
                                                                       Report Viewer Controls(Visual Studio)
Microsoft visual studio 2005包含了报表设计和浏览控件,使用这些控件可以很方便的在你的应用程序中添加各式各样的报表功能。报表可能包含表格、汇总和多维数据。ReportViewer用来在你的应用程序中处理和显示这些报表。这个控件有两个版本,ReportViewer Web Server Control 和ReportViewer WinForm Control.分别用于ASP.NET程序和Form程序。

a.Local processing mode refers to report processing that is performed by the ReportViewer control in the client application. All report processing is performed as a local process using data that your application provides. To create the reports used in local processing mode, you use the Report project template in Visual Studio. For more information, see Configuring ReportViewer for Local Processing.
(Local processing mode 表示由客户端应用程序中的ReportViewer Control来负责报表的生成。报表生成将由一个本地进程负责,数据使用客户端应用程序提供的数据。创建Local processing mode 报表可以使用Visual Studio 的Report Project 模板.)

To use a ReportViewer control in your application, you must know how to add the control to your project form or Web page, configure the control to use a local report definition or server report, update data source references, and test and deploy the reports and control in your application. Walkthroughs are provided to help you learn these core skills. For more information, see Samples and Walkthroughs.
(想要在你的应用程序中使用Reportviewer control你必须知道怎样添加控件到你的窗体或者WEB页上,怎样配置控件是使用Server Mode还是Local Mode,怎样配置数据源,怎样测试和发布你的报表和应用程序。微软提供了一些Walkthroughs来帮助你学习这些核心技能。)

posted @ 2006-04-14 08:45  riordan  阅读(947)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报