*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZRICO_CHTML *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Dynamic screen edit by rico *&实例程序名:SAPHTML_EVENTS_DEMO *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* report ycf_htmlviewer. types : begin of y_html, dataset(255) type c, end of y_html. data: e_data type y_html, ts_data type standard table of y_html, e_user type usr03, ok_code type sy-ucomm, w_uname type char20, w_url type char255, p_tabnm like dd03l-tabname, o_tabnm like dd03l-tabname, bdstr type string, p_barcd type c, r_p1 type c value 'X', r_p2 type c. data : ref_cont type ref to cl_gui_custom_container, ref_html type ref to cl_gui_html_viewer. data: html_control type ref to cl_gui_html_viewer, my_container type ref to cl_gui_custom_container, prog_repid like sy-repid, ui_flag type i, "#EC NEEDED edurl(2048), edframe(255), edaction(256), edgetdata(2048), edpostdataline(1024), myevent_tab type cntl_simple_events, myevent type cntl_simple_event, postdata_tab type cnht_post_data_tab, edquery_table type cnht_query_table, qtab type line of cnht_query_table. "#EC NEEDED data:begin of ddtb occurs 0, check type c, tabname like dd03l-tabname, fieldname like dd03l-fieldname, rollname like dd03l-rollname, keyflag like dd03l-keyflag, position like dd03l-position, datatype like dd03l-datatype, leng like dd03l-leng, ddtext like dd03t-ddtext, value type string, end of ddtb. data:ldtb like line of ddtb. data:cuscontainer_con type ref to cl_gui_custom_container, alv_grid_con type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid, ls_vari_con type disvariant, gt_fieldcat_con like lvc_s_fcat occurs 0 with header line, gs_layout_con type lvc_s_layo, lt_excl_func type ui_functions, g_repid like sy-repid, ls_stable type lvc_s_stbl. data:cuscontainer_mx type ref to cl_gui_custom_container, alv_grid_mx type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid, ls_vari_mx type disvariant, gt_fieldcat_mx like lvc_s_fcat occurs 0 with header line, gs_layout_mx type lvc_s_layo. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS cl_myevent_handler DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* class cl_myevent_handler definition. public section. methods: on_sapevent for event sapevent of cl_gui_html_viewer importing action frame getdata postdata query_table. endclass. "cl_myevent_handler DEFINITION data: evt_receiver type ref to cl_myevent_handler. "class define class lcl_event_receiver definition deferred. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* class lcl_event_receiver definition. public section. methods: handle_double_click for event double_click of cl_gui_alv_grid importing e_row e_column es_row_no. endclass. "lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION data event_receiver type ref to lcl_event_receiver. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * class lcl_event_receiver implementation *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* class lcl_event_receiver implementation. method: handle_double_click. perform vp_double_clk using e_row e_column es_row_no. endmethod. "handle_double_click endclass. "lcl_event_receiver implementation data:gr_event_handler type ref to lcl_event_receiver. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS cl_myevent_handler IMPLEMENTATION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* class cl_myevent_handler implementation. method on_sapevent. clear edaction. clear edframe. clear edgetdata. clear edpostdataline. edaction = action. edframe = frame. edgetdata = getdata. postdata_tab = postdata. if not postdata_tab is initial. read table postdata_tab index 1 into edpostdataline. endif. edquery_table = query_table. case action. * WHEN 'SHOW_FRAMESET'. * PERFORM load_frame_set. when 'submit_form_as_post_method'. clear:bdstr. loop at ddtb into ldtb. read table edquery_table into qtab with key name = ldtb-fieldname . if sy-subrc = 0. ldtb-value = qtab-value. concatenate bdstr ldtb-ddtext ldtb-value into bdstr separated by space. endif. modify ddtb from ldtb. clear:ldtb,qtab. endloop. when others. endcase. endmethod. "on_sapevent endclass. "cl_myevent_handler IMPLEMENTATION data:user_id type usr01-bname. initialization. g_repid = sy-repid. ls_stable-row = 'X'. ls_stable-col = 'X'. start-of-selection. perform f_get_username. call screen 9000. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module STATUS_9000 OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * PBO for 9000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* module status_9000 output. set pf-status 'STATUS'. perform f_genearte_html. perform html_container. perform tab_container. endmodule. " STATUS_9000 OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module USER_COMMAND_9000 INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * PAI for screen 9000 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* module user_command_9000 input. case ok_code. when ''. perform initial_data. when 'BACK'. leave to screen 0. when others. endcase. endmodule. " USER_COMMAND_9000 INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form initial_data *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form initial_data. if o_tabnm <> p_tabnm. select * into corresponding fields of table ddtb from dd03l where tabname = p_tabnm and comptype <> 'S'. sort ddtb by position. loop at ddtb. if ddtb-rollname = ''. select single ddtext into ddtb-ddtext from dd03t where tabname = ddtb-tabname and ddlanguage = sy-langu and fieldname = ddtb-fieldname. else. select single ddtext into ddtb-ddtext from dd04t where rollname = ddtb-rollname and ddlanguage = sy-langu. endif. if ddtb-fieldname = 'MANDT'. delete ddtb. else. modify ddtb. endif. clear:ddtb. endloop. o_tabnm = p_tabnm. endif. endform. "initial_data *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form F_GENEARTE_HTML *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * HTML code *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form f_genearte_html . clear:e_data. free ts_data. concatenate '<html><head> Dear:' sy-uname into e_data-dataset separated by space. append e_data to ts_data. if r_p1 = 'X'. e_data-dataset = '<br><img src="SAPLOGO.GIF" align=middle></br>'. elseif r_p2 = 'X'. e_data-dataset = '<br><img src="SAP_AG.GIF" align=middle></br>'. endif. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '</head><body><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '<style type="text/css">'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '.div-c{ width:200px; margin:0px;line-hight:10px;}'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '.div-a{ float:left; width:50px; border:1px solid #999; height:60px;margin:20px;line-hight:10px;}'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '.div-b{ float:right; width:120px; border:1px solid #999; height:60px;margin:20px;line-hight:10px;}'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '</style>'. append e_data to ts_data. "e_data-dataset = '<br><span style="font-size:500px">字体</span></br>'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '<br><h3>Dynamic QR-CODE:'. append e_data to ts_data. ********************************************************************************************* ******* 以下为二维码生成 ********************************************************************************************* if p_barcd = 'X'. e_data-dataset = '<script type="text/javascript" src="http://static.hdslb.com/js/jquery.min.js""></script>'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '<script type="text/javascript" src="http://static.hdslb.com/js/jquery.qrcode.min.js"></script>'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '<div id="code"></div>'. append e_data to ts_data. "unicode中文 由UTF-16转换为UTF-8 e_data-dataset = '<script type="text/javascript">'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'function utf16to8(str) {'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'var out, i, len, c;'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'out = "";'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'len = str.length;'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'c = str.charCodeAt(i);'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'if ((c >= 0x0001) && (c <= 0x007F)) {'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'out += str.charAt(i);'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '} else if (c > 0x07FF) {'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'out += String.fromCharCode(0xE0 | ((c >> 12) & 0x0F));'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F));'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 0) & 0x3F));'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '} else {'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'out += String.fromCharCode(0xC0 | ((c >> 6) & 0x1F));'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 0) & 0x3F));'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '}'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '}'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'return out;'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '}'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '</script>'. append e_data to ts_data. "e_data-dataset = '<script>$("#code").qrcode("http://www.helloweba.com");</script>'. append e_data to ts_data. "//任意字符串 e_data-dataset = '<script>$("#code").qrcode({ '. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = ' render: "table", '. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = ' width: 100, '. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = ' height:100, '. append e_data to ts_data. concatenate ' text: utf16to8("' bdstr '") ' into e_data-dataset. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '}); </script>'. append e_data to ts_data. endif. e_data-dataset = '</h3><br>'. append e_data to ts_data. ********************************************************************************************* ******* 以下为动态字段 ********************************************************************************************* concatenate 'Below is the dynamic fields from the data structure:' p_tabnm into e_data-dataset separated by space. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '<form method=post action="sapevent:submit_form_as_post_method">'. append e_data to ts_data. loop at ddtb where check = 'X'. concatenate '<div class="div-c"><p><font size="2" color="blue">' ddtb-ddtext '</p></div>' into e_data-dataset. append e_data to ts_data. concatenate '<div class="div-c"><p><font size="2" color="blue"><input type="text" name="' ddtb-fieldname '" value="' ddtb-value '" maxlength="' ddtb-leng '"></p></div>' into e_data-dataset. append e_data to ts_data. endloop. * e_data-dataset = '<label for="meeting">日期:</label><input type="date" name="user_date" />'. * append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '<br><input type=submit value="submit input using post method"></br></form>'. append e_data to ts_data. ********************************************************************************************* ******* 以下为打印部分 ********************************************************************************************* * e_data-dataset = '<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>'. * append e_data to ts_data. * e_data-dataset = '<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.PrintArea.js"></script>'. * append e_data to ts_data. * e_data-dataset = '<script>'. * append e_data to ts_data. * e_data-dataset = '$(document).ready(function(){'. * append e_data to ts_data. * e_data-dataset = '$("input#biuuu_button").click(function(){'. * append e_data to ts_data. * e_data-dataset = '$("div#myPrintArea").printArea();'. * append e_data to ts_data. * e_data-dataset = '});'. * append e_data to ts_data. * e_data-dataset = '});'. * append e_data to ts_data. * e_data-dataset = '</script> '. * append e_data to ts_data. * e_data-dataset = '<input id="biuuu_button" type="button" value="打印"></input> '. * append e_data to ts_data. * e_data-dataset = '<div id="myPrintArea">.....文本打印部分.....</div>'. * append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '<input id="btnPrint" type="button" value="打印" onclick="javascript:window.print();"/>'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '<input id="btnPrint" type="button" value="打印预览" onclick=preview(1) />'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '<style type="text/css" media=print>'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '.noprint{display : none }'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '</style>'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '<p class="noprint">不需要打印的地方</p> '. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '<script>'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'function preview(oper)'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '{'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'if (oper < 10) '. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '{'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'bdhtml=window.document.body.innerHTML;'. append e_data to ts_data. "//获取当前页的html代码 e_data-dataset = 'sprnstr="<!--startprint"+oper+"-->";'. append e_data to ts_data. "//设置打印开始区域 e_data-dataset = 'eprnstr="<!--endprint"+oper+"-->";'. append e_data to ts_data. "//设置打印结束区域 e_data-dataset = 'prnhtml=bdhtml.substring(bdhtml.indexOf(sprnstr)+18);'. append e_data to ts_data. "//从开始代码向后取html e_data-dataset = 'prnhtml=prnhtml.substring(0,prnhtml.indexOf(eprnstr)); '. append e_data to ts_data. "//从结束代码向前取html e_data-dataset = 'window.document.body.innerHTML=prnhtml;'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'window.print(); '. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'window.document.body.innerHTML=bdhtml; '. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '} else {'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = 'window.print(); '. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '}'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '}'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '</script>'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '<p>XXXXX</p>'. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '<!--startprint1-->要打印的内容<!--endprint1--> '. append e_data to ts_data. e_data-dataset = '</body></html>'. append e_data to ts_data. endform. " F_GENEARTE_HTML *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form F_GET_USERNAME *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * To get User name from Tcode *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form f_get_username . call function 'SUSR_USER_ADDRESS_READ' exporting user_name = user_id importing user_usr03 = e_user exceptions user_address_not_found = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc = 0. concatenate e_user-name1 e_user-name2 into w_uname separated by space. endif. endform. " F_GET_USERNAME *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module EXIT INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* module exit input. leave to screen 0. endmodule. " EXIT INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form tab_container *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form tab_container. clear:gt_fieldcat_con,gs_layout_con. refresh:gt_fieldcat_con. if cuscontainer_con is initial. create object cuscontainer_con exporting container_name = 'TBCON' exceptions cntl_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 create_error = 3 lifetime_error = 4 lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5 others = 6. create object alv_grid_con "定义alv及所在容器 exporting i_parent = cuscontainer_con exceptions error_cntl_create = 1 error_cntl_init = 2 error_cntl_link = 3 error_dp_create = 4 others = 5. create object gr_event_handler. set handler gr_event_handler->handle_double_click for alv_grid_con. endif. if gt_fieldcat_con[] is initial. perform get_fieldcat using: "'TABNAME' 'T' '' '表名', 'FIELDNAME' 'T' '' '字段名', 'VALUE' 'T' '' '值', 'DDTEXT' 'T' '' '描述', 'KEYFLAG' 'T' '' 'KEY'. * 'POSITION' 'T' '' '序号', * 'DATATYPE' 'T' '' '数据类型', * 'LENG' 'T' '' '长度'. gs_layout_con-zebra = 'X'. gs_layout_con-cwidth_opt = 'X'. gs_layout_con-stylefname = 'FIELD_STYLE'. gs_layout_con-no_toolbar = 'X'. gs_layout_con-box_fname = 'CHECK'. endif. call method alv_grid_con->set_table_for_first_display " 显示alv exporting is_layout = gs_layout_con is_variant = ls_vari_con i_save = 'A' it_toolbar_excluding = lt_excl_func changing it_fieldcatalog = gt_fieldcat_con[] it_outtab = ddtb[] exceptions invalid_parameter_combination = 1 program_error = 2 too_many_lines = 3 others = 4 . endform. "tab_container *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form get_fieldcat *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->ZD text * -->ZDBZ text * -->ZDET text * -->ZDMS text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form get_fieldcat using zd zdbz zdet zdms. if zdbz = 'T'. gt_fieldcat_con-fieldname = zd. gt_fieldcat_con-reptext = zdms. gt_fieldcat_con-checkbox = zdet. append gt_fieldcat_con. clear:gt_fieldcat_con. elseif zdbz = 'M'. gt_fieldcat_mx-fieldname = zd. gt_fieldcat_mx-reptext = zdms. gt_fieldcat_mx-checkbox = zdet. gt_fieldcat_mx-edit = zdet. if zd = 'ZFDTX' or zd = 'ZFLNM'. gt_fieldcat_mx-edit = 'X'. elseif zd = 'ZDFLG'. gt_fieldcat_mx-checkbox = 'X'. endif. append gt_fieldcat_mx. clear:gt_fieldcat_mx. endif. endform. "get_fieldcat_con *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form vp_double_clk *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->E_ROW text * -->E_COLUMN text * -->ES_ROW_NO text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form vp_double_clk using e_row type lvc_s_row e_column type lvc_s_col es_row_no type lvc_s_roid. read table ddtb index es_row_no-row_id. if ddtb-check = 'X'. ddtb-check = ''. else. ddtb-check = 'X'. endif. modify ddtb index es_row_no-row_id transporting check. perform f_genearte_html. perform html_container. endform. "vp_double_clk *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form html_container *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form html_container. if not ref_html is initial. "call method ref_html->free. clear:w_url. "free ref_html. "free ref_cont. endif. if ref_cont is initial. create object ref_cont exporting container_name = 'HTMLCONT' exceptions cntl_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 create_error = 3 lifetime_error = 4 lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5 others = 6. if sy-subrc <> 0. endif. endif. if ref_html is initial. ui_flag = cl_gui_html_viewer=>uiflag_no3dborder. " + cl_gui_html_viewer=>uiflag_noiemenu. create object ref_html exporting parent = ref_cont saphtmlp = 'X' uiflag = ui_flag lifetime = cl_gui_html_viewer=>lifetime_dynpro exceptions cntl_error = 1 cntl_install_error = 2 dp_install_error = 3 dp_error = 4 others = 5. if sy-subrc <> 0. endif. myevent-eventid = ref_html->m_id_sapevent. myevent-appl_event = 'X'. append myevent to myevent_tab. call method ref_html->set_registered_events exporting events = myevent_tab. create object evt_receiver. set handler evt_receiver->on_sapevent for ref_html. endif. call method ref_html->load_mime_object exporting object_id = 'HTMLCNTL_TESTHTM2_SAPLOGO' object_url = 'SAPLOGO.GIF' exceptions others = 1. call method ref_html->load_mime_object exporting object_id = 'HTMLCNTL_TESTHTM2_SAP_AG' object_url = 'SAP_AG.GIF' exceptions others = 1. call method ref_html->load_data exporting type = 'text' subtype = 'html' importing assigned_url = w_url changing data_table = ts_data exceptions dp_invalid_parameter = 1 dp_error_general = 2 cntl_error = 3 others = 4. if sy-subrc <> 0. endif. call method ref_html->show_url exporting url = w_url exceptions cntl_error = 1 cnht_error_not_allowed = 2 cnht_error_parameter = 3 dp_error_general = 4 others = 5. if sy-subrc <> 0. endif. * call method ref_html->do_refresh * exceptions cntl_error = 1. * * call method cl_gui_cfw=>dispatch. endform. "html_container
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