来自Ingo Rammer先生的Email-关于《Advanced .Net Remoting》

来自Ingo Rammer先生的Email-关于《Advanced .Net Remoting

An email from Mr. Ingo Rammer, regarding the book, Advanced .Net Remoting


本人不仅钦佩Ingo Rammer先生深厚的专业知识,更钦佩其雅量的性格。

I admire not only his profoundly professional knowledge, but also his generous nature.



Hi Rickie,


I'm very honored that you like my book and even more so by currently running community-translation to Chinese by wayfarer.


I've noticed a few days ago that you have a link to a CHM of the book on your blog (actually, I've seen it a few days earlier when you offered to email the CHM. I was one of the first in the comments ... dotnet_tech_guy@gmx.net is one of my aliases ;-))


Now, I know that this might come as a surprise to you ... but I just wanted to make sure that you know that this is actually an illegal copy which has been stolen from books24x7 and these guys can get quite upset (because they have to, else no publisher would give them online books .... tough story, I know, I know). 


【不方便公开,这里隐藏约30个单词】…… (reason: before this announcement, only Chinese developers could read your blog ... but nowadays, one can simply google for "Advanced .NET Remoting CHM" and go directly to the download. A lot of American, and European developers might do this. But the problem is: these guys can actually definitely afford the book, so I would be really prefer if they bought it instead so that I'll be able to continue writing books ;-)


Anyway ...  I would be really, very grateful if you could do me a favor and remove the download link from your blog and if you maybe could even contact the guy from XXX.XX HIDE WEB SITE NAME,隐藏网站名称】 to remove the CHM from his server it.


Thank you very much! If you ever have any .NET Remoting questions which are not answered in the book, feel free to email me at any time!




In-depth support and consulting for software architects and developers





I feel very sorry about this fault and feel reverence for what you said. I will remove all relevant download links at my log right now. In addition, I will try to contact that guy who provides a link at XXX.XX web site and let him stop the download link.


I really appreciate you write a wonderful book regarding .Net Remoting for us. I admire your professional knowledge and great writing skills. I have learnt a lot from your book and I’ve already ordered a book from amazon.com web site.


I also wish wayfarer, being good at .Net Remoting Framework and English, can translate that book into Chinese version soon. So Chinese developers can get it at an affordable price and enjoy this book, Advance .Net Remoting.








posted @ 2004-10-18 03:51  Rickie  阅读(5596)  评论(22编辑  收藏  举报