win32多线程-异步(asynchronous) I/O
异步(asynchronous) I/O在win32多线程程序设计中被称为overlapped I/O,是win32的一项技术,你可以要求操作系统为你传送数据,并且在传送完毕时通知你。这项技术使你的程序在I/O进行过程中仍然能够继续处理事务。事实上,操作系统内部正是以多线程完成overlapped I/O,你可以获得线程的所有利益,而不需要付出什么痛苦代价。
异步(asynchronous) I/O事例:
/* * IoByEvnt.c * * Sample code for Multithreading Applications in Win32 * This is from Chapter 6, Listing 6-2 * * Demonstrates how to use event objects instead of * file handles to signal multiple outstanding * overlapped operation on a file. */ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <windows.h> #include "MtVerify.h" // // Constants // #define MAX_REQUESTS 5 #define READ_SIZE 512 #define MAX_TRY_COUNT 5 // // Function prototypes // int QueueRequest(int nIndex, DWORD dwLocation, DWORD dwAmount); void CheckOsVersion(); // // Global variables // // Need to keep the events in their own array // so we can wait on them. HANDLE ghEvents[MAX_REQUESTS]; // Keep track of each individual I/O operation OVERLAPPED gOverlapped[MAX_REQUESTS]; // Handle to the file of interest. HANDLE ghFile; // Need a place to put all this data char gBuffers[MAX_REQUESTS][READ_SIZE]; int main() { int i; BOOL rc; char szPath[MAX_PATH]; CheckOsVersion(); GetWindowsDirectory(szPath, sizeof(szPath)); strcat(szPath, "\\WINHLP32.EXE"); // Open the file for overlapped reads ghFile = CreateFile( szPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL ); if (ghFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("Could not open %s\n", szPath); return -1; } for (i=0; i<MAX_REQUESTS; i++) { // Read some bytes every few K QueueRequest(i, i*16384, READ_SIZE); } printf("QUEUED!!\n"); // Wait for all the operations to complete. MTVERIFY( WaitForMultipleObjects( MAX_REQUESTS, ghEvents, TRUE, INFINITE ) != WAIT_FAILED ); // Describe what just happened. for (i=0; i<MAX_REQUESTS; i++) { DWORD dwNumread; rc = GetOverlappedResult( ghFile, &gOverlapped[i], &dwNumread, FALSE ); /************************************************************************/ /*调用GetOverlappedResult(),你获得的结果和“调用ReadFile()或WriteFile()而没有 指定overlapped I/O”所返回的东西一样,这个函数的价值在于,在文件操作真正完成之前, 你不可能确实知道它是否成功。 如果overlapped操作成功,此函数传回TRUE,失败则传回FALS。 如果GetOverlappedResult(,,, BOOL bWait)中的bWait为FALSE而overlapped还是没有完成, GetLastError()返回ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE. */ /************************************************************************/ printf("Read #%d returned %d. %d bytes were read.\n", i, rc, dwNumread); CloseHandle(gOverlapped[i].hEvent); } CloseHandle(ghFile); getchar(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* * Call ReadFile to start an overlapped request. * Make sure we handle errors that are recoverable. * Properly set up the event object for this operation. */ int QueueRequest(int nIndex, DWORD dwLocation, DWORD dwAmount) { int i; BOOL rc; DWORD dwNumread; DWORD err; MTVERIFY( ghEvents[nIndex] = CreateEvent( NULL, // No security TRUE, // Manual reset - extremely important! FALSE, // Initially set Event to non-signaled state NULL // No name ) ); gOverlapped[nIndex].hEvent = ghEvents[nIndex]; gOverlapped[nIndex].Offset = dwLocation; for (i=0; i<MAX_TRY_COUNT; i++) { rc = ReadFile( ghFile, gBuffers[nIndex], dwAmount, &dwNumread, &gOverlapped[nIndex] ); // Handle success if (rc) { printf("Read #%d completed immediately.\n", nIndex); return TRUE; } err = GetLastError(); // Handle the error that isn't an error. rc is zero here. if (err == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { // asynchronous i/o is still in progress printf("Read #%d queued for overlapped I/O.\n", nIndex); return TRUE; } // Handle recoverable error if ( err == ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER || err == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA || err == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ) { Sleep(50); // Wait around and try later continue; } // Give up on fatal error. break; } printf("ReadFile failed.\n"); return -1; } // // Make sure we are running under an operating // system that supports overlapped I/O to files. // void CheckOsVersion() { OSVERSIONINFO ver; BOOL bResult; ver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); bResult = GetVersionEx((LPOSVERSIONINFO) &ver); if ( (!bResult) || (ver.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) ) { fprintf(stderr, "IoByEvnt must be run under Windows NT.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } }