query deleted datarows: select * from 表名 as of timestamp to_timestamp('删除时间点','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') //Needs Auth [flash any table] data table flashback: alter table 表名 enable row movement; //then flashback table 表名 to timestamp to_timestamp(删除时间点','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'); database flashback: alter database flashback on flashback database to scn SCNNO; flashback database to timestamp to_timestamp('2007-2-12 12:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'); query droped tables; select table_name,dropped from user_tables select object_name,original_name,type,droptime from user_recyclebin restore droped table: flashback table 原表名 to before drop flashback table "回收站中的表名(如:Bin$DSbdfd4rdfdfdfegdfsf==$0)" to before drop rename to 新表名 不使用安全机制,delete/drop时直接释放空间,purge(净化) drop table 表名 purge 删除表 drop table emp cascade constraints purge table emp; 删除当前用户的回收站: purge recyclebin; 删除所有用户在回收站: purge dba_recyclebin