
PDP context

Posted on 2018-10-18 16:27  ricks  阅读(504)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

PDP context[edit]

The packet data protocol (PDP; e.g., IP, X.25, FrameRelay) context is a data structure present on both the serving GPRS support node (SGSN) and the gateway GPRS support node (GGSN) which contains the subscriber's session information when the subscriber has an active session. When a mobile wants to use GPRS, it must first attach and then activate a PDP context. This allocates a PDP context data structure in the SGSN that the subscriber is currently visiting and the GGSN serving the subscriber's access point. The data recorded includes

  • Subscriber's IP address
  • Subscriber's IMSI
  • Subscriber's Tunnel Endpoint ID (TEID) at the GGSN
  • Subscriber's Tunnel Endpoint ID (TEID) at the SGSN

The Tunnel Endpoint ID (TEID) is a number allocated by the GSN which identifies the tunnelled data related to a particular PDP context.


    There are two kinds of PDP contexts:


    1、Primary PDP Context

    Has a unique IP address associated with it

    2、Secondary PDP Context

    Shares an IP address with another PDP context (与其他的PDP context共享IP地址)

    Is created based on an existing PDP context (to share the IP address) (由已有的PDP context来创建)

    Secondary PDP contexts may have different Quality Of Service settings (第二个PDP context可能含有不同的QoS,比如在IMS会话建立时,与被叫节点协商QoS的时候,被叫反馈SDP Answer,然后主叫进行Secondary PDP context准备资源。)

    A total of 11 PDP contexts (with any combination of Primary and Secondary) can co-exist.

(最多可以有11个PDP contexts 共存)



1)MS通过PDP context的激活、修改、去激活信令流程实现会话管理。
    PDP context 激活流程用于建立用户面的分组传输路由;PDP context修改流程修改激活的PDP context的QoS(Quality of Service)和TFT(Traffic Flow Template),在发生RAU(Routing Area Update)时,也用于修改SGSN到GGSN之间的隧道路由;PDP context去激活则用于拆除激活的PDP。
