Sum / 10 + sum[i+1]; sum[i] = Sum % 10; } } //处理一:对sum数组从最后面开始寻找第一个非零数,标记 for (i = 1000; i >= 0; i--){ if (sum[i] != 0){ n = i; break; } } //处理二:倒序输出~(yes) for (i = n; i >= 0; i--) printf("%d",sum[i]); printf("\n"); return 0; }