ElasticSearch 2 (4) - API Convention

ElasticSearch 2.1.1 (4) - API Convention

The elasticsearch REST APIs are exposed using JSON over HTTP.

Mutiple Indices

Simple notation





Add & Remove


API support

  • ignore_unavailable

      true or false
  • allow_no_indices

      true or false		
  • expand_wildcards

      open or close
      none or all		

Data match support in index names

A date math index name takes the following form:

  • static_name

    is the static text part of the name

  • date_math_expr

    is a dynamic date math expression that computes the date dynamically

  • date_format

    is the optional format in which the computed date should be rendered. Defaults to YYYY.MM.dd.

  • time_zone

    is the optional time zone . Defaults to utc.

      curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/<logstash-{now%2Fd-2d}>/_search' {
        "query" : {

    The / used for date rounding must be url encoded as %2F in any url.


Given the current time is 22rd March 2024 noon utc.

        Expression                              |   Resolves to
        <logstash-{now/d}>                      |   logstash-2024.03.22
        <logstash-{now/M}>                      |   logstash-2024.03.01
        <logstash-{now/M{YYYY.MM}}>             |   logstash-2024.03
        <logstash-{now/M-1M{YYYY.MM}}>          |   logstash-2024.02
        <logstash-{now/d{YYYY.MM.dd|+12:00}}    |   logstash-2024.03.23     

Static {}:

<elastic\\{ON\\}-{now/M}> resolves to elastic{ON}-2024.03.01

Searches the Logstash indices for the past three days:

curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/<logstash-{now%2Fd-2d}>,<logstash-{now%2Fd-1d}>,<logstash-{now%2Fd}>/_search' {
  "query" : {

Common options

Pretty Results



Human readable outputedit

?human=false	("exists_time_in_millis": 3600000 or "size_in_bytes": 1024)

?human=true 	("exists_time": "1h" or "size": "1kb")

Date Math

  • range queries

      gt and lt
  • daterange aggregations

      from and to
  • expression

      now or ||


    • +1h - add one hour

    • -1h - substract one hour

    • /d - round down to the nearest day

    supported time units:

    y (year), M (month), w (week), d (day), h (hour), m (minute), and s (second)

  • examples

          now+1h              |   The current time plus one hour, with ms resolution.
          now+1h+1m           |   The current time plus one hour plus one minute, with ms resolution.
          now+1h/d            |   The current time plus one hour, rounded down to the nearest day.
          2015-01-01||+1M/d   |   2015-01-01 plus one month, rounded down to the nearest day.

Response Filtering

  • filter_path

      curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_search?pretty&filter_path=took,hits.hits._id,hits.hits._score'
        "took" : 3,
        "hits" : {
          "hits" : [
              "_id" : "3640",
              "_score" : 1.0
              "_id" : "3642",
              "_score" : 1.0
  • * wildcard

      curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_nodes/stats?filter_path=nodes.*.ho*'
        "nodes" : {
          "lvJHed8uQQu4brS-SXKsNA" : {
            "host" : "portable"
  • ** wildcard

      curl 'localhost:9200/_segments?pretty&filter_path=indices.**.version'
        "indices" : {
          "movies" : {
            "shards" : {
              "0" : [ {
                "segments" : {
                  "_0" : {
                    "version" : "5.2.0"
              } ],
              "2" : [ {
                "segments" : {
                  "_0" : {
                    "version" : "5.2.0"
              } ]
          "books" : {
            "shards" : {
              "0" : [ {
                "segments" : {
                  "_0" : {
                    "version" : "5.2.0"
              } ]
  • _source

      curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_search?pretty&filter_path=hits.hits._source&_source=title'
        "hits" : {
          "hits" : [ {
            "_source":{"title":"Book #2"}
          }, {
            "_source":{"title":"Book #1"}
          }, {
            "_source":{"title":"Book #3"}
          } ]

Flat Setting

  • true

        "persistent" : { },
        "transient" : {
          "discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes" : "1"
  • false (default)

        "persistent" : { },
        "transient" : {
          "discovery" : {
            "zen" : {
              "minimum_master_nodes" : "1"


Rest parameters (when using HTTP, map to HTTP URL parameters) follow the convention of using underscore casing.

Boolean Values

  • "false"

      false, 0, no and off
  • "true"


Number Values

Native JSON number types


Time units

        y       |   Year
        M       |   Month
        w       |   Week
        d       |   Day
        h       |   Hour
        m       |   Minute
        s       |   Second
        ms      |   Milli-second

Distance Units

        Mile            |   mi or miles
        Yard            |   yd or yards
        Feet            |   ft or feet
        Inch            |   in or inch
        Kilometer       |   km or kilometers
        Meter           |   m or meters
        Centimeter      |   cm or centimeters
        Millimeter      |   mm or millimeters
        Nautical mile   |   NM, nmi or nauticalmiles  

The precision parameter in the Geohash Cell Query accepts distances with the above units, but if no unit is specified, then the precision is interpreted as the length of the geohash.


  • Numberic, date and IPv4 fields

    Range Query

      -fuzziness <= field value <= +fuzziness


    • numberic

        2 or 2.0
    • date

        a long as milliseconds
    • string

    • ip

        a long or IPv4 address (will be converted into a long)
  • String fields

    Levenshtein Edit Distance

    • 0, 1, 2

    • AUTO

      For lengths:

      0..2 - must match exactly

      3..5 - one edit allowed

      >5 - two edits allowed

Result Casing

  • underscore casing (default)

  • camelCase

Note, this does not apply to the source document indexed.

Request body in query string

For libraries that don’t accept a request body for non-POST requests, you can pass the request body as the source query string parameter instead.

URL-based access control

config.yml file:

rest.action.multi.allow_explicit_index: false



posted @ 2016-01-28 15:58  Richaaaard  阅读(1158)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报