* ============================================================================
* Name : CCameraCapureEngine from CameraCaptureEngine.cpp
* Part of : CameraApp
* Description : Provides all still image releated methods.
* Interface to Symbian Onboard Camera API.
* Created : 05/06/2006 by Forum Nokia
* Version : 2.0
* Copyright: Nokia Corporation, 2006
* ============================================================================
#include "CameraCaptureEngine.h"
#include <AknViewAppUi.h>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <barsread.h>
#include <BitmapTransforms.h>
//#include "SB80a_S602ndFP2SC_barcode_decoder.h"
//typedef void (*EntryPointfuncPtr)(HBufC8* grayDate, TInt width, TInt height, HBufC8* text);
//class CSB80a_S602ndFP2SC_barcode_decoder;
_LIT( KSavingImage, "Saving image
" );
_LIT( KRecognizeImage, "Recoginzing image
_LIT( KImageSaved, "Image saved" );
_LIT( KImageRecognized, "Image Recognized" );
CBaseAppController& aController,
const TRect& aRect )
:CActive( EPriorityStandard ),
iController( aController ),
iZoomFactor( NULL ), iCapturePrepared( EFalse ),
iEncoder( NULL ),
iFrameImageData( NULL ), iCameraReserved( EFalse )
Description: C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code that might
Comments :
Return values: N/A
CCameraCaptureEngine::CCameraCaptureEngine( CBaseAppController& aController)
:CActive( EPriorityStandard ),
iController( aController ),
iZoomFactor( NULL ), iCapturePrepared( EFalse ),
iEncoder( NULL ), iCameraReserved( EFalse )
CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
iState = EEngineIdle;
CCameraCaptureEngine* CCameraCaptureEngine::NewL( CBaseAppController&
aController )
Description: Two-phased constructor.
Comments :
Return values: CCameraCaptureEngine object pointer
CCameraCaptureEngine* CCameraCaptureEngine::NewL(
CBaseAppController& aController, const TRect& aRect )
CCameraCaptureEngine* self =
new (ELeave) CCameraCaptureEngine( aController );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
Description: Destructor, free allocated resources
Comments :
Return values: N/A
if (iEncoder)
delete iEncoder;
if (iCamera)
delete iCamera;
if (iBitmapPortraitVF)
delete iBitmapPortraitVF;
if (iBitmapSave)
delete iBitmapSave;
// Cancel any outstanding request
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect)
Description: Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect)
iEikEnv = CEikonEnv::Static();
if ( !CCamera::CamerasAvailable() )
HandleError( KErrHardwareNotAvailable );
// camera index 0 (the main camera)
iCamera = CCamera::NewL( *this, 0 );
iCameraReserveComplete = ETrue;//No requests issued yet
// Gets information about the camera device. refer to SDK for more info.
iDisplayMode = DisplayMode();
iColorDepth = ImageFormat();
iColorDepthHW = ImageFormatMax();
TDisplayMode CCameraCaptureEngine::DisplayMode() const
Description: Returns default display mode
Comments :
Return values: Returns default display mode
TDisplayMode CCameraCaptureEngine::DisplayMode() const
TInt color;
TInt gray;
TDisplayMode displayMode = EColor4K;
// iEikEnv->WsSession().GetDefModeMaxNumColors( color, gray );
return displayMode;
CCamera::TFormat CCameraCaptureEngine::ImageFormat() const
Description: Returns camera image format to be used with current display
Comments :
Return values: Returns camera image format to be used with current display
CCamera::TFormat CCameraCaptureEngine::ImageFormat() const
switch ( iDisplayMode )
case EColor16M:
return CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M;
case EColor64K:
return CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K;
case EColor4K:
return CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K;
case EGray256:
return CCamera::EFormatMonochrome;
return CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K;
CCamera::TFormat CCameraCaptureEngine::ImageFormatMax() const
Description: Returns highest color mode supported by HW
Comments :
Return values: Returns highest color mode supported by HW
CCamera::TFormat CCameraCaptureEngine::ImageFormatMax() const
if ( iInfo.iImageFormatsSupported & CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M )
return CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M;
else if ( iInfo.iImageFormatsSupported & CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K)
return CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K;
else if ( iInfo.iImageFormatsSupported & CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K)
return CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K;
else if ( iInfo.iImageFormatsSupported & CCamera::EFormatMonochrome)
return CCamera::EFormatMonochrome;
else return CCamera::EFormatMonochrome;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::StopViewFinder()
Description: Stops view finding
Comments :
Return values: Stops view finding
void CCameraCaptureEngine::StopViewFinder()
if ( iCameraReserved && iCameraReserveComplete )
void CCameraCaptureEngine::DoViewFinderL()
Description: Starts view finding and prepares image capturing
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::DoViewFinderL()
//Default, always supported by API
if ( iZoomFactor && !iCapturePrepared )
//Camera released, restore zoom setting
iCamera->SetDigitalZoomFactorL( iZoomFactor );
if ( iInfo.iOptionsSupported & TCameraInfo::EViewFinderBitmapsSupported )
if ( iInfo.iOptionsSupported & TCameraInfo::EImageCaptureSupported
&& !iCapturePrepared )
//Request largest image
// test for supported colordepth
iCamera->PrepareImageCaptureL( ImageFormat(), 1);
// iCamera->PrepareImageCaptureL( iColorDepthHW, 0);
iCapturePrepared = ETrue;
// Start the view finding, and transfer the view finder data.
// Bitmaps are returned by MCameraObserver::ViewFinderFrameReady().
iCamera->StartViewFinderBitmapsL( iLandscapeSize );
else if (iInfo.iOptionsSupported & TCameraInfo::EViewFinderDirectSupported)
User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);//Not verified
//Image can be taken without viewfinding
if ( iInfo.iOptionsSupported & TCameraInfo::EImageCaptureSupported
&& !iCapturePrepared)
iCamera->PrepareImageCaptureL( iColorDepthHW, 0);
iCapturePrepared = ETrue;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::StartViewFinderL()
Description: Reserves camera, switches power on, and starts finally view
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::StartViewFinderL()
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SnapL()
Description: take a picture
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SnapL()
if ( iCameraReserved && iCameraReserveComplete && !iPowering )
//If the Engine is ready
// According to on-board camera API, MCameraObserver::ImageReady()
// will be called back when the following API is called.
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SetMode( TCameraState aMode )
Description: Sets engine's camera mode
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SetMode( TCameraState aMode )
iMode = aMode;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::DeleteEncoder()
Description: Destructs JPEG encoder
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::DeleteEncoder()
if (iEncoder)
delete iEncoder;
iEncoder = NULL;
if (iBitmapSave)
delete iBitmapSave;
iBitmapSave = NULL;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SaveImageL(TJpegQualityFactor aQuality,
const TFileName* aNewFilePathAndName, RFs* aFs)
Description: Converts and saves bitmap to JPEG image
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SaveImageL(TJpegQualityFactor /*aQuality*/,
const TFileName* aNewFilePathAndName, RFs* aFs)
if ( !iEncoder )
if ( aFs && aNewFilePathAndName )
// iEncoder = CImageEncoder::DataNewL( iBitmapBuf, KMimeType );
iEncoder = CImageEncoder::FileNewL(*aFs, *aNewFilePathAndName,
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// If it is not busy, start to do the conversion.
if ( !IsActive() )
// _LIT(Ktxt,"SymbianDll.DLL");//宏定义指定要调用的dll
// RLibrary library;//调用库函数类
// TFileName file;
// RFs fs;
// HBufC8* nBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(32);
// CBitmapScaler* nScaler = CBitmapScaler::NewL();
// EntryPointfuncPtr decode_barcode = NULL;
// CFbsBitmap* nDestBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
// CleanupStack::PushL(nDestBitmap);
// User::LeaveIfError(nDestBitmap->Create(TSize(640, 480), EGray256));
// nScaler->Scale(&iStatus, *iBitmapSave, *nDestBitmap);
// nDestBitmap->Save(*aNewFilePathAndName);
// User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
// file=Ktxt;
// User::LeaveIfError(library.Load(file));//如果失败就退出
// decode_barcode = (EntryPointfuncPtr)library.Lookup ( 1 );
// decode_barcode(nDestBitmap,640,480,nBuffer);
// library.Close();//关闭调用
iEncoder->Convert( &iStatus, *iBitmapSave );
iState = EConvertingImage;
// Update the status pane to "Saving image
iController.ShowConversionStatusL( KSavingImage );
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SaveImageL(TJpegQualityFactor aQuality,
const TFileName* aNewFilePathAndName, RFs* aFs)
Description: Converts and saves bitmap to JPEG image
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::RecBarcodeImageL()
TInt nSum = 0;
RLibrary library;//调用库函数类
TFileName file;
// HBufC8* nBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(32);
// CBitmapScaler* nScaler = CBitmapScaler::NewL();
TLibraryFunction functionWinsMain = NULL;
// CFbsBitmap* nDestBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
// CleanupStack::PushL(nDestBitmap);
// User::LeaveIfError(nDestBitmap->Create(TSize(640, 480), EGray256));
// nScaler->Scale(&iStatus, *iBitmapSave, *nDestBitmap);
// delete nScaler;
file = KDLLFILE;
functionWinsMain = library.Lookup( 1 );//查找入口程序 functionWinsMain 为获得程序的第一个导出函数
CImpCalculator* calculator = (CImpCalculator*)functionWinsMain();//实例化类
User::LeaveIfError( nSum = calculator->Sum(1,2) );
// iEncoder->Convert( &iStatus, *iBitmapSave );
iState = ERecognized;
iController.ShowConversionStatusL( KImageRecognized );
// SetActive();
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ReserveCameraL()
Description: Reserves camera
Comments : "ResereComplete" will get called after completion
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ReserveCameraL()
iStart = ETrue;
//Ongoing, no need to issue again
if ( iCameraReserved && !iCameraReserveComplete )
if ( !iCameraReserved && iCameraReserveComplete )
iCameraReserved = ETrue;
iCameraReserveComplete = EFalse;
iCamera->Reserve(); //Async
if ( iCameraReserved && iCameraReserveComplete )
if ( !iPowering )
iPowering = ETrue;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ReleaseCamera()
Description: Releases camera
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ReleaseCamera()
iStart = EFalse;
if ( iCameraReserved && iCameraReserveComplete )
iCameraReserved = EFalse;
iCapturePrepared = EFalse;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::PowerOff()
Description: Switches off camera power
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::PowerOff()
if ( !iPowering && iCameraReserved )
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ReserveComplete(TInt aError)
Description: reserve completes
Comments : Symbian Onboard Camera API observer, This happens after
CCamera::Reserve() is called
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ReserveComplete(TInt aError)
iCameraReserveComplete = ETrue;
if ( aError )
iCameraReserved = EFalse;
HandleError( aError );
if ( iStart )
iPowering = ETrue;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::PowerOnComplete(TInt aError)
Description: poweron completes
Comments : Symbian Onboard Camera API observer, This happens after
CCamera::PowerOn() is called
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::PowerOnComplete(TInt aError)
HandleError( aError );
iPowering = EFalse;
if ( iStart ) //The Operation is not cancelled
TRAPD( err, DoViewFinderL() );
HandleError( err );
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ViewFinderFrameReady(CFbsBitmap& aFrame)
Description: Switches off camera power
Comments : Symbian Onboard Camera API observer, This is called once
"StartViewFinderBitmapsL" is called
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ViewFinderFrameReady(CFbsBitmap& aFrame)
if ( iController.CameraMode() == ECameraPortraitMode )
TRAPD(ignore, ClipL(aFrame));
iController.ViewFinding( *iBitmapPortraitVF );
// Pass the Bitmap frame to the controller
iController.ViewFinding( aFrame );
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ImageReady(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,HBufC8* aData,
TInt aError)
Description: called when an image is ready
Comments : Symbian Onboard Camera API observer, This is called once
"CCamera::CaptureImage()" is called
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ImageReady(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,HBufC8*/*aData*/,
TInt aError)
TInt err(KErrNone);
if ( !aError )
iBitmapSave = aBitmap;
TRAP(err, DrawL());
HandleError( err );
HandleError( aError );
void CCameraCaptureEngine::FrameBufferReady(MFrameBuffer* aFrameBuffer,
TInt aError )
Description: called when a framebuffer is ready.
Comments : Symbian Onboard Camera API observer, This is called once
"CCamera::StartVideoCapture()" is called
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::FrameBufferReady(MFrameBuffer* /*aFrameBuffer*/,
TInt /*aError*/)
// We are not using video capture
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ClipL(const CFbsBitmap& aFrame)
Description: Clips the viewfinding iamges according to portrait mode size
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ClipL(const CFbsBitmap& aFrame)
TSize size = aFrame.SizeInPixels();
TInt x1 = (size.iWidth-iPortraitSize.iWidth)/2;
TInt x2 = x1+iPortraitSize.iWidth;
TInt y1 = (size.iHeight-iPortraitSize.iHeight)/2;
TInt y2 = y1+iPortraitSize.iHeight;
CFbsBitGc* fbsBitGc = CFbsBitGc::NewL(); //graphic context
CleanupStack::PushL( fbsBitGc );
CFbsBitmapDevice* portraitImageDevice =
CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( iBitmapPortraitVF );
fbsBitGc->Activate( portraitImageDevice );
fbsBitGc->BitBlt( TPoint(0,0), &aFrame, TRect(x1,y1,x2,y2) );
delete portraitImageDevice;
TRect CCameraCaptureEngine::Portrait( const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
Description: Calculates Portrait image size from bigger snapped image
remaining the aspect
Comments :
Return values: portrait size
TRect CCameraCaptureEngine::Portrait( const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
TRect portrait = TRect();
if ( aBitmap )
TSize size = aBitmap->SizeInPixels();
TInt portx =
iPortraitSize.iWidth * size.iWidth / iLandscapeSize.iWidth;
TInt porty =
iPortraitSize.iHeight * size.iHeight / iLandscapeSize.iHeight;
TInt x1 = (size.iWidth-portx)/2;
TInt x2 = x1+portx;
TInt y1 = (size.iHeight-porty)/2;
TInt y2 = y1+porty;
return portrait;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::DrawL()
Description: Draws captured image on the screen, modifies if needed
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::DrawL()
CFbsBitGc* fbsBitGc = CFbsBitGc::NewL(); //graphic context
CleanupStack::PushL( fbsBitGc );
if ( iController.CameraMode() == ECameraPortraitMode )
User::LeaveIfError( iController.GetSnappedImage().
Resize( iPortraitSize ));
User::LeaveIfError( iController.GetSnappedImage().
Resize( iLandscapeSize ));
CFbsBitmapDevice* bmpDevice =
CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( &iController.GetSnappedImage() );
fbsBitGc->Activate( bmpDevice );
if ( iController.CameraMode() == ECameraPortraitMode )
TRect portraitRect = Portrait( iBitmapSave );
//Shrink to snap image size
fbsBitGc->DrawBitmap( TRect(iPortraitSize), iBitmapSave,
portraitRect );
delete bmpDevice;
//Full color image
CFbsBitmapDevice* bmpDeviceSave =
CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( iBitmapSave );
CleanupStack::PushL( bmpDeviceSave );
fbsBitGc->Activate( bmpDeviceSave );
fbsBitGc->DrawBitmap( TRect(iPortraitSize), iBitmapSave,
portraitRect );
//To be saved
User::LeaveIfError( iBitmapSave->Resize( iPortraitSize ));
fbsBitGc->DrawBitmap( TRect(iLandscapeSize), iBitmapSave );
delete bmpDevice;
// StartToRecImage();
// Start to save the image.
TInt CCameraCaptureEngine::SetZoomFactorL(TBool aEnable)
Description: Sets zoom on/off
Comments :
Return values: N/A
TInt CCameraCaptureEngine::SetZoomFactorL(TBool aEnable)
TInt bitmapCount = ECameraZoomLimit - ECameraZoom2Uid;
//both 0 and 1 indicate that zoom functionality is not supported
if ( iInfo.iMaxZoomFactor != 0 && iInfo.iMaxZoomFactor != 1 )
if ( aEnable && iZoomFactor < iInfo.iMaxZoom )
if ( !aEnable && iZoomFactor > iInfo.iMinZoom )
iCamera->SetZoomFactorL( iZoomFactor );
//Zoom ind. bitmap offset
return ( iInfo.iMaxZoom > bitmapCount )?KErrNotFound:iZoomFactor-1;
if ( iInfo.iMaxDigitalZoomFactor != 0 && iInfo.iMaxDigitalZoomFactor != 1 )
if ( aEnable && iZoomFactor < iInfo.iMaxDigitalZoom )
if ( !aEnable && iZoomFactor > 0 )
iCapturePrepared = EFalse;
//Zoom ind. bitmap offset
return (iInfo.iMaxDigitalZoom>bitmapCount)?KErrNotFound:iZoomFactor-1;
return KErrNotFound;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::HandleError(TInt aError )
Description: Displays error message
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::HandleError(TInt aError )
TInt reason(KErrNone);
switch( aError )
case KErrNone:
reason = KErrNone;
case KErrNoMemory:
iEikEnv->HandleError( aError );
reason = ECameraOverflow;
case KErrInUse:
reason = ECameraInUse;
iController.HandleError( aError );
case KErrHardwareNotAvailable:
reason = ECameraHwFailure;
case KErrTimedOut:
reason = ECameraOverflow;
iEikEnv->HandleError( aError );
reason = ECameraOverflow;
if ( reason )
delete iBitmapSave;
iBitmapSave = NULL;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::DoCancel()
Description: Cancels the Active object
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::DoCancel()
if ( iState == EConvertingImage )
void CCameraCaptureEngine::RunL()
Description: called when an asynchronous request is completed
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::RunL()
if ( iStatus == KErrNone )
switch ( iState )
case EStartToSaveImage:
// case EStartToRecImage:
// {
// iController.RecogizeBarCodeImageL();
// break;
// }
case EConvertingImage:
DeleteEncoder(); //Release captured image file
// Shows the status to "Image saved"
iState = EConverted;
iController.ShowConversionStatusL( KImageSaved );
case ERecognizingImage:
// Shows the status to "Image saved"
iState = ERecognized;
iController.ShowConversionStatusL( KImageRecognized );
void CCameraCaptureEngine::StartToSaveImage()
Description: initiates a request to start to save an image
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::StartToSaveImage()
TRequestStatus* status=(&iStatus);
iState = EStartToSaveImage;
User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
void CCameraCaptureEngine::StartToRecImage()
Description: initiates a request to start to Recognize an image to barcode
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::StartToRecImage()
TRequestStatus* status = (&iStatus);
iState = EStartToRecImage;
User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
TBool CCameraCaptureEngine::IsImageConversionInProgress()
Description: returns whether the image conversion is in progress or not
Comments :
Return values: true if it is in progress
TBool CCameraCaptureEngine::IsImageConversionInProgress()
return ( iState == EConvertingImage || iState == EStartToSaveImage || iState == EStartToRecImage );
TEngineState CCameraCaptureEngine::GetEngineState()
Description: get the engine state
Comments :
Return values: return engine state
TEngineState CCameraCaptureEngine::GetEngineState()
return iState;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SetEngineState( TEngineState aState )
Description: set the engine state
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SetEngineState( TEngineState aState )
iState = aState;
TBool CCameraCaptureEngine::IsCameraUsedByAnotherApp()
Description: return whether the camera is being used another app.
Comments :
Return values: true if it is used by another app.
TBool CCameraCaptureEngine::IsCameraUsedByAnotherApp()
return (!iCameraReserved);
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ClientRectChangedL(TRect& aRect)
Description: Notify the engine if the client rect size changes
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ClientRectChangedL(const TRect& aRect)
// The given client rect size is the same as the landscape picture size
iLandscapeSize = aRect.Size();
// In portrait mode the height is the same, but the width needs to be
// calculated according to the aspect ratio
iPortraitSize = TSize(
(aRect.Size().iHeight * aRect.Size().iHeight / aRect.Size().iWidth),
iBitmapPortraitVF =
new (ELeave) CWsBitmap( iEikEnv->WsSession());
TInt createError = iBitmapPortraitVF->Create( iPortraitSize, iDisplayMode );
User::LeaveIfError( createError );
* ============================================================================
* Name : CCameraCapureEngine from CameraCaptureEngine.cpp
* Part of : CameraApp
* Description : Provides all still image releated methods.
* Interface to Symbian Onboard Camera API.
* Created : 05/06/2006 by Forum Nokia
* Version : 2.0
* Copyright: Nokia Corporation, 2006
* ============================================================================
#include "CameraCaptureEngine.h"
#include <AknViewAppUi.h>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <barsread.h>
#include <BitmapTransforms.h>
//#include "SB80a_S602ndFP2SC_barcode_decoder.h"
//typedef void (*EntryPointfuncPtr)(HBufC8* grayDate, TInt width, TInt height, HBufC8* text);
//class CSB80a_S602ndFP2SC_barcode_decoder;
_LIT( KSavingImage, "Saving image
_LIT( KRecognizeImage, "Recoginzing image
_LIT( KImageSaved, "Image saved" );
_LIT( KImageRecognized, "Image Recognized" );
CBaseAppController& aController,
const TRect& aRect )
:CActive( EPriorityStandard ),
iController( aController ),
iZoomFactor( NULL ), iCapturePrepared( EFalse ),
iEncoder( NULL ),
iFrameImageData( NULL ), iCameraReserved( EFalse )
Description: C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code that might
Comments :
Return values: N/A
CCameraCaptureEngine::CCameraCaptureEngine( CBaseAppController& aController)
:CActive( EPriorityStandard ),
iController( aController ),
iZoomFactor( NULL ), iCapturePrepared( EFalse ),
iEncoder( NULL ), iCameraReserved( EFalse )
CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
iState = EEngineIdle;
CCameraCaptureEngine* CCameraCaptureEngine::NewL( CBaseAppController&
aController )
Description: Two-phased constructor.
Comments :
Return values: CCameraCaptureEngine object pointer
CCameraCaptureEngine* CCameraCaptureEngine::NewL(
CBaseAppController& aController, const TRect& aRect )
CCameraCaptureEngine* self =
new (ELeave) CCameraCaptureEngine( aController );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
Description: Destructor, free allocated resources
Comments :
Return values: N/A
if (iEncoder)
delete iEncoder;
if (iCamera)
delete iCamera;
if (iBitmapPortraitVF)
delete iBitmapPortraitVF;
if (iBitmapSave)
delete iBitmapSave;
// Cancel any outstanding request
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect)
Description: Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect)
iEikEnv = CEikonEnv::Static();
if ( !CCamera::CamerasAvailable() )
HandleError( KErrHardwareNotAvailable );
// camera index 0 (the main camera)
iCamera = CCamera::NewL( *this, 0 );
iCameraReserveComplete = ETrue;//No requests issued yet
// Gets information about the camera device. refer to SDK for more info.
iDisplayMode = DisplayMode();
iColorDepth = ImageFormat();
iColorDepthHW = ImageFormatMax();
TDisplayMode CCameraCaptureEngine::DisplayMode() const
Description: Returns default display mode
Comments :
Return values: Returns default display mode
TDisplayMode CCameraCaptureEngine::DisplayMode() const
TInt color;
TInt gray;
TDisplayMode displayMode = EColor4K;
// iEikEnv->WsSession().GetDefModeMaxNumColors( color, gray );
return displayMode;
CCamera::TFormat CCameraCaptureEngine::ImageFormat() const
Description: Returns camera image format to be used with current display
Comments :
Return values: Returns camera image format to be used with current display
CCamera::TFormat CCameraCaptureEngine::ImageFormat() const
switch ( iDisplayMode )
case EColor16M:
return CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M;
case EColor64K:
return CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K;
case EColor4K:
return CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K;
case EGray256:
return CCamera::EFormatMonochrome;
return CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K;
CCamera::TFormat CCameraCaptureEngine::ImageFormatMax() const
Description: Returns highest color mode supported by HW
Comments :
Return values: Returns highest color mode supported by HW
CCamera::TFormat CCameraCaptureEngine::ImageFormatMax() const
if ( iInfo.iImageFormatsSupported & CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M )
return CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M;
else if ( iInfo.iImageFormatsSupported & CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K)
return CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K;
else if ( iInfo.iImageFormatsSupported & CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K)
return CCamera::EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K;
else if ( iInfo.iImageFormatsSupported & CCamera::EFormatMonochrome)
return CCamera::EFormatMonochrome;
else return CCamera::EFormatMonochrome;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::StopViewFinder()
Description: Stops view finding
Comments :
Return values: Stops view finding
void CCameraCaptureEngine::StopViewFinder()
if ( iCameraReserved && iCameraReserveComplete )
void CCameraCaptureEngine::DoViewFinderL()
Description: Starts view finding and prepares image capturing
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::DoViewFinderL()
//Default, always supported by API
if ( iZoomFactor && !iCapturePrepared )
//Camera released, restore zoom setting
iCamera->SetDigitalZoomFactorL( iZoomFactor );
if ( iInfo.iOptionsSupported & TCameraInfo::EViewFinderBitmapsSupported )
if ( iInfo.iOptionsSupported & TCameraInfo::EImageCaptureSupported
&& !iCapturePrepared )
//Request largest image
// test for supported colordepth
iCamera->PrepareImageCaptureL( ImageFormat(), 1);
// iCamera->PrepareImageCaptureL( iColorDepthHW, 0);
iCapturePrepared = ETrue;
// Start the view finding, and transfer the view finder data.
// Bitmaps are returned by MCameraObserver::ViewFinderFrameReady().
iCamera->StartViewFinderBitmapsL( iLandscapeSize );
else if (iInfo.iOptionsSupported & TCameraInfo::EViewFinderDirectSupported)
User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);//Not verified
//Image can be taken without viewfinding
if ( iInfo.iOptionsSupported & TCameraInfo::EImageCaptureSupported
&& !iCapturePrepared)
iCamera->PrepareImageCaptureL( iColorDepthHW, 0);
iCapturePrepared = ETrue;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::StartViewFinderL()
Description: Reserves camera, switches power on, and starts finally view
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::StartViewFinderL()
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SnapL()
Description: take a picture
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SnapL()
if ( iCameraReserved && iCameraReserveComplete && !iPowering )
//If the Engine is ready
// According to on-board camera API, MCameraObserver::ImageReady()
// will be called back when the following API is called.
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SetMode( TCameraState aMode )
Description: Sets engine's camera mode
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SetMode( TCameraState aMode )
iMode = aMode;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::DeleteEncoder()
Description: Destructs JPEG encoder
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::DeleteEncoder()
if (iEncoder)
delete iEncoder;
iEncoder = NULL;
if (iBitmapSave)
delete iBitmapSave;
iBitmapSave = NULL;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SaveImageL(TJpegQualityFactor aQuality,
const TFileName* aNewFilePathAndName, RFs* aFs)
Description: Converts and saves bitmap to JPEG image
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SaveImageL(TJpegQualityFactor /*aQuality*/,
const TFileName* aNewFilePathAndName, RFs* aFs)
if ( !iEncoder )
if ( aFs && aNewFilePathAndName )
// iEncoder = CImageEncoder::DataNewL( iBitmapBuf, KMimeType );
iEncoder = CImageEncoder::FileNewL(*aFs, *aNewFilePathAndName,
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// If it is not busy, start to do the conversion.
if ( !IsActive() )
// _LIT(Ktxt,"SymbianDll.DLL");//宏定义指定要调用的dll
// RLibrary library;//调用库函数类
// TFileName file;
// RFs fs;
// HBufC8* nBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(32);
// CBitmapScaler* nScaler = CBitmapScaler::NewL();
// EntryPointfuncPtr decode_barcode = NULL;
// CFbsBitmap* nDestBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
// CleanupStack::PushL(nDestBitmap);
// User::LeaveIfError(nDestBitmap->Create(TSize(640, 480), EGray256));
// nScaler->Scale(&iStatus, *iBitmapSave, *nDestBitmap);
// nDestBitmap->Save(*aNewFilePathAndName);
// User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
// file=Ktxt;
// User::LeaveIfError(library.Load(file));//如果失败就退出
// decode_barcode = (EntryPointfuncPtr)library.Lookup ( 1 );
// decode_barcode(nDestBitmap,640,480,nBuffer);
// library.Close();//关闭调用
iEncoder->Convert( &iStatus, *iBitmapSave );
iState = EConvertingImage;
// Update the status pane to "Saving image
iController.ShowConversionStatusL( KSavingImage );
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SaveImageL(TJpegQualityFactor aQuality,
const TFileName* aNewFilePathAndName, RFs* aFs)
Description: Converts and saves bitmap to JPEG image
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::RecBarcodeImageL()
TInt nSum = 0;
RLibrary library;//调用库函数类
TFileName file;
// HBufC8* nBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(32);
// CBitmapScaler* nScaler = CBitmapScaler::NewL();
TLibraryFunction functionWinsMain = NULL;
// CFbsBitmap* nDestBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
// CleanupStack::PushL(nDestBitmap);
// User::LeaveIfError(nDestBitmap->Create(TSize(640, 480), EGray256));
// nScaler->Scale(&iStatus, *iBitmapSave, *nDestBitmap);
// delete nScaler;
file = KDLLFILE;
functionWinsMain = library.Lookup( 1 );//查找入口程序 functionWinsMain 为获得程序的第一个导出函数
CImpCalculator* calculator = (CImpCalculator*)functionWinsMain();//实例化类
User::LeaveIfError( nSum = calculator->Sum(1,2) );
// iEncoder->Convert( &iStatus, *iBitmapSave );
iState = ERecognized;
iController.ShowConversionStatusL( KImageRecognized );
// SetActive();
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ReserveCameraL()
Description: Reserves camera
Comments : "ResereComplete" will get called after completion
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ReserveCameraL()
iStart = ETrue;
//Ongoing, no need to issue again
if ( iCameraReserved && !iCameraReserveComplete )
if ( !iCameraReserved && iCameraReserveComplete )
iCameraReserved = ETrue;
iCameraReserveComplete = EFalse;
iCamera->Reserve(); //Async
if ( iCameraReserved && iCameraReserveComplete )
if ( !iPowering )
iPowering = ETrue;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ReleaseCamera()
Description: Releases camera
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ReleaseCamera()
iStart = EFalse;
if ( iCameraReserved && iCameraReserveComplete )
iCameraReserved = EFalse;
iCapturePrepared = EFalse;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::PowerOff()
Description: Switches off camera power
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::PowerOff()
if ( !iPowering && iCameraReserved )
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ReserveComplete(TInt aError)
Description: reserve completes
Comments : Symbian Onboard Camera API observer, This happens after
CCamera::Reserve() is called
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ReserveComplete(TInt aError)
iCameraReserveComplete = ETrue;
if ( aError )
iCameraReserved = EFalse;
HandleError( aError );
if ( iStart )
iPowering = ETrue;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::PowerOnComplete(TInt aError)
Description: poweron completes
Comments : Symbian Onboard Camera API observer, This happens after
CCamera::PowerOn() is called
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::PowerOnComplete(TInt aError)
HandleError( aError );
iPowering = EFalse;
if ( iStart ) //The Operation is not cancelled
TRAPD( err, DoViewFinderL() );
HandleError( err );
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ViewFinderFrameReady(CFbsBitmap& aFrame)
Description: Switches off camera power
Comments : Symbian Onboard Camera API observer, This is called once
"StartViewFinderBitmapsL" is called
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ViewFinderFrameReady(CFbsBitmap& aFrame)
if ( iController.CameraMode() == ECameraPortraitMode )
TRAPD(ignore, ClipL(aFrame));
iController.ViewFinding( *iBitmapPortraitVF );
// Pass the Bitmap frame to the controller
iController.ViewFinding( aFrame );
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ImageReady(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,HBufC8* aData,
TInt aError)
Description: called when an image is ready
Comments : Symbian Onboard Camera API observer, This is called once
"CCamera::CaptureImage()" is called
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ImageReady(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,HBufC8*/*aData*/,
TInt aError)
TInt err(KErrNone);
if ( !aError )
iBitmapSave = aBitmap;
TRAP(err, DrawL());
HandleError( err );
HandleError( aError );
void CCameraCaptureEngine::FrameBufferReady(MFrameBuffer* aFrameBuffer,
TInt aError )
Description: called when a framebuffer is ready.
Comments : Symbian Onboard Camera API observer, This is called once
"CCamera::StartVideoCapture()" is called
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::FrameBufferReady(MFrameBuffer* /*aFrameBuffer*/,
TInt /*aError*/)
// We are not using video capture
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ClipL(const CFbsBitmap& aFrame)
Description: Clips the viewfinding iamges according to portrait mode size
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ClipL(const CFbsBitmap& aFrame)
TSize size = aFrame.SizeInPixels();
TInt x1 = (size.iWidth-iPortraitSize.iWidth)/2;
TInt x2 = x1+iPortraitSize.iWidth;
TInt y1 = (size.iHeight-iPortraitSize.iHeight)/2;
TInt y2 = y1+iPortraitSize.iHeight;
CFbsBitGc* fbsBitGc = CFbsBitGc::NewL(); //graphic context
CleanupStack::PushL( fbsBitGc );
CFbsBitmapDevice* portraitImageDevice =
CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( iBitmapPortraitVF );
fbsBitGc->Activate( portraitImageDevice );
fbsBitGc->BitBlt( TPoint(0,0), &aFrame, TRect(x1,y1,x2,y2) );
delete portraitImageDevice;
TRect CCameraCaptureEngine::Portrait( const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
Description: Calculates Portrait image size from bigger snapped image
remaining the aspect
Comments :
Return values: portrait size
TRect CCameraCaptureEngine::Portrait( const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
TRect portrait = TRect();
if ( aBitmap )
TSize size = aBitmap->SizeInPixels();
TInt portx =
iPortraitSize.iWidth * size.iWidth / iLandscapeSize.iWidth;
TInt porty =
iPortraitSize.iHeight * size.iHeight / iLandscapeSize.iHeight;
TInt x1 = (size.iWidth-portx)/2;
TInt x2 = x1+portx;
TInt y1 = (size.iHeight-porty)/2;
TInt y2 = y1+porty;
return portrait;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::DrawL()
Description: Draws captured image on the screen, modifies if needed
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::DrawL()
CFbsBitGc* fbsBitGc = CFbsBitGc::NewL(); //graphic context
CleanupStack::PushL( fbsBitGc );
if ( iController.CameraMode() == ECameraPortraitMode )
User::LeaveIfError( iController.GetSnappedImage().
Resize( iPortraitSize ));
User::LeaveIfError( iController.GetSnappedImage().
Resize( iLandscapeSize ));
CFbsBitmapDevice* bmpDevice =
CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( &iController.GetSnappedImage() );
fbsBitGc->Activate( bmpDevice );
if ( iController.CameraMode() == ECameraPortraitMode )
TRect portraitRect = Portrait( iBitmapSave );
//Shrink to snap image size
fbsBitGc->DrawBitmap( TRect(iPortraitSize), iBitmapSave,
portraitRect );
delete bmpDevice;
//Full color image
CFbsBitmapDevice* bmpDeviceSave =
CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( iBitmapSave );
CleanupStack::PushL( bmpDeviceSave );
fbsBitGc->Activate( bmpDeviceSave );
fbsBitGc->DrawBitmap( TRect(iPortraitSize), iBitmapSave,
portraitRect );
//To be saved
User::LeaveIfError( iBitmapSave->Resize( iPortraitSize ));
fbsBitGc->DrawBitmap( TRect(iLandscapeSize), iBitmapSave );
delete bmpDevice;
// StartToRecImage();
// Start to save the image.
TInt CCameraCaptureEngine::SetZoomFactorL(TBool aEnable)
Description: Sets zoom on/off
Comments :
Return values: N/A
TInt CCameraCaptureEngine::SetZoomFactorL(TBool aEnable)
TInt bitmapCount = ECameraZoomLimit - ECameraZoom2Uid;
//both 0 and 1 indicate that zoom functionality is not supported
if ( iInfo.iMaxZoomFactor != 0 && iInfo.iMaxZoomFactor != 1 )
if ( aEnable && iZoomFactor < iInfo.iMaxZoom )
if ( !aEnable && iZoomFactor > iInfo.iMinZoom )
iCamera->SetZoomFactorL( iZoomFactor );
//Zoom ind. bitmap offset
return ( iInfo.iMaxZoom > bitmapCount )?KErrNotFound:iZoomFactor-1;
if ( iInfo.iMaxDigitalZoomFactor != 0 && iInfo.iMaxDigitalZoomFactor != 1 )
if ( aEnable && iZoomFactor < iInfo.iMaxDigitalZoom )
if ( !aEnable && iZoomFactor > 0 )
iCapturePrepared = EFalse;
//Zoom ind. bitmap offset
return (iInfo.iMaxDigitalZoom>bitmapCount)?KErrNotFound:iZoomFactor-1;
return KErrNotFound;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::HandleError(TInt aError )
Description: Displays error message
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::HandleError(TInt aError )
TInt reason(KErrNone);
switch( aError )
case KErrNone:
reason = KErrNone;
case KErrNoMemory:
iEikEnv->HandleError( aError );
reason = ECameraOverflow;
case KErrInUse:
reason = ECameraInUse;
iController.HandleError( aError );
case KErrHardwareNotAvailable:
reason = ECameraHwFailure;
case KErrTimedOut:
reason = ECameraOverflow;
iEikEnv->HandleError( aError );
reason = ECameraOverflow;
if ( reason )
delete iBitmapSave;
iBitmapSave = NULL;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::DoCancel()
Description: Cancels the Active object
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::DoCancel()
if ( iState == EConvertingImage )
void CCameraCaptureEngine::RunL()
Description: called when an asynchronous request is completed
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::RunL()
if ( iStatus == KErrNone )
switch ( iState )
case EStartToSaveImage:
// case EStartToRecImage:
// {
// iController.RecogizeBarCodeImageL();
// break;
// }
case EConvertingImage:
DeleteEncoder(); //Release captured image file
// Shows the status to "Image saved"
iState = EConverted;
iController.ShowConversionStatusL( KImageSaved );
case ERecognizingImage:
// Shows the status to "Image saved"
iState = ERecognized;
iController.ShowConversionStatusL( KImageRecognized );
void CCameraCaptureEngine::StartToSaveImage()
Description: initiates a request to start to save an image
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::StartToSaveImage()
TRequestStatus* status=(&iStatus);
iState = EStartToSaveImage;
User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
void CCameraCaptureEngine::StartToRecImage()
Description: initiates a request to start to Recognize an image to barcode
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::StartToRecImage()
TRequestStatus* status = (&iStatus);
iState = EStartToRecImage;
User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
TBool CCameraCaptureEngine::IsImageConversionInProgress()
Description: returns whether the image conversion is in progress or not
Comments :
Return values: true if it is in progress
TBool CCameraCaptureEngine::IsImageConversionInProgress()
return ( iState == EConvertingImage || iState == EStartToSaveImage || iState == EStartToRecImage );
TEngineState CCameraCaptureEngine::GetEngineState()
Description: get the engine state
Comments :
Return values: return engine state
TEngineState CCameraCaptureEngine::GetEngineState()
return iState;
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SetEngineState( TEngineState aState )
Description: set the engine state
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::SetEngineState( TEngineState aState )
iState = aState;
TBool CCameraCaptureEngine::IsCameraUsedByAnotherApp()
Description: return whether the camera is being used another app.
Comments :
Return values: true if it is used by another app.
TBool CCameraCaptureEngine::IsCameraUsedByAnotherApp()
return (!iCameraReserved);
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ClientRectChangedL(TRect& aRect)
Description: Notify the engine if the client rect size changes
Comments :
Return values: N/A
void CCameraCaptureEngine::ClientRectChangedL(const TRect& aRect)
// The given client rect size is the same as the landscape picture size
iLandscapeSize = aRect.Size();
// In portrait mode the height is the same, but the width needs to be
// calculated according to the aspect ratio
iPortraitSize = TSize(
(aRect.Size().iHeight * aRect.Size().iHeight / aRect.Size().iWidth),
iBitmapPortraitVF =
new (ELeave) CWsBitmap( iEikEnv->WsSession());
TInt createError = iBitmapPortraitVF->Create( iPortraitSize, iDisplayMode );
User::LeaveIfError( createError );