Svcutil.exe – Generate the proxy class for the WCF client application

Svcutil.exe – Generate the proxy class for the WCF client application



Svcutil.exe can export metadata for services, contracts, and data types in compiled assemblies. The following commands show you how to export metadata and generate the proxy class from a compiled assembly.


1. Run Svcutil.exe on the compiled assembly to export metadata.

Svcutil.exe DemoService.dll


This command should generate the following files:


2. Use the WSDL file and XML schemas to generate the proxy class.

Svcutil /namespace:*, DemoClient.DemoService *.xsd /out:DemoProxy.cs


This command runs the svcutil utility again, but this time it uses the information in the WSDL file and all the schema files (*.xsd) to generate a C# source file containing a class that can act as a proxy object for the service. The namespace parameter specifies the C# namespace generated for the class. The svcutil utility creates two files:

DemoProxy.cs --- source code for the proxy class.

Output.config --- an example application configuration file for the client application. By default, the configuration file generates an endpoint definition with the basicHttpBinding binding.



posted @ 2007-06-24 22:55  Rickie  阅读(1772)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报