创建带 Custom Tool Part的Web Part

创建带 Custom Tool PartWeb Part

Creating a Web Part with a Custom Tool Part


Written by: Rickie Lee (rickieleemailyahoo.com)

Jan. 1, 2005

你可以使用custom tool part来为web part的属性创建custom user interfacecustom tool part可以很好超出缺省属性面板的特性。


创建custom tool part并与web part关联需要完成如下2个步骤:

1. Web Part class中增加GetToolParts方法(Web Part template提供了一个注释的示例代码)

Web Part class中重载WebPart基类的GetToolParts方法,GetToolParts方法返回引用新ToolPart对象的数组,新ToolPart对象将以在数组中的顺序显示在Web Part的属性面板中。如果Web Part需要,你可以显示多个ToolParts。需要注意的是,当你重载WebPart类的GetToolParts方法时,缺省的ToolPart对象(WebPartToolPartCustomPropertyToolPart)不能自动显示,因此你必须包含显示它们的代码。


缺省情况下,GetToolParts方法将返回CustomPropertyToolPartWebPartToolPart对象。CustomPropertyToolPart对象将显示内置的tool part,这些tool part用来显示定制属性(custom properties)。如果你想通过使用内置的tool part来显示一些web part的定制属性,你必须在GetToolParts方法的返回数组包含对CustomPropertyToolPart对象的引用。WebPartToolPart对象将显示Web Part所有基类属性。在Web Part开发人员重载该方法后,他不得不明确显示这些缺省tool parts


你可以在Web Part template中找到如下示例代码,该代码演示GetToolParts方法如何缺省实现。

/// <summary>

///      Gets the custom tool parts for this Web Part by overriding the

///          GetToolParts method of the WebPart base class. You must implement

///      custom tool parts in a separate class that derives from

///          Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.ToolPart.

///          </summary>

///<returns>An array of references to ToolPart objects.</returns>


// public override ToolPart[] GetToolParts()


//          ToolPart[] toolparts = new ToolPart[2];

//          WebPartToolPart wptp = new WebPartToolPart();

//          CustomPropertyToolPart custom = new CustomPropertyToolPart();

//          toolparts[0] = custom;

//          toolparts[1] = wptp;

//       return toolparts;



(1) 简单的字符串定制属性示例


/// This property will get and set a string value as a customer name

/// This will be available in a text box.


[Browsable(false),//Display the property in property pane

Category("CustomToolPartEx1"),//Create a Customer Details category in property pane

DefaultValue(""),//Assign a default value

WebPartStorage(Storage.Personal),//Make available in both personal and shared mode

FriendlyName("Customer Name"),//The caption display in property pane

Description("The name of the customer")]//The tool tip

publicstring CustomerName




                    return strCustomerName;




                    strCustomerName = value;





(2) 增加custom tool part对象后的GetToolParts方法:

/// <summary>

///      Gets the custom tool parts for this Web Part by

///          overriding the GetToolParts method of the WebPart

///      base class. You must implement custom tool parts in

///      a separate class that derives from

///          Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.ToolPart.

///          </summary>


/// An array of references to ToolPart objects.


public override ToolPart[] GetToolParts()


          ToolPart[] toolparts = new ToolPart[3];

          WebPartToolPart wptp = new WebPartToolPart();

          CustomPropertyToolPart custom = new CustomPropertyToolPart();

          toolparts[0] = custom;

          toolparts[1] = wptp;

          // This is the custom ToolPart.

            toolparts[2] = new CustomToolPart1 ();


          return toolparts;



2. 创建custom tool part class

Web Part class中重载GetToolParts方法后,你需要为custom tool part创建一个单独的class

第一步是增加一个新的Tool Part class

public class CustomToolPart1: Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.ToolPart



ApplyChanges方法应用custom tool part中的改变到关联的Web Part中,因为ApplyChanges是一个虚方法,因此你必须要重载并实现它。在用户点击属性面板上的OKApply按钮时,调用ApplyChanges方法,通过ApplyChanges方法传送更新的属性值到对应的Web Part


为了获取要更新Web Part属性值的引用,ToolPart class有一个明为ParentToolPane的存取属性,该属性返回ToolPane对象的引用。ToolPane对象保持当前选中Web Part的引用,SelectedWebPart对象返回当前Web Part对象。也就是可以通过ParentToolPane.SelectedWebPart属性来获取当前选择的Web Part


如下是ApplyChanges方法的重载代码,这里假设Web Part classCustomWebPart

该方法将输入的文本字符串内容返回到关联的Web Part


///Called by the tool pane to apply property changes to the selected Web Part.


publicoverridevoid ApplyChanges()


      // apply property values here

      //Get a reference to the web part class

      CustomWebPart cw1 =

(CustomWebPart)this.ParentToolPane.SelectedWebPart ;


      //Pass the custom text to web part custom property

      cw1.CustomerName = Page.Request.Form[strHTMLinputControlName];



重载custom tool partRenderToolPart方法:

如下的代码演示如何创建一个HTML输入控件,并将Web Part的定制属性值赋予给该控件


/// Render this Tool part to the output parameter specified.


///<param name="output"> The HTML writer to write out to ///</param>

protectedoverridevoid RenderToolPart(HtmlTextWriter output)


      // Establish a reference to the Web Part.

      // CustomWebPart is the web part class name.

      CustomWebPart customWebPartEx1 =



      //Create the input control

      output.Write("Enter the customer name: ");

      output.Write("<input name= '" + strHTMLinputControlName);


      //Assign the web part custom property value to the input


      output.Write("' type='text' value='" +

  SPEncode.HtmlEncode(customWebPartEx1.CustomerName) + "'>







1. Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies 2003 Software Development Kit

2. Gayan Peiris, Develop and Customize Web Parts with Custom Tool Parts, http://www.15seconds.com/issue/040427.htm



posted @ 2005-01-05 00:21  Rickie  阅读(1930)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报