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Posted on 2005-04-22 16:56  Rickel  阅读(1654)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


Rickel Huang 2005-4-18





对于pasteHTML方法,只对TextRange有效,so需要先在该DivcreatRange() 以获得一个range


<table id="tblTest">
<td style="BORDER-RIGHT:#000000 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT:2px; BORDER-TOP:#000000 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT:2px; PADDING-BOTTOM:2px; BORDER-LEFT:#000000 1px solid; WIDTH:790px; PADDING-TOP:2px; BORDER-BOTTOM:#000000 1px solid">

<DIV ID='DivMailName' CONTENTEDITABLE="true" onkeypress = "if(window.event.keyCode==13) window.event.returnValue=false;">



--- 加入效果的代码:

 1                           var o = document.all('DivMailName');
 3                            o.focus();
 5                            var sel = document.selection;
 7                            var b = sel.createRange();
 9                            b.pasteHTML(szHTML);




DHTML 中的介绍:

CONTENTEDITABLE Attribute | contentEditable Property  Internet Development Index


Sets or retrieves the string that indicates whether the user can edit the content of the object.




Scripting object.contentEditable(v) [ = sCanEdit ]


Possible Values

sCanEdit String that specifies or receives one of the following values.inherit Default. Content's ability to be edited by user is inherited from object's parent.

false Content cannot be edited by the user.

true Content can be edited by the user.



The property is read/write. The property has a default value of inherit.



Child elements do not inherit this attribute unless they have layout. Use the hasLayout property to determine if an object has layout.


If this attribute is applied to a BODY element, it has the same effect as setting the designMode property of the document object.


Elements with the disabled attribute set to false do not respond to the contentEditable attribute.


If this attribute is applied to the A element, the default functionality of the A element will be lost while sCanEdit is set to the value of true.


If this attribute is applied to the MARQUEE element, the default functionality of the MARQUEE element will be lost while sCanEdit is set to the value of true.


Though the TABLE, COL, COLGROUP, TBODY, TD, TFOOT, TH, THEAD, and TR elements cannot be set as content editable directly, a content editable SPAN, or DIV element can be placed inside the individual table cells (TD and TH elements). See the example below.


pasteHTML Method  Internet Development Index


Pastes HTML text into the given text range, replacing any previous text and HTML elements in the range.






sHTMLText Required. String that specifies the HTML text to paste. The string can contain text and any combination of the HTML tags described in HTML Elements.


Return Value

No return value.



This method might alter the HTML text to make it fit the given text range. For example, pasting a table cell into a text range that does not contain a table might cause the method to insert a table element. For predictable results, paste only well-formed HTML text that fits within the given text range.


This method fails only when used inappropriately to paste HTML into a TEXTAREA element in Microsoft? Internet Explorer 5 and later.


This method is accessible at run time. If elements are removed at run time, before the closing tag is parsed, areas of the document might not render.


This feature might not be available on non-Microsoft Win32? platforms.