AccessControlledArea (14x14) | |
Activate (14x14) | |
Active (14x14) | |
AdaptationTechnical (14x14) | |
Add (14x14) | |
AddFavorite (14x14) | |
AddFile (14x14) | |
AddParticipant (14x14) | |
AddRow (14x14) | |
AdvancedSearch (14x14) | |
Airplane01 (14x14) | |
AlertMessage (14x14) | |
Approve (14x14) | |
Area (14x14) | |
Attachment (14x14) | |
Auction (14x14) | |
AudioFile (14x14) | |
AudioFileAlias (14x14) | |
AutomatedTask (14x14) | |
AutomaticRating (14x14) | |
BatchProcessing (14x14) | |
BillMaterial (14x14) | |
BillMaterialItem (14x14) | |
Blog (14x14) | |
Boolean (14x14) | |
BoxTruck (14x14) | |
BusinessObject (14x14) | |
BusinessPartner (14x14) | |
BusinessProcess (14x14) | |
BusinessProcessStep (14x14) | |
BusinessScenario (14x14) | |
CallProcedure (14x14) | |
Cancel (14x14) | |
Cancelled (14x14) | |
Candidate (14x14) | |
Case (14x14) | |
ChAttachment (14x14) | |
ChCommentNote (14x14) | |
ChPriority (14x14) | |
ChTaskMessage (14x14) | |
ChangeNumber (14x14) | |
ChartArea (14x14) | |
ChartBubble (14x14) | |
ChartDotRadar (14x14) | |
ChartGroupHoriBar (14x14) | |
ChartGroupLine (14x14) | |
ChartGroupVertBar (14x14) | |
ChartHoriBar (14x14) | |
ChartHoriStackedBar (14x14) | |
ChartLine (14x14) | |
ChartMultiPie (14x14) | |
ChartPie (14x14) | |
ChartRadar (14x14) | |
ChartScattered (14x14) | |
ChartVertBar (14x14) | |
ChartVertBarLine (14x14) | |
ChartVertStackedBar (14x14) | |
CheckIn (14x14) | |
CheckOut (14x14) | |
CheckedOk (14x14) | |
CheckedOut (14x14) | |
CheckedOutByMe (14x14) | |
Class (14x14) | |
CollapseAll (14x14) | |
CollapseDriver (14x14) | |
ColumnResize (14x14) | |
ColumnSelected (14x14) | |
ColumnUnselected (14x14) | |
CommentNote (14x14) | |
Company (14x14) | |
Complete (14x14) | |
Compressor (14x14) | |
ConferenceSession (14x14) | |
Connected (14x14) | |
Constant (14x14) | |
Container (14x14) | |
Contract (14x14) | |
Copy (14x14) | |
CopyValue (14x14) | |
CreateNewReport (14x14) | |
Critical (14x14) | |
CustomActionType (14x14) | |
CustomExpressionType (14x14) | |
Cut (14x14) | |
DataConsistency (14x14) | |
DataVisualisation (14x14) | |
DatabaseLookUp (14x14) | |
DatabaseRule (14x14) | |
DatabaseRuleTemplate (14x14) | |
DecisionTable (14x14) | |
DecisionTree (14x14) | |
DefaultOverwritten (14x14) | |
DefaultValueSet (14x14) | |
Dehydrator (14x14) | |
Delete (14x14) | |
DeletedItem (14x14) | |
Dependencies (14x14) | |
DetailedSettings (14x14) | |
Devices (14x14) | |
Dial (14x14) | |
DifferentValueBefore (14x14) | |
Disconnected (14x14) | |
Display (14x14) | |
DocumentFile (14x14) | |
DocumentFileAlias (14x14) | |
DocumentFileTemplate (14x14) | |
DocumentList (14x14) | |
Done (14x14) | |
DoubleMinus (14x14) | |
DoublePlus (14x14) | |
Download (14x14) | |
Driver (14x14) | |
DropZone (14x14) | |
DuplicateInvoice (14x14) | |
DynamicExpression (14x14) | |
Edit (14x14) | |
EditAutomatically (14x14) | |
EditChangedItem (14x14) | |
EditedItem (14x14) | |
Element (14x14) | |
Empty (14x14) | |
Equipment (14x14) | |
EquipmentSettings (14x14) | |
ErrorMessage (14x14) | |
Escalation (14x14) | |
Exceptions (14x14) | |
ExeFile (14x14) | |
ExeFileAlias (14x14) | |
ExpandAll (14x14) | |
ExpandDriver (14x14) | |
ExpandMasterArea (14x14) | |
ExportToSpreadsheet (14x14) | |
ExpressionType (14x14) | |
Failure (14x14) | |
Family (14x14) | |
Faq (14x14) | |
Favorite (14x14) | |
Fax (14x14) | |
FeedUpdate (14x14) | |
File (14x14) | |
FileView (14x14) | |
FitToArea (14x14) | |
Flare (14x14) | |
Flow (14x14) | |
FolderFile (14x14) | |
FolderFileAlias (14x14) | |
FormFile (14x14) | |
FormFileAlias (14x14) | |
FormattedData (14x14) | |
Formula (14x14) | |
Forum (14x14) | |
ForwardedAlert (14x14) | |
ForwardedNotification (14x14) | |
ForwardedRequest (14x14) | |
ForwardedResponse (14x14) | |
ForwardedTask (14x14) | |
Function (14x14) | |
FunctionCall (14x14) | |
FunctionVariant (14x14) | |
Fund (14x14) | |
Gantt (14x14) | |
GanttChartAggregated (14x14) | |
GanttChartDetail (14x14) | |
GanttChartLegend (14x14) | |
GanttLayoutHorizontal (14x14) | |
GanttLayoutSingle (14x14) | |
GanttLayoutVertical (14x14) | |
GenericStructureObject (14x14) | |
GeographicalInfoSystem (14x14) | |
Glossary (14x14) | |
GreenLed (14x14) | |
Group (14x14) | |
GroupTechnical (14x14) | |
Heater (14x14) | |
Help (14x14) | |
HelpFile (14x14) | |
HelpFileAlias (14x14) | |
HideMasterArea (14x14) | |
HighPriority (14x14) | |
HintMessage (14x14) | |
History (14x14) | |
HtmlFile (14x14) | |
HtmlFileAlias (14x14) | |
HtmlFileTemplate (14x14) | |
IconTriangleBottom (14x14) | |
IconTriangleTop (14x14) | |
IfCase (14x14) | |
ImageFile (14x14) | |
ImageFileAlias (14x14) | |
ImportExport (14x14) | |
InProcess (14x14) | |
InProgress (14x14) | |
InactiveLed (14x14) | |
Inbound (14x14) | |
Inbox (14x14) | |
IncomingCall (14x14) | |
IncomingEmployee (14x14) | |
InheritedFrom (14x14) | |
InputSpecification (14x14) | |
InputStream (14x14) | |
Insert (14x14) | |
InspectionCharacter (14x14) | |
IntegrationTechnical (14x14) | |
Interface (14x14) | |
IntermediateMessage (14x14) | |
IsOpen (14x14) | |
Job (14x14) | |
JobPosition (14x14) | |
LTRText (14x14) | |
Less (14x14) | |
LessonUnitFolder (14x14) | |
LessonUnitFolderAlias (14x14) | |
LevelUp (14x14) | |
Location (14x14) | |
LocationZone (14x14) | |
Locked (14x14) | |
LockedByMe (14x14) | |
LockedCompletely (14x14) | |
Log (14x14) | |
LogicalComponent (14x14) | |
LowPriority (14x14) | |
MailFile (14x14) | |
MailFileAlias (14x14) | |
MaintenanceItem (14x14) | |
Manager (14x14) | |
Manifold (14x14) | |
MarkedForDeletion (14x14) | |
MasterAgreement (14x14) | |
Material (14x14) | |
Maximize (14x14) | |
MeasuringPoint (14x14) | |
MemberList (14x14) | |
Message (14x14) | |
Meter (14x14) | |
Minimize (14x14) | |
MinusMinus (14x14) | |
MissedCall (14x14) | |
MissingGoodsReceipt (14x14) | |
MissingInformation (14x14) | |
More (14x14) | |
MoveDown (14x14) | |
MoveItemToBottom (14x14) | |
MoveItemToTop (14x14) | |
MoveLeft (14x14) | |
MoveRight (14x14) | |
MoveUp (14x14) | |
MoveUpInHierarchy (14x14) | |
MultipleNode (14x14) | |
MultipleStructures (14x14) | |
Negative (14x14) | |
NewItem (14x14) | |
NewsFile (14x14) | |
NewsFileAlias (14x14) | |
NewsFileTemplate (14x14) | |
NoPictureAvailable (14x14) | |
Node (14x14) | |
NotStaffed (14x14) | |
Notification (14x14) | |
ObjectFamily (14x14) | |
ObjectOutdated (14x14) | |
ObjectReady (14x14) | |
ObjectSync (14x14) | |
ObjectVariant (14x14) | |
Objective (14x14) | |
Operation (14x14) | |
OrangeLed (14x14) | |
Order (14x14) | |
OrgChart (14x14) | |
OrgList (14x14) | |
OrgTreeView (14x14) | |
OrgUnit (14x14) | |
OtherOutlookEleFileAlias (14x14) | |
OtherOutlookElementFile (14x14) | |
Outbound (14x14) | |
OutgoingCall (14x14) | |
OutgoingEmployee (14x14) | |
OutputStream (14x14) | |
OverStaffed (14x14) | |
Overlapping (14x14) | |
OverlappingCollapse (14x14) | |
OverlappingExpand (14x14) | |
PartiallyPosted (14x14) | |
Paste (14x14) | |
PdfFile (14x14) | |
PdfFileAlias (14x14) | |
Performance (14x14) | |
Permit (14x14) | |
Person (14x14) | |
Personalize (14x14) | |
Phone (14x14) | |
Pipeline (14x14) | |
PlaintextFile (14x14) | |
PlaintextFileAlias (14x14) | |
PlaintextFileTemplate (14x14) | |
Planned (14x14) | |
Play01 (14x14) | |
PlusPlus (14x14) | |
PositionObsolete (14x14) | |
PositionOccupied (14x14) | |
PositionUnoccupied (14x14) | |
PositionVacant (14x14) | |
Positive (14x14) | |
Posted (14x14) | |
PracticeFile (14x14) | |
PracticeFileAlias (14x14) | |
PresentationFile (14x14) | |
PresentationFileAlias (14x14) | |
PresentationFileTemplate (14x14) | |
PriceVariance (14x14) | |
PrimaryOutput (14x14) | |
Print (14x14) | |
Process (14x14) | |
ProductionTools (14x14) | |
Program (14x14) | |
ProgressDone (14x14) | |
ProgressHalf (14x14) | |
ProgressOneQuarter (14x14) | |
ProgressOpen (14x14) | |
ProgressThreeQuarters (14x14) | |
ProjectFile (14x14) | |
ProjectFileAlias (14x14) | |
ProjectFileTemplate (14x14) | |
Pump (14x14) | |
QuantityVariance (14x14) | |
RTLText (14x14) | |
RandomNumber (14x14) | |
Range (14x14) | |
ReScheduling (14x14) | |
ReSequencing (14x14) | |
Recipe (14x14) | |
RecipeBuildingBlock (14x14) | |
Record (14x14) | |
Recurring (14x14) | |
RedDash (14x14) | |
RedLed (14x14) | |
RedSlash (14x14) | |
RedXCircle (14x14) | |
Redo (14x14) | |
Reject (14x14) | |
RelatedAlert (14x14) | |
RelatedNotification (14x14) | |
RelatedRequest (14x14) | |
RelatedResponse (14x14) | |
RelatedTask (14x14) | |
Reminder (14x14) | |
RemoteContent (14x14) | |
RemoteList (14x14) | |
Remove (14x14) | |
Remove01 (14x14) | |
RemoveItem (14x14) | |
RemoveParticipant (14x14) | |
RemoveRow (14x14) | |
ReorderTable (14x14) | |
ReplaceValue (14x14) | |
Report (14x14) | |
Request (14x14) | |
ResetToInitial (14x14) | |
Resource (14x14) | |
Response (14x14) | |
RestoreOriginalValue (14x14) | |
RowSelected (14x14) | |
RowUnselected (14x14) | |
Rule (14x14) | |
RuleSet (14x14) | |
SAPDocumentTemplate (14x14) | |
SafetyProtection (14x14) | |
Save (14x14) | |
SaveAndBack (14x14) | |
SaveAndNew (14x14) | |
SaveAsDraft (14x14) | |
Scheduled (14x14) | |
Search (14x14) | |
SecondaryOutput (14x14) | |
SelDependentAggregation (14x14) | |
Send (14x14) | |
SeparatorMachine (14x14) | |
Sequence (14x14) | |
SetAsRoot (14x14) | |
Ship (14x14) | |
ShipmentLocation (14x14) | |
ShoppingCart00 (14x14) | |
ShowLevelAbove (14x14) | |
Solution (14x14) | |
SpatialLocation (14x14) | |
Specification (14x14) | |
SpreadsheetFile (14x14) | |
SpreadsheetFileAlias (14x14) | |
SpreadsheetFileTemplate (14x14) | |
Staffed (14x14) | |
Structure (14x14) | |
StructureView (14x14) | |
SubOperation (14x14) | |
SubstitutedAlert (14x14) | |
SubstitutedNotification (14x14) | |
SubstitutedRequest (14x14) | |
SubstitutedResponse (14x14) | |
SubstitutedTask (14x14) | |
SuccessMessage (14x14) | |
Supplier (14x14) | |
Synchronize (14x14) | |
Table (14x14) | |
TableOperation (14x14) | |
Tag00 (14x14) | |
Tank (14x14) | |
TaskMessage (14x14) | |
TaxVariance (14x14) | |
TbDetail (14x14) | |
TbFilter (14x14) | |
TbQuery (14x14) | |
TbRefresh (14x14) | |
TbSettings (14x14) | |
TeamDriver (14x14) | |
TechicalPerformance (14x14) | |
TechnicalAvailability (14x14) | |
TechnicalDatabase (14x14) | |
TechnicalEvent (14x14) | |
TechnicalHost (14x14) | |
TechnicalInstance (14x14) | |
TechnicalMetric (14x14) | |
TechnicalSenario (14x14) | |
TechnicalSystem (14x14) | |
TextPad (14x14) | |
ThroughputAndBacklog (14x14) | |
Tractor (14x14) | |
Trailer (14x14) | |
Train (14x14) | |
Translate (14x14) | |
TrendConstant (14x14) | |
TrendDecreasing (14x14) | |
TrendIncreasing (14x14) | |
TrendStrongDownward (14x14) | |
TrendStrongUpward (14x14) | |
Truck (14x14) | |
Turbine (14x14) | |
Undo (14x14) | |
Unfavorite (14x14) | |
UnknownIPart (14x14) | |
UnknownStatus (14x14) | |
UnkownFile (14x14) | |
UnkownFileAlias (14x14) | |
Unlocked (14x14) | |
Upload (14x14) | |
Utilization (14x14) | |
UtilizationCollapse (14x14) | |
UtilizationExpand (14x14) | |
ValueWillChangeOn (14x14) | |
VectorFileTemplate (14x14) | |
VectorgraphicFile (14x14) | |
VectorgraphicFileAlias (14x14) | |
VerticalBarChart (14x14) | |
VideoFile (14x14) | |
VideoFileAlias (14x14) | |
Virtual (14x14) | |
VirtualFolderFile (14x14) | |
VirtualFolderFileAlias (14x14) | |
WaitingForApproval (14x14) | |
Warehouse (14x14) | |
WarningMessage (14x14) | |
WebService (14x14) | |
Well (14x14) | |
WellCompletion (14x14) | |
WhereUsed (14x14) | |
Wiki (14x14) | |
Workspace (14x14) | |
WorkspaceContent (14x14) | |
WrongReference (14x14) | |
XSLTransformation (14x14) | |
XmlFile (14x14) | |
XmlFileAlias (14x14) | |
XpsFile (14x14) | |
XpsFileAlias (14x14) | |
YellowLed (14x14) | |
ZipFile (14x14) | |
ZipFileAlias (14x14) |
2.ALV状态栏增加按钮:创建 / 修改 / 保存
方法INIT_ALV初始化,新增4个按钮:新增/修改/删除/保存 ,代码红色部分。
method init_alv . data: lo_nd_zsmm_mat type ref to if_wd_context_node, lo_cmp_alv type ref to if_wd_component_usage, lo_cmpif_alv type ref to iwci_salv_wd_table, lo_config type ref to cl_salv_wd_config_table. * alv component usage lo_cmp_alv = wd_this->wd_cpuse_alv_mat( ). if lo_cmp_alv->has_active_component( ) is initial. lo_cmp_alv->create_component( ). endif. * set data node lo_nd_zsmm_mat = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_zsmm_material ). lo_cmpif_alv = wd_this->wd_cpifc_alv_mat( ). lo_cmpif_alv->set_data( lo_nd_zsmm_mat ). * configure alv lo_config = lo_cmpif_alv->get_model( ). * table settings lo_config->if_salv_wd_table_settings~set_fixed_table_layout( value = abap_true ). lo_config->if_salv_wd_table_settings~set_visible_row_count( 11 ). lo_config->if_salv_wd_table_settings~set_width( '100%' ). lo_config->if_salv_wd_table_settings~set_footer_visible( if_salv_wd_c_table_settings=>footer_visible_on_demand ). lo_config->if_salv_wd_table_settings~set_scrollable_col_count( 11 ). lo_config->if_salv_wd_table_settings~set_read_only( abap_false ). lo_config->if_salv_wd_table_settings~set_data_check( if_salv_wd_c_table_settings=>data_check_on_cell_event ). lo_config->if_salv_wd_std_functions~set_view_list_allowed( abap_false ). lo_config->if_salv_wd_std_functions~set_pdf_allowed( abap_false ). lo_config->if_salv_wd_std_functions~set_edit_check_available( abap_false ). lo_config->if_salv_wd_std_functions~set_edit_insert_row_allowed( abap_false ). lo_config->if_salv_wd_std_functions~set_edit_append_row_allowed( abap_false ). lo_config->if_salv_wd_std_functions~set_edit_delete_row_allowed( abap_false ). * table toolbar data: lo_fun_add type ref to cl_salv_wd_function, lo_btn_add type ref to cl_salv_wd_fe_button, lo_fun_chg type ref to cl_salv_wd_function, lo_btn_chg type ref to cl_salv_wd_fe_button, lo_fun_del type ref to cl_salv_wd_function, lo_btn_del type ref to cl_salv_wd_fe_button, lo_fun_save type ref to cl_salv_wd_function, lo_btn_save type ref to cl_salv_wd_fe_button. lo_fun_add = lo_config->if_salv_wd_function_settings~create_function( 'BT_ADD' ). create object lo_btn_add. lo_btn_add->set_text( wd_assist->get_text( key = 'B01' ) ). lo_btn_add->set_image_source( value = '~Icon/AddRow' ). lo_fun_add->set_editor( lo_btn_add ). lo_fun_chg = lo_config->if_salv_wd_function_settings~create_function( 'BT_CHG' ). create object lo_btn_chg. lo_btn_chg->set_text( wd_assist->get_text( key = 'B02' ) ). lo_btn_chg->set_image_source( value = '~Icon/EditChangedItem' ). lo_fun_chg->set_editor( lo_btn_chg ). lo_fun_del = lo_config->if_salv_wd_function_settings~create_function( 'BT_DEL' ). create object lo_btn_del. lo_btn_del->set_text( wd_assist->get_text( key = 'B03' ) ). lo_btn_del->set_image_source( value = '~Icon/DeletedItem' ). lo_fun_del->set_editor( lo_btn_del ). lo_fun_save = lo_config->if_salv_wd_function_settings~create_function( 'BT_SAVE' ). create object lo_btn_save. lo_btn_save->set_text( wd_assist->get_text( key = 'B04' ) ). lo_btn_save->set_image_source( value = '~Icon/Save' ). lo_fun_save->set_editor( lo_btn_save ). * table columns and column header data: lt_columns type salv_wd_t_column_ref, ls_column type salv_wd_s_column_ref, lo_column type ref to cl_salv_wd_column, lo_header type ref to cl_salv_wd_column_header, lo_dropdown_by_key type ref to cl_salv_wd_uie_dropdown_by_key, lo_input_field type ref to cl_salv_wd_uie_input_field, lo_text_view type ref to cl_salv_wd_uie_text_view, lv_field_name type string, lv_length type i. lt_columns = lo_config->if_salv_wd_column_settings~get_columns( ). loop at lt_columns into ls_column. lo_column = ls_column-r_column. lo_header = lo_column->get_header( ). lo_header->set_ddic_binding_field( if_salv_wd_c_column_settings=>ddic_bind_none ). case ls_column-id. when 'MATNR'. "lo_column->set_width( value = '18' ). lo_header->set_text( value = wd_assist->get_text( key = 'A01' ) ). create object lo_input_field exporting value_fieldname = ls_column-id. lo_input_field->set_read_only_fieldname( value = 'FG_READ' ). lo_column->set_cell_editor( lo_input_field ). when 'ERNAM'. "lo_column->set_width( value = '12' ). lo_header->set_text( value = wd_assist->get_text( key = 'A02' ) ). when 'ERSDA'. "lo_column->set_width( value = '8' ). lo_header->set_text( value = wd_assist->get_text( key = 'A03' ) ). when 'MTART'. "lo_column->set_width( value = '4' ). lo_header->set_text( value = wd_assist->get_text( key = 'A04' ) ). create object lo_input_field exporting value_fieldname = ls_column-id. lo_input_field->set_read_only_fieldname( value = 'FG_READ' ). lo_column->set_cell_editor( lo_input_field ). when 'MBRSH'. "lo_column->set_width( value = '1' ). lo_header->set_text( value = wd_assist->get_text( key = 'A05' ) ). create object lo_input_field exporting value_fieldname = ls_column-id. lo_input_field->set_read_only_fieldname( value = 'FG_READ' ). lo_column->set_cell_editor( lo_input_field ). when 'MATKL'. "lo_column->set_width( value = '9' ). lo_header->set_text( value = wd_assist->get_text( key = 'A06' ) ). create object lo_input_field exporting value_fieldname = ls_column-id. lo_input_field->set_read_only_fieldname( value = 'FG_READ' ). lo_column->set_cell_editor( lo_input_field ). when 'MEINS'. "lo_column->set_width( value = '3' ). lo_header->set_text( value = wd_assist->get_text( key = 'A07' ) ). create object lo_input_field exporting value_fieldname = ls_column-id. lo_input_field->set_read_only_fieldname( value = 'FG_READ' ). lo_column->set_cell_editor( lo_input_field ). when 'GROES'. "lo_column->set_width( value = '32' ). lo_header->set_text( value = wd_assist->get_text( key = 'A08' ) ). create object lo_input_field exporting value_fieldname = ls_column-id. lo_input_field->set_read_only_fieldname( value = 'FG_READ' ). lo_column->set_cell_editor( lo_input_field ). when 'SPART'. "lo_column->set_width( value = '2' ). lo_header->set_text( value = wd_assist->get_text( key = 'A09' ) ). create object lo_input_field exporting value_fieldname = ls_column-id. lo_input_field->set_read_only_fieldname( value = 'FG_READ' ). lo_column->set_cell_editor( lo_input_field ). when 'WERKS'. "lo_column->set_width( value = '4' ). lo_header->set_text( value = wd_assist->get_text( key = 'A10' ) ). create object lo_input_field exporting value_fieldname = ls_column-id. lo_input_field->set_read_only_fieldname( value = 'FG_READ' ). lo_column->set_cell_editor( lo_input_field ). when 'EKGRP'. "lo_column->set_width( value = '3' ). lo_header->set_text( value = wd_assist->get_text( key = 'A11' ) ). create object lo_input_field exporting value_fieldname = ls_column-id. lo_input_field->set_read_only_fieldname( value = 'FG_READ' ). lo_column->set_cell_editor( lo_input_field ). when others. lo_column->set_visible( value = cl_wd_uielement=>e_visible-blank ). endcase. endloop. endmethod.
method bt_alv_fun . case r_param->id. when 'BT_ADD'. bt_add( ). "新增 when 'BT_CHG'. bt_chg( ). "修改 when 'BT_DEL'. bt_del( ). "删除 when 'BT_SAVE'. bt_save( ). "保存 when others. endcase. endmethod.
method bt_add . data: lo_nd_zsmm_mat type ref to if_wd_context_node, lo_el_zsmm_mat type ref to if_wd_context_element, ls_zsmm_mat type wd_this->element_zsmm_material. lo_nd_zsmm_mat = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_zsmm_material ). ls_zsmm_mat-fg_read = abap_false. "设置ALV字段值只读 ls_zsmm_mat-ersda = sy-datum. "日期 ls_zsmm_mat-ernam = sy-uname. "用户 lo_el_zsmm_mat = lo_nd_zsmm_mat->bind_structure( new_item = ls_zsmm_mat "new_item 结构新增 new_items 内表新增 set_initial_elements = abap_false "abap_false保留原始记录并新增行 index = 1 "第1行索引 ). lo_nd_zsmm_mat->set_lead_selection( lo_el_zsmm_mat ). data: lo_config type ref to cl_salv_wd_config_table, ls_field type salv_wd_s_field_ref, lt_field type salv_wd_t_field_ref. lo_config = wd_this->wd_cpifc_alv_mat( )->get_model( ). lt_field = cl_salv_wd_model_table_util=>if_salv_wd_table_util_fields~get_filtered_fields( lo_config ). "过滤清空 loop at lt_field into ls_field. ls_field-r_field->if_salv_wd_filter~delete_filter_rules( ). endloop. wd_this->wd_cpifc_alv_mat( )->refresh( ). "设置焦点 wd_this->wd_cpifc_alv_mat( )->set_focus( column = 'MATNR' index = 1 ). endmethod.
method bt_chg . data: lo_nd_zsmm_mat type ref to if_wd_context_node, lt_el_zsmm_mat type wdr_context_element_set, lo_el_zsmm_mat type ref to if_wd_context_element, ls_zsmm_mat type wd_this->element_zsmm_material, lt_zsmm_mat type wd_this->elements_zsmm_material, lo_api_controller type ref to if_wd_controller, lo_message_manager type ref to if_wd_message_manager. data: lv_iserror type abap_bool. clear: wd_this->gv_message. lo_api_controller ?= wd_this->wd_get_api( ). "消息 lo_message_manager = lo_api_controller->get_message_manager( ). lo_nd_zsmm_mat = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_zsmm_material ). "获取选择行数据 lt_el_zsmm_mat = lo_nd_zsmm_mat->get_selected_elements( including_lead_selection = abap_true ). if lt_el_zsmm_mat is initial. wd_this->gv_message = wd_assist->get_text( key = 'M01' ). lo_message_manager->report_error_message( message_text = wd_this->gv_message ). return. endif. clear: lt_zsmm_mat, lv_iserror. loop at lt_el_zsmm_mat into lo_el_zsmm_mat. clear: ls_zsmm_mat. lo_el_zsmm_mat->get_static_attributes( importing static_attributes = ls_zsmm_mat ). if ls_zsmm_mat-groes is initial. wd_this->gv_message = wd_assist->get_text( key = 'M02' ). lo_message_manager->report_error_message( message_text = wd_this->gv_message ). lv_iserror = abap_true. exit. endif. append ls_zsmm_mat to lt_zsmm_mat. endloop. if lv_iserror eq abap_true. return. endif. loop at lt_el_zsmm_mat into lo_el_zsmm_mat. clear: ls_zsmm_mat. lo_el_zsmm_mat->get_static_attributes( importing static_attributes = ls_zsmm_mat ). ls_zsmm_mat-fg_read = abap_false. lo_el_zsmm_mat->set_static_attributes( static_attributes = ls_zsmm_mat ). endloop. endmethod.
method bt_del . data: lo_window_manager type ref to if_wd_window_manager, lo_popup_window type ref to if_wd_window, lo_cmp_api type ref to if_wd_component, lt_text type string_table, lv_titlebar type string. lo_cmp_api = wd_this->wd_get_api( ). lo_window_manager = lo_cmp_api->get_window_manager( ). lv_titlebar = wd_assist->get_text( key = 'M03' ). wd_this->gv_message = wd_assist->get_text( key = 'M04' ). append wd_this->gv_message to lt_text. call method lo_window_manager->create_popup_to_confirm exporting text = lt_text button_kind = if_wd_window=>co_buttons_yesno message_type = if_wd_window=>co_msg_type_warning close_button = abap_false window_title = lv_titlebar window_position = if_wd_window=>co_center default_button = if_wd_window=>co_button_yes receiving result = lo_popup_window. try. lo_popup_window->popup_to_confirm->subscribe_to_button_event( controller = lo_cmp_api handler_name = 'HNDL_POP_YES' button = if_wd_window=>co_button_yes ). catch cx_wdr_rt_exception. endtry. try. lo_popup_window->popup_to_confirm->subscribe_to_button_event( controller = lo_cmp_api handler_name = 'HNDL_POP_NO' button = if_wd_window=>co_button_no ). catch cx_wdr_rt_exception. endtry. lo_popup_window->open( ). endmethod.
method hndl_pop_yes . data: lo_nd_zsmm_mat type ref to if_wd_context_node, lt_el_zsmm_mat type wdr_context_element_set, lo_el_zsmm_mat type ref to if_wd_context_element, ls_zsmm_mat type wd_this->element_zsmm_material, lt_zsmm_mat type wd_this->elements_zsmm_material, lo_api_controller type ref to if_wd_controller, lo_message_manager type ref to if_wd_message_manager. data: lv_iserror type abap_bool. field-symbols: <fs_zsmm_mat> type wd_this->element_zsmm_material. clear: wd_this->gv_message. lo_api_controller ?= wd_this->wd_get_api( ). "消息 lo_message_manager = lo_api_controller->get_message_manager( ). lo_nd_zsmm_mat = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_zsmm_material ). lo_el_zsmm_mat = lo_nd_zsmm_mat->get_element( ). "获取选择行数据 * lt_el_zsmm_mat = lo_nd_zsmm_mat->get_selected_elements( including_lead_selection = abap_true ). * if lt_el_zsmm_mat is initial. * wd_this->gv_message = wd_assist->get_text( key = 'M01' ). * lo_message_manager->report_error_message( message_text = wd_this->gv_message ). * return. * endif. clear: lt_zsmm_mat, lv_iserror. lo_el_zsmm_mat->get_static_attributes( importing static_attributes = ls_zsmm_mat ). lo_nd_zsmm_mat->get_static_attributes_table( importing table = lt_zsmm_mat ). loop at lt_zsmm_mat assigning <fs_zsmm_mat> where matnr = ls_zsmm_mat-matnr. delete lt_zsmm_mat. endloop. lo_nd_zsmm_mat->bind_table( lt_zsmm_mat ). lo_message_manager->report_success( message_text = wd_assist->get_text( key = 'M05') ). endmethod.