1 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 2 *& Report ZRICO_25 3 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 4 *& 5 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 6 7 report ztest_pdf2spool. 8 9 include fp_utilities. "#EC INCL_OK 10 11 data gv_cust_id type s_customer. 12 data: content type fpcontent. 13 data gs_outputparams type sfpoutputparams. 14 data: total_pages type fppagecount. 15 16 parameters: fpages type i modif id upl. 17 18 initialization. 19 20 start-of-selection. 21 22 23 perform upload_data. 24 25 perform set_outpars. 26 perform send_pdf_to_spool. 27 28 form send_pdf_to_spool. 29 30 data: size type i. 31 data: total_size type i. 32 data: spoolid type rspoid. 33 data: copies type rspocopies. 34 data: lifetime. 35 36 size = xstrlen( content ). 37 add size to total_size. 38 39 copies = gs_outputparams-copies. 40 lifetime = gs_outputparams-lifetime. 41 42 call function 'ADS_CREATE_PDF_SPOOLJOB' 43 exporting 44 dest = gs_outputparams-dest 45 pages = total_pages 46 pdf_data = content 47 name = gs_outputparams-dataset 48 suffix1 = gs_outputparams-suffix1 49 suffix2 = gs_outputparams-suffix2 50 copies = copies 51 immediate_print = gs_outputparams-reqimm 52 auto_delete = gs_outputparams-reqdel 53 titleline = gs_outputparams-covtitle 54 receiver = gs_outputparams-receiver 55 division = gs_outputparams-division 56 authority = gs_outputparams-authority 57 lifetime = lifetime 58 importing 59 spoolid = spoolid 60 exceptions 61 no_data = 1 62 not_pdf = 2 63 wrong_devtype = 3 64 operation_failed = 4 65 cannot_write_file = 5 66 device_missing = 6 67 no_such_device = 7 68 others = 8. 69 if sy-subrc <> 0. 70 message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno 71 with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. 72 endif. 73 74 message s060(ssfcomposer) with spoolid. 75 76 77 endform. " SEND_PDF_To_SPOOL 78 79 80 form upload_data. 81 82 include fp_spool_constants. 83 84 data: name type string, 85 filetype type char10, 86 filetable type filetable, 87 rc type i, 88 guiobj type ref to cl_gui_frontend_services, 89 uact type i. 90 data: datatab type table of ssfdata. 91 data: extension type string. 92 data: bin_filesize type i. 93 data: buffer type xstring. 94 95 extension = c_file_ext_pdf. 96 filetype = 'BIN'. 97 concatenate '*' extension into name. 98 create object guiobj. 99 100 call method guiobj->file_open_dialog 101 exporting 102 default_filename = name 103 changing 104 file_table = filetable 105 rc = rc 106 user_action = uact 107 exceptions 108 file_open_dialog_failed = 1 109 cntl_error = 2 110 error_no_gui = 3. 111 if uact = guiobj->action_cancel. 112 leave program. 113 endif. 114 115 read table filetable index 1 into name. 116 check sy-subrc = 0. 117 118 call function 'GUI_UPLOAD' 119 exporting 120 filename = name 121 filetype = filetype 122 importing 123 filelength = bin_filesize 124 tables 125 data_tab = datatab 126 exceptions 127 file_open_error = 1 128 file_read_error = 2 129 invalid_type = 3 130 no_batch = 4 131 others = 5. 132 if sy-subrc <> 0. 133 message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno 134 with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. 135 leave program. 136 endif. "#EC * 137 138 call function 'SCMS_BINARY_TO_XSTRING' 139 exporting 140 input_length = bin_filesize 141 importing 142 buffer = buffer 143 tables 144 binary_tab = datatab 145 exceptions 146 failed = 1 147 others = 2. 148 if sy-subrc <> 0. 149 message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno 150 with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. 151 leave program. 152 endif. 153 154 content = buffer. 155 total_pages = fpages. 156 157 endform. 158 159 form set_outpars . 160 161 data: ls_outpars type sfpoutpar. 162 163 call function 'FPCOMP_SHOW_DIALOG' 164 changing 165 ie_outpar = ls_outpars 166 exceptions 167 cancel = 1 168 usage_error = 2 169 system_error = 3 170 internal_error = 4 171 others = 5. 172 if sy-subrc <> 0. 173 message id sy-msgid type 'S' number sy-msgno 174 with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. 175 leave program. 176 else. 177 move-corresponding ls_outpars to gs_outputparams. 178 endif. 179 180 endform.
2.通过函数GUI_UPLOAD获取filelength / data_tab