使用MVC Razor生成格式良好的HTML Body作为邮件内容
PS: 实例化邮件类MailMessage有一个属性IsBodyHtml指示邮件正文是否是HTML格式。
我想利用Razor View的Model Binding / Rendering功能为我从ASP.NET MVC应用程序发送的电子邮件生成HTML Body Content。
public ActionResult SendEmail(int id) { EmailDetailsViewModel emailDetails = EmailDetailsViewModel().CreateEmailDetails(id); // THIS IS WHERE I NEED HELP... // I want to pass my ViewModel (emailDetails) to my View (EmailBodyRazorView) but instead of Rending that to the Response stream I want to capture the output and pass it to an email client. string htmlEmailBody = View("EmailBodyRazorView", emailDetails).ToString(); // Once I have the htmlEmail body I'm good to go. I've got a utilityt that will send the email for me. MyEmailUtility.SmtpSendEmail("stevejobs@apple.com", "Email Subject", htmlEmailBody); // Redirect another Action that will return a page to the user confirming the email was sent. return RedirectToAction("ConfirmationEmailWasSent"); }
public string ToHtml(string viewToRender, ViewDataDictionary viewData, ControllerContext controllerContext) { var result = ViewEngines.Engines.FindView(controllerContext, viewToRender, null); StringWriter output; using (output = new StringWriter()) { var viewContext = new ViewContext(controllerContext, result.View, viewData, controllerContext.Controller.TempData, output); result.View.Render(viewContext, output); result.ViewEngine.ReleaseView(controllerContext, result.View); } return output.ToString(); }
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